Do ugly people deserve pleasure?

I have an opinion on it, but I just want to see what the responses to this are going to be.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I kind of dislike the word "deserve," but that's how the question was worded so here goes.

    Yes, ugly people deserve the right to pursue pleasure just as much as beautiful people and average people (and I'm aware I changed the wording of your question a bit).

    Of course, what is deserved and what is received are two different things. I think everyone can agree no one, the ugly, the beautiful, and everyone in between, deserves a guaranteed outcome.

    A common theme among answers regarding ugly people and their pursuit of romantic pleasure is something along the lines of suggesting they date other ugly people.

    The problem arises in that ugly people DO NOT FIND OTHER UGLY PEOPLE ATTRACTIVE. The same forces of evolution that made us select against mating with ugly people are equally at work in other ugly people. Think about it, if *you* don't want to date someone you're not attracted to, what on earth makes you think ugly people want to date them? They don't, and their reasons are just as valid as yours.

    Fortunately, many traits that make people physically attractive are within our control. Thus, I've always advocated that unattractive people should make every effort to make themselves attractive.

    If they can't, then probably the best solution is not to get into a relationship at all with someone they find unattractive, even if that means a life of loneliness (better to be lonely than in a bad relationship). I realize that this is asking them to choose between the lesser of two terrible situations, and I truly feel for them. Sadly, sometimes choices in life are between bad and awful.

    I have very little patience for people who don't acknowledge that ugly people are often between a rock and a hard place. Most people readily acknowledge the difficulties that the physically disabled have, or the mentally challenged, but for some reason refuse to see the challenges ugly people face (and there are studies that show they *do* face many challenges), or curiously people think that the challenges ugly people have are entirely of their own making. With regards to dating, sometimes people adopt a rather "Oh well, it's *their* fault for being lonely and choosing *not* to be with someone they're not into." when it comes to the ugly. If you don't fault yourself for not dating ugly people, don't fault ugly people for not dating ugly people.

    I'm curious to hear your opinion on it. Please let us know in an update if you can.

    • Thank you for the elaborate answer. I agree that ugly people have every right to pursue pleasure just like those who are not. I guess the question arises, like some other commenters have said, who is ugly? Because so much of attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. I have dated/been in relationships with people who some would consider less attractive. The thing I have some trouble with is about ugly people being attracted to, and wanting relationships with, other attractive people. It seems that in this world, we (luckily now) make an effort to ask people to examine themselves as to what makes someone attractive, and I'm thinking many would agree that it is not just physical attractiveness, although this can be a starting point. In fact, I think it's safe to say that attractive people are often exhorted to consider less attractive people as mates because they often have other qualities that they bring to the table. Here it becomes a question of fairness.

    • Attractive women especially are asked to overlook the ugliness of a potential mate in favor of those other qualities. I don't find that particularly fair. Why should an attractive woman *have* to consider someone they are not attracted to, but accept it as Gospel that an ugly man, for example, wants to be with her and should even deserve it because "he brings so many other qualities to the table". That's been a question for me for a long time.

    • You know, when my friend and I saw the movie Beauty and the Beast (the original animated in its theatrical release), I came out of the theater and mused how all the Beauty and the Beast stories are about the woman being the beauty and the man being the beast. There seem to be no stories where it's the other way around. My friend pointed out to me that one Arthurian legend features a handsome knight and an ugly woman (it might have been Sir Gawain or Sir Gareth... I seem to remember it starting with a "g"), but that's just one story. It does seem that women are asked to cast aside their desires for physical attraction and give a less attractive man the proverbial chance. I for one don't advocate anyone cast aside his/her desires to be with someone they find physically attractive. This includes the ugly, who many people, in real life and on GAG, routinely tell them to cast aside their desires to be with someone they find physically attractive.

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  • First of all who do you consider ugly and what pleasure you think they dont get? Now to answer your question, all people have equal rights its just that some dont get what they want due to circumstances. Humans are never satisfied with what they have and therefore end up getting regrets

Most Helpful Girls

  • Just as much as pretty people do. No one is actually entitled to pleasure.

  • Well just like any other person deserves , so does anyone else

  • What counts as ugly? Who decides?

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 33
  • Of course. Why wouldn't they?

  • If your face is ugly, you’ve always got your hands. We all can please ourselves.

  • Well the universe doesn't operate in "Deserves", that's just us imposing our will in reality. So I'm going to have to say no they don't Deserve pleasure, but neither does anybody else.

  • of course, with their own kind.

  • Well, it's usually much harder to find pleasure, for an ugly people.

  • Of course Cherry.


  • Yes.

  • Of course they do.

  • Yeah they do.. They can't help how this world did them.. Lol..

  • Nobody "deserves" anything. You get what you can. Life isn't fair.

  • Since ugly people are capable of feeling the same sensations as pretty people then yes, they also deserve pleasure

  • Why wouldn't they? It's not like being ugly is a crime or a choice even

  • No. I don't

  • Looks should have nothing to do with it but I feel everyone deserves pleasure

  • No one is ugly

  • Hope so, or I'll never be happy again. Lol, yes they do, but ugly can also describe a person's personality

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • You guys ask the most hilarious questions!

  • Of course they do. But who's ugly?

    • Even better question...

    • Certainly not you or I. 😉

    • Haha, thank you... I hope not! But in somebody's eyes, we might be ;)

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