Boyfriend said that he couldn’t tell that I was horny even though I put his hands on my breasts and grabbed his chin could a guy really not know?

If a girl acted like that wouldn’t you know that she’s horny? Also when I pulled his chin because I wanted a deep passionate kiss he moved his face and made me kiss his cheek instead and he gave me little tiny kisses on my lips. Could a guy really not know? I felt so ignored that day lol
+1 y
He texted me just now saying “Lol well I’m just a very clueless man I wasn’t intentionally ignoring you babe I just didn’t realize you wanted to Good morning babe I love you “
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Most Helpful Guys

  • he probably really didn't know, my wife and I have our moments where we just mess around, I'll grab her breasts or she will lay down and fondle me a bit but it's more of a "I love you and don't forget I always find you attractive" thing, is not always a "hey wanna fuck?" Thing. Then there's times when I'm sick or upset or something where she will put my hands on her breasts in an effort to make me feel better. There's times I don't know if she wants to mess around or go full out still and we get into the same situation of her thinking I didn't want her and all, it's all about communication. If you don't wanna just out right say that you wanna fuck then talk to him about a specific thing to do to show your not just playing around or code words, it sounds childish but it can honestly help a lot especially if one of you is shy.

  • Maybe you should have put your hand somewhere else...

    Seriously though what you experienced is very common, most women can't seem to send clear signals and some end up getting upset when a guy doesn't do a whole math equation to figure them out.
    Now I know you probably aren't the type to blame him for it but if you want to make your own life easier just try to communicate, tell him with words that you're horny and wanna hook up. It's that easy

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  • He must be in tension or some deep worry. Men are almost always excited and looking for some favor from girl, when they both are comfortable alone or in privacy. As when you pulled his chin for a deep passionate kiss he moved his face and made you kiss his cheek instead and he gave you little tiny kisses on your lips. This is apparently ignorance, but in fact it was because of something he was in deep thoughts about some problem – may be life and death problem for him. Just forgot it, and ignore it if you felt ignored.
    Women seem to be most complicated when it comes to sex. They do not rely on verbal communication; therefore they need to understand their body. It is of prime importance that you and your partner both should enjoy the act and the moment of love-making. But they never find out Moaning and Groaning, Nipple Erection, Vaginal Lubrication easily.
    How do guys know if a girl is horny is simple. It is also the reason why some guys always seem to get the girl while others miss out. It is their ability to read a girls’ body language. Although body language makes up the largest part of communication, most people do not take the time to learn this simple skill and miss the ultimate thing. The Preening Gestures, Pupil dilation, Flushed cheeks, Hair tossing and playing with hair, Legs relax and open more, Wetting of Lips, Pouting, Mouth slightly open, Shoe Fondling, The leg twine and many more. Usually men can distinguish between the scent of a woman who is turned on and one who is not feeling it; men are attracted to women naturally who smell horny. Men process Olfactory Signals of Women’s sexual arousal, solely through chemosignals. All these things do not work well if he is confused or he is feeling unwell for something. Forgot it and meet him again in good mood.

  • Pretty damn dumb. Doesn't he like sex?

  • Yeah, he knew you wanted it. Was he mad at you about something?

    • No he was into his show though

    • I guess the honeymoon's over, huh?

    • He said he didn’t know that he was clueless lol he still starts sex every time that we’re alone in his room though so I don’t know?

    • Show All
  • Hedging his bets... he's NOT telling you something~

    • What could that be?

    • What do you think it is?

  • Omg I'm reading all these guys answers wow. The honest answer is when isn't a guy horny you put my hand on your boob and I know it's time to play. If a guy kind of ignores you just put his hand on your boob and he doesn't do anything else it usually means he's tired and at that moment he doesn't want to do anything because he knows if he's going to feed you it's going to be a good workout