Am I the only one who suspects pedophiles on this website?

I've noticed that when a lot of Under 18 girls post in the Sexual Behavior Topics, men over 35 will be the most commented group of men. It disgusts me reading something a man over 35 sent to an underage girl asking something sexual. I've also seen a lot of pedophile related questions and its disgusting. Why don't you guys get help instead of use this website? You could be a danger to someone. It's no laughing matter. Am I the only one who notices this? Is anyone else annoyed by it?
+1 y
By the way, If you're a pedophile using this website. Please let me know on the comments so I can block you.
+1 y
I understand. I apologize, but now you know what I mean. If its an educational question about like sexual health, then yeah thats alright. But if a young girl is asking something dirty and sexual, I hope there aren't older men feeding into that and messaging her in order to reciprocate. I think older men, 35+ especially should be finding other things to do with their time.
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20 31
  • Yea... definitely... Im like 40 years old... and almost everyone here below 18

    • So why do you use this website? Don't you think it's strange?

    • @asker wow you're pretty aggressive. some of us use this site, because we feel like it. not hard to understand.

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  • In high school, my gym teachers, one male and one female, taught us health and sex education. They answered our questions too. They were both over 35, we were all well under 18. Does that make them dangerous pedophiles too?

    • No, but here's an example of one I've seen "what does it mean if I wake up wet down there" 35+ year old man: Means you need some dick. *messages girl* DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? I hope so.

    • You didn't make the distinction between a comment like that which is inappropriate at any age, and someone giving an honest and truthful answer. Have you been reading the Daily Mail or watching Fox News?

    • I'm sure its easy to know the difference without having complete clarification, use your brain.

    • Show All
  • You are not the only one, there will be almost always chronphiles everywhere.

  • I am not surprised
    there are pervs here

    • agreed, it almost makes me want to cancel my account. Disgusting.

    • it is okay ignore them we all got used to them. if u see anyone talk nonsense u can report them. i agreed it is creepy

    • Women are the biggest pervs. Most of you dress in stinkie yoga pants and say its comfortable. So is loose sweat pants but you women teach young girls that you don't want to be seen as cute or hot but the female body is hot. Age doesn't make a girl hot its how they dress and how they look in it. You show of your ass expect men to look we like ass. You just realized men look at ass in skin tight pants before the face. Your the perv.

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  • There are pedos lurking everywhere, not just on this site.

    • This is a very easy site to lure girls in if you're a pedophile. It's sad and disgusting.

  • I answered a 17 year old girl's sexual question once. I'm 18.


    • @front2back I bloody know right? I have exact the same thing in mind. Always! +

    • read the comment above you and you'll understand..

    • Here is CommieDearest's comment on the matter. This is a perfect example of what I mean: "I understand this for sexual health, but I have seen a few guys on here (and sorry, but it's usually guys) give blowjob tips and what not to 15 year olds. I understand that they're curious, but as adults we have to look at that and think "this is probably not appropriate to answer." I always put it this way: If you were 40, and had a 15 year old daughter... and she asked your 40 year old friend how to give head, would you want him/her to respond? For the record, I think it's gross/wrong when anyone answers these questions. They're not even allowed on the site for under 18ers. People should just report them and move along."

  • girls throw these terms around so loosely, i can hardly believe you unless I saw it for myself. At the moment, I really haven't seen much instances of real pedophilia

    • Check my profile

  • i think there is pedophiles and perverts here.

  • Yes, you are the only one. Feel free to block me Mrs. Anonymous.

  • I've also noticed that.

  • Let's look at this in a different manner?
    A man over 35 is "most likely" experienced and can provide the best and most satisfying answer to an inexperienced underage about sexual behavior (assuming that the answer is not dirty).

    But you are right there are some pedophiles and creepy people here.

    • why so many downvotes?

    • Because it's still fucking weird that a grown man is giving a young girl sexual advice? Doesn't that sound strange to you at all?

    • Because an adult should not be giving sex tips to a minor (unless it's about health). It's weird. Imagine that happening in real life.

  • pedophiles would be interested in prepubescent girls, so 11-12 and younger. I don't think there are a lot of such young girls here and with that probably not much pedos either.

    there is a different term for guys attracted to adolescents but forgot what it was. but it's more common and you'll probably find a lot of those here (just my guess from the PMs I already got in the few days I'm here lol)

    • Still creepy if there's a 40 year old man trying to hit on 16 year olds.

    • yes, I don't have a problem with 2X year old guys but I prefer them not being 10 years or more older than me and if they are 30 or more it's starts to get creepy like you say :-O

  • it's sickening, i try to post something innocent here and boom. pedophiles or women who insult my age, I'm really considering to delete this app

  • I usually stay away from sexual questions unless it's related to something such as I'm pregnant what should I do and hings like that.

    • That's good

  • If she 12 im 12 :3

    • You're disgusting.

  • I dont tend to reply to underage people, If its 18 and up I will.

  • Pedophilie is being attracted young children. It is not used for 15 year olds. Learn what it means.

  • A man is a man. . . They will have sexual feelings until they die, when a man see's a hot girl, they will probably get a boner or at least stare a few times. Rating a girl is not what a pedo does, what a pedo does is they stalk the shit out of him/her and then they make their luring move. . .

  • Nope, you're not the only one on this website who is delusionally paranoid. There are others like you.

    • You're fucking stupid.

    • You're a pathetically immature little drama queen.

    • Lmao. Okay, and everyone else on here who agrees is delusional too? You sound defensive.. looking a little sus right now, my friend.

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  • i told my Deputy on here yesterday, she needs to copy n paste
    all the obscene messages / obscene material request she gets on
    here my Deputy's will be on them in heart beat and when you do
    call someone a pedophile make sure your are sure aware cause
    we can find you "Anonymous" or not anonymous and you better
    start reporting these people who are breaking the laws so we can
    find who they are and others who are protecting pedophiles on this
    website be advised this computer of mine goes through law enforce-
    ment all investigations are kept strictly between the parties involved.

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