Aren't women even bigger players than men?

Let's look at this. We often say men are hunters while women are prey but i don't really think this is true. The more effective hunter is one that let's the prey come to them not the one that goes out and search for it. Sex and relationship are way easier for women to have than it is for the majority of men. Hence, women excel at being players.

Also women often complain about men seeing multiple girls but by in large majority of women are messaging multiple men even while in a relationship and some are actually sleeping with other men while guys take them out on dates during the courting phase.

So they behave exactly like the player who use multiple women. They even lie just like the players to get you into a relationship/have sex with them via lying about their sexual partner count, wearing makeup, pushup bras, putting on fake personality and anything that increases their desirability so you'd commit to them.
Aren't women even bigger players than men?
Aren't women even bigger players than men?
In addition, just like how women like to complain that men want virgin wives or women who didn't sleep around girls do this exact same shit but are given a greater degree of success (llike 80%) of it happening due to how many men are clueless.

Many women in their youth fuck the fuckboys/hot guys and meatheads who they damn well know only want sex and the guy who will make a good husband they put away in a little box called the friendzone and take him out when it's time to settle down.
Aren't women even bigger players than men?
And let's not forget majority of relationship/marriage end from women initiating it and not only that but women emotionally detach themselves and look for another man to replace your ass months before they give you the dreaded words "we need to talk".
Aren't women even bigger players than men?
Aren't women even bigger players than men?
Then you got to look at the mess that happens while in marriage/relationship. Last year, a tinder study was posted by a sexology student on gag at the rising number of wives who are actively on tinder and the number of women cheating have actually exceeded men. Girls on Tinder have lots of sex
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Dude, that's the thing. It is like the matrix for us men. Women choose. They get dressed up, have fun and choose which guy she wants to go home with (or try date). No game there, a guy on the other hand:

    Firstly know the rules BEFORE going out:
    - dress smart. Have a good set of clothes, women notice that shit.
    - dress to compliment your individuality. You also need to distinguish yourself from other men. So you need smart, yet different clothes.
    - know that women usually like a social guy. So it's best to go out with a wing buddy or friend. Best get on that phone.
    - cologne. Make sure it's good stuff. You need a great, distinguishing smell (sorry axe/Lynx) your brand won't cut it.
    - better have a hairstyle that suits you too. Then that beard. Trimmed? Long? Does it match that individuality you want to portray? No beard?
    - make sure the apartment is clean (in case of). It's domestic time before you go out.
    - transport. Own car? Taxi? Different rules for different transport modes.

    Then IN -GAME game:

    - when you walk in, watch body language. Make sure you project confidence.
    - try not look at all the women, don't want to appear desperate, have fun with said wing buddy or friends.
    - when you finally give it a go, know the rule of time limits. So chat to her but make sure you leave her to go with your friend again. (It eliminates that "standing around/gravitating thing" that women hate)
    - also before you leave her. Know the rule of ending off on a high note. Make sure you say something funny or clever. Then leave on that note. Don't wait for the silence.
    - then make sure you have a good time but don't get too drunk because...
    - you need to go back to her and make another great impression. All while being cool and confident. When you start making the move, you need to be funny and original. But not goofy funny: cocky funny. You need to watch her bitch tests in the convo and have fun.
    - then you need to be aware of your flirting and touch. You need to touch her in the right spots (non- obtrusive) and then start escalating after a while. You have to do this all woke reading her "yes no signals" to your approach.
    - if she had no signals, you need a tactic like the two steps back one step forward routine. If she has yes signals. You can escalate.
    - try initiate the kiss without telling her and it may work. If not. Two steps back, one step forward. If this doesn't work... all this for nothing. That's just the hook!!!

  • everybody knows this man.
    just dont fill your head up with that shit

    • tganks 4 mho

    • This is utter shit. There is no such thing as a female player. They don't exist. Women are the game. They CHOOSE the GUY. Whoever played the game best out of the men (men only), succeed. And when a woman wants to get a guy, she doesn't have to follow any rules like "initiating first, types of body language, speech, etc). It's a game for men, a choice for women.

    • @Scrambledagain they are the machines to our humans. And I'd better become Neo...

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Lol. GDs expression in that photo lol! The shoe thing was funny too.

    I wouldn't say women are "bigger" players but rather we can play the game like men can. Some females don't see it that way and say "we're just being used" but that's only because they don't know how to play :) Apps like Tinder are valuable tools that give us more control over who we want to sleep with and when and there are many men available willing to comply.

    Games aside, as far as dating goes, if you're not in a committed relationship yet, why can't you see other people? Is it worth it to pass up someone who might be better for you? What if you find out on the 3rd date that first guy is a creep or he was secretly married? Men do this with girls too. If the first girl turns out to be clingy or have issues they move on to the next without guilt. Why can't women follow the same procedure?

    As for break ups, it's not like we don't have a heart. Those women who hadn't found their next guy yet are still with their SO aren't they? More than double the amount of women were willing to stay in a relationship where they weren't content or happy. Compare that to where less than half the amount of men wouldn't put up with it and break it off.

    I don't know how legit those studies are but that's what I got from it.

    • I dont think it was about the dating thing. What you described may be sad at times, but its pretty much normal for everybody. The real nightmare is the relationship thing. What men get from it is that if a woman isn't satisfied with you she'll pretty much use you for stability and emotional support, while she bangs another guy (who might be one of your friends), and for all you know about this, she may care way more about her fucktoy than about you. Wow, how great it is to have a relationship right? You see, this is why I have trust issues. You're actually making excuses for a woman cheating in the most despicable way.

    • @RedHood7 Like men don't get side chicks when they're unsatisfied with their relationship. Also you can't cheat if you'll never became exclusive. Why you stalking my old posts dude?

    • I wouldn't. I'd just end it already. I dont wanna be in a relationship just for the sake of it. Sorry. This post came up on my feed. Somehow its still going. didn't think it was that old.

  • I ain't gonna lie, we girls are pretty sneaky and manipulative. I only say yes because women can be bigger players than men. AND it is the same for guys. We both have that possibility in us and you can't deny it. Although I can totally see women doing it more than men. Here's why I say that, from my perspective.

    With me, if I don't love you or have some kind of special connection with you that I can feel then, yes, I will have a "back-up" or seek out other guys as well, but with no sexual strings. I can try and try to see if where we're headed is gold but if nothing is showing up then I will be drifting away. I may still cling to you because I like and want attention and being alone sucks. But I will jump off the boat when I see somebody else who's far more catching.

  • Don't y'all get tired of being sexist and blaming women for everything?

    Both are equally players and cheaters.

    I'm calling bullshit on those surveys.

    And like a majority of men who want us are either married, ugly, old af, rude, drug addicts, alcoholics, stalkers, women beaters, etc. NOT quality men at all.
    I seriously don't understand how y'all can't comprehend quality is better than quantity

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10 18
  • Both genders have their fair share, honestly.. but you learn it the hard way... every... fucking... time...

  • These hoes ain't loyal...

    I'm killing myself. Fuck humans.

  • How many times are you still planning to ask this bc I swear I've seen this shit like a perceived 1948128 times before

  • Tl:dr
    Anyone got a course summary on One Class?

    • Ahh I remember you now. You that handsome Asian dude with a new name. (I'm no homo btw)

    • @Aeon_Flux_21 no homo dodo so so hello moto.

  • Yes!! Agree so much and happy a guy sees it srsly. It's sexy when guys notice and get all deep about this stuff.