Do you have a friend who works in adultery?

I have a friend who works as a pornstar
+1 y
Prostitution* that's what happens when you skip English classes
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I don't see it as classic adultery. It's a job. You may not approve but I'd suggest you come down off your moral high horse and if this is really a friend, give him or her the benefit of being different from you without being bad.

  • Adultery is sexual relations between one or both married persons who are married to someone else.

    • Answer to update: No but I have done business.

Most Helpful Girl

  • How's that adultery. Im a burlesque dancer but I'm not a cheater

    • A pornstar isn't a prostitute.

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3 4
  • lol Doctor Dirty. Entertainer. xx

  • Never met a porn star
    but I do know and have friends that have committed adultery.

  • Since when is adultery a paying job, except for prostitutes?

  • I've worked in the industry and so has my husband.

  • No, my friends aren't skanks