Do sexually active people live longer?

I’ve heard it’s a secret to life expectancy.
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Superb Opinion

  • No. It has nothing to do with that. If you're in a healthy marriage and you're having a healthy sex life been it can help you live longer. But if you live in a toxic life, especially with premarital sex, and your sex life is toxic than it answers obviously know. If people ends up with sexually transmittable diseases and end up with cancer and all kinds of problems oh, I think that should already tell you the answer. There's only one study that over wrong talks about the positivities of what results texting provide. And that's if a woman give birth to Children before the age of 25 they're twice as likely to live up into that 90s. Have to be true because my grandmother is almost a hundred. And she had children in her early 20s.

    And while the studies can that show sex can improve brain health, that really all depends on who you're talkin about and with the study is showing? People who have a healthy sex life or those who don't? So you got to look at the studies very carefully, but at the same time you got to look at what's around you in the first place because people will lie to your face as well as in their own sex lives.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I think so.

    I used to work at a large senior living place and there was this one old lady who was 105. Her name was Irene. Irene was in a wheelchair and although she looked tired as hell and had all kinds of health issues she was still able to get around and wasn't too bad cognitively. Irene would have boyfriend after boyfriend, mainly the old guys who lived there who's wives were long gone. Her and them would move in together and share a bed. We'd know because her door was open in her room sometimes and it was always just one bed. Anyway I'd always ask her about her new boyfriend and she'd always tell me, that they kept dying on her. But she wouldn't even be sad about it. She'd be kind of careless about it. She'd just replace him with the next one.. Anyways, long story short, they had to rehome all the residents, this was about 7 years ago. Last I heard, which was like 3 years ago, she was still alive lol. I'm pretty sure that's her fountain of youth.

    • Tho what about those boyfriends of hers? Didn't they keep "dying on her" despite them sharing a bed with her? Couldn't it also be her careless nature? You know, stress less and live longer?

    • @Kuba-kun possibly was her careless attitude. But she still had many lovers. She was a lot less sicker than them. The men had been with their wives most of their lives. I don't know her story very well but she definitely was still not wanting to be alone.

    • Not trying to disagree, after all it is known that sex is a great stress reliever. Just pointing out there are other at least equally important "secrets of long life". 🙂

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Human bodies EXIST foremost to move YOUR DNA and life experiences forward to both your Species and your own heredity. 'YOU" are a community of specialized cells who have given up their individuality to cast THEIR lot in a communal effort toward perpetuation. The 'telomeres' of a cell grow shorter with every regeneration of EVERY cell in your physical body, when gone that individual cell DIES.

    The more you engage in sexual behavior WITHOUT conception, the MORE you 'beat' your physical body's 'default' evolutionary predisposition... just as commercial 'milking' exploits a female animal's evolved predisposition to lactate... to perpetuate its offspring. Through sexual interaction, you are 'domesticating'
    YOUR own physical animal's predisposition. As the late George Carlyn quipped: "Make FUCK, NOT KILL"

    The MORE protracted you can delay 'conception' of an Ovum... your body's evolutionarily programed to allocate its resources to survive to 'try again'~

  • No. Natural select encourage you to have offspring then die. So the more sexually active you are the more likely you will weaken and die.

    An experiment (very famous) have been done about the fruit flies by selecting the eggs that hatch the last. It has been shown to extend the lives of the later generations of the flies.

    So in a sense, the older you are at having sex the more likely you will live. No, it's not your choice but rather your whole ancestry. If your great ancestors and all way up to you were having problems with getting a wife and could only get sex (and children) at their olden years then you should live longer than the average humans.

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  • It's ONE secret to life expectancy. Close friends and family are another. A job you like doing. Hobbies you enjoy. An active mental and spiritual life. It's not just about sex.

    • How could you have a family without sex besides adoption?

    • I don't get the question. I was commenting about you asking if sex was the secret to a long life. Of course sex is the reason we're alive and have families...

  • I hope so lol

  • I think it depends on what type of sex life you have. If you have sex with people who love you, care about you, etc. then yes it can be quite healthy. But if you have sex with just anyone, then you could possibly not be as happy (besides the risk of STDs/STIs). It's all about who you're with that determines whether you live longer or not.

  • I saw that in a documentary, so I believe it's true.

  • In a way I hope so, but I Jan certainly say the time we live is much more fantastic and wonderful, my 59 year hubby still fuck me on avarage 2-3 times every possible day, and every time still feels like heaven

  • there is no proof that having sex or not will help U to live longer ! for God ( who made sex ) does not approve of others having sex whether married or not if it is just to help them to live longer or to help them with their selfish sex desires ! matter of fact not having sex and living longer will show others that if U take care of your body that your body will take care of U as well ! thanks

    • I’m sorry what?

  • Now we know Betty White's secret

    • Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburgh too LOL.

  • Yes they do I believe.

  • If so I'm going to live forever!

  • I'll let you know when I die

    • 😂😂😂

  • Supposedly that is one of the patterns that link a couple of places that has the highest amount of old people in the world.

  • Yes, they will be here longer because they are moving their body which is exercise. They are happier having someone in their life. They are none sexually frustrated

  • Studies how that sexually active people do live longer. I don't know if that means they live longer because they are having sex; or because they are healthy, and will live longer, they have the energy to have sex.

  • No doubt there is a correlation. Sexual activity requires some degree of fitness, and some sort of social life. So sure, someone sexually active is likely to live longer than someone who is in poor health and alone.

  • You heard wrong.

    Life expectancy is down to good food and keeping clean.

  • It has been proven sex in all forms including masturbation is good for you mentally and physically

  • Yes they do!

  • I think the oldest person was a Japanese lady can't remember her exact age but surely more than 110 years old. She claimed she lived longer because she never had sex in her life and used to take lots of naps during the day.

    • Sleep and diet is the only thing that will prolong life. Especially sleep because that's when your body repairs itself and introduces cellular repair

    • @TerminallyChill work out might help too generally a healthy life style.

    • Yes ofc. Forgot that.

  • If they use protection. I dont think without it they will last that long... literally

  • Lol no that's a load of bullshit.

    Now there's nothing wrong with having sex but being sexually active is not gonna give you a longer life.

    If you want to live a long life then eat properly, exercise right and live a healthy lifestyle.

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