Superb Opinion

  • We both bath together, almost always on Sundays and holidays and if possible, any day. It was started just within few days of our marriage. We were home alone and had a great Saturday night, naked till the morning. In the morning, I went to take bath and my husband entered the bathroom to pee. As he showed me bathing naked, he was highly excited and joined me. We both apply soap to each other and rub back playing with each other on all that sensitive areas. The result was – one more round of ultimate pleasure. My shyness of getting naked in day light for him was washed away just in that first encounter.

    Showering together is one of the best things and perfect moments of enjoying ultimate pleasure. Showering together create a perfect understanding of each other’s body, couple bond to hold the both together with a hint of an extra intimacy - a special feeling of being close, emotionally connected, and supported.

    Showering is the most private moment in our daily routine. When we are in the shower with our partner, we celebrating the most precious personal time together without hiding any part of our body or soul. We can play with each other at every level, sensually, physically, and otherwise. Showering together is most sensual experience. Water splashed on the skin, leather of soap, soft kisses on that parts and repetitive caress of partner's breath surely ignite our senses spontaneously. It spices up our romance that naturally results in one more round of coupling. Aroma therapeutic delicate and delighting fragrance of soap and hot steam shower is enough to level up the romance and, enjoy effortless submission to each other. Showering together is relaxing and stress reliving too.

    Hormone Dopamine- feeling good chemical messenger- is released in our brains, taking a warm shower together boosts dopamine flow, leaving us in a relaxed state of mind. We can notice not just sensitive or sensual spots; but anything, be it skin blemishes, infections, lumps, or any small things on partner’s body and take care for that. This is another reason why taking a shower together is popular among couples. When we are free enough to be naked with each other, when we are not making love, it makes both of us feel more attractive. It should not be that the only time your spouse sees you naked is during sex. We help each other wash hard to reach places. In addition to that, we help each other shaving down there and enjoy doing it. We take care of each other by shaving each other, scrubbing each other, soaping each other, rinsing each other, drying each other with a towel and oil each other. The skin loves to be touched and massaged by hands of love smile more, glow more and feel good throughout the day.

    Now we do not see any big deal in being in the bathroom together, because as a married couple, we have both agreed to share all that we own – our body and our soul as a part of seven vows of marriage. So it is not in any way shameful for us to see each other in its natural state. In fact, it is fun for us to strip for each other. It brings us closer to each other every moment. It is a symbol of love; it is a sign of a strong and pleasant relationship.

    • Excellent. We still find opportunity to bath together. It's undoubtedly refreshing and exciting.

Most Helpful Girl

  • We often do. It's nice to relax under the hot water. More so when we stay hugging in there. We end up venting about our days in the shower. Existential conversations. Sex. Sometimes, when he sees I'm extra tired, he'll take over and bathe me. I LOVE it when he washes my hair and massages my scalp 🥹🥹🥹

    • I love when my boyfriend washes my hair and massages my scalp

Most Helpful Guys

  • That's something I've always enjoyed, but I've found that women tend to be really into it, or really against it (for reasons I really don't understand). Thankfully, it's been a while since I had a woman who wasn't a fan of showering together - my current girl LOVES when I wash her hair - she practically melts when I rub her scalp - so we usually shower together at least once every weekend.

  • Used to... since moving back to America though these showers are small as all hell. We can't even walk around each other. The bathtubs are super small too... the max height of the water only goes past my junk when I'm sitting on my butt.

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What Girls & Guys Said

18 39
  • It is nice to have a shower head at each end of the shower, makes it far better.

  • We never take baths, only showers, and yeah we shower together maybe once a week.

  • we did in our early days, we hot tub with friends though, but a bath, I like to be in there on my own

  • I did that with an ex of mine. It was hot. But mostly we wanted to concentrate on cleaning each other off from a hot session of sex. We got sweaty.

  • Essential for a healthy relationship. Good times. ( :

  • At times and it is way fun. It almost always follows sex or leads to sex. What about you what have you seen with your boyfriends?

  • Sometimes but I always feel bad cuz I make my husband take the cold spot

  • Yea I bathe with usually my boyfriend but sometimes by brother too

  • Bath? Never. Shower? Sometimes.

    • there is no difference between them

  • We never showered together but we would like to as opportunity comes up

    • Do you have husband?

  • Of course, she is a filthy animal after all...😉

  • that's a shower... not a bath

  • Sometimes we do, but usually no. She likes to get her business done and be in and out.

  • Almost never. I like scalding hot water, or I will freeze. He liked lukewarm. So it just didn’t work out.

  • After marriage we usually had bath together, now when opportunity is found.

  • That way she could wash my balls

  • We shower together. Although not as much as we used to.

  • Occasionally.

  • Yes i love it

    • The actual shower or something more exciting?

    • @Jerre Î’oth

  • I am single. So, No.

  • Show More (37)