Does a woman’s desirability decrease in her mid-twenties?

Are women hotter in early twenties compared to mid and late twenties?
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  • Perhaps a little bit - though often her personality and confidence more than make up for the difference. It's really when she hits around 30 that things really shift.

    Average Social Market Value (SMV) by age and sex
    Average Social Market Value (SMV) by age and sex

    The average woman reaches SMV levels that the average man never comes close to - the power and leverage that she has over massive numbers of men is incredible in her late teens and 20s - but it's also VERY front-loaded age-wise, and it's very closely tied to her natural fertility. Girls are valued higher from childhood forward, and so they're used to having incredible power and influence and to being widely desired and being able to pick and choose. But too many don't realize what's coming, and their 30s are a cruel shock, because a HUGE amount of women's SMV comes from youth and fertility, NOT from education, careers, or resources.

    Men peak a decade later than women, and that peak is not nearly as high - but the male peak is much wider, and men's SMV remains higher than women from age 30 (or so) forward. That's because the things women want and value and find attractive in men are mostly things that most men don't gain until their 30s and 40s: status, resources, confidence, and power. That's why guys in their teens and 20s are largely not taken seriously and have little SMV - the vast majority haven't had time to obtain the things that women desire yet.

    The smartest women (who want a serious, long-term relationship or marriage) figure out what men want in a woman for a relationship and become that, and when they're in their mid-20s, they're looking for a man in his late 20s or early 30s who is on a strong path to success, and get together with him. In her mid-20s, she can pick and choose who she wants and has a high chance of getting what she wants. If she waits until her early 30s, you can see on the graph that she's in a FAR worse position to make demands or be picky, and it gets worse for her by the day. Often she won't realize this, and will be baffled or in denial about why she's struggling, which only costs her more valuable time, and by the time she recognizes the truth, her SMV has plummeted, and instead of being able to "partner-shop" in the equivalent of Sak's Fifth Avenue or Neiman Marcus as she could in her 20s, she only has the SMV to afford to "shop" at Ross and Walmart, and that's a bitter pill for many women to swallow.

    • Is this solely because of age or because of the effects of ageing?

    • It's primarily based on fertility, but effectively, that means age. Natural Selection meant that men who selected women towards the beginning of their fertile years would be far more likely to have healthy children that survived into adulthood, while men who selected older women (30 and older) were much less likely to have healthy children that survived. Like all traits, those that improved the success of reproduction and survival were reinforced, and those that didn't were largely eliminated. After many thousands of generations of this, the more successful instincts were powerfully instilled in us. It's the same reason why women are attracted to men who can provide safety and security (especially in a crisis), and why women feel a strong desire to care for babies (and a lot of other instincts that we have, even if we don't realize it).

Most Helpful Guy

  • Every flower wilts but the older I get the dumber young people seem. So much so, I don't like hanging out with some age groups. I think what happens in some women's late 20s is that they give up on looking good, gain weight, etc. It isn't so much that their bodies are aging as their bad habits are catching up with them. These same women will sometimes get a wake up call and clean up and lose a bunch of weight in their 30s or 40s. Less acne and in some cases bigger breasts are perks of older 20s. MILF porn is popular for a reason.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I think this is total rubbish to be honest! I don’t see men 35 up dating women in their 20s, they’re choosing women in their 30s. Maybe guys who’ve just entered 30s still prefer women in 20s. But don’t fall for this BS because it’s never that black and white anyway. Many mature men get annoyed by attitudes of women in 20s.

    • I'm an Audio/Video Integrator. The kind of work I do is really a luxury, and most of the people who will hire out for the kind of work I do tend to be pretty well off, if not outright wealthy. As such, I have 40-50 clients that we'd all agree were wealthy - all of them live in homes that cost $5M or more - some quite a bit more. The men have good jobs, went to good universities, make very good money, eat well and hit the gym regularly, and are widely considered to be "a good catch." On average, the men are married to women who are about 6-7 years younger than they are, and at least several are married to women who are a dozen years younger. Virtually all of these women are housewives (very active and involved housewives) and virtually all of them have children. Many also have part-time jobs or home-based businesses. But they're nearly ALL significantly younger than the men. So, whether you see it or not, it's quite common, especially among the more desirable men.

    • @MrOracle that’s interesting. I work amongst doctors and surgeons etc are barely any of them are with women significantly younger, they’re good looking but not that much younger, they just take good care of themselves. Maybe there’s a culture amongst the men you see to have trophy wives more so for materialistic purposes.

    • The thing is, none of them are really trophy wives. They're a bit above average, no doubt, but we're not talking "model & actress" looking. Mostly, they're moms. And having children and raising them well is a high priority in these households. These men almost universally selected these women because they prioritized family and children.

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  • This is why I rely on both my cars shaking while they are idling

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 17
  • Depends if you let your looks go or not. And how your living your life.

  • no, it goes up. they reach their peaks in hormones around 30 and keep going strong until all her ammo has been fired, and who knows past that. Women are the energizer bunnies of the reproductive world.

  • Google: Jane Seymour

    • Jane Seymour is a FAR OUTLIER - WAY out there on the 10++ edge of the curve, so of course she aged well. Certainly, there are other women who were ALWAYS insanely beautiful and fit who are exceptions to the rule. But now girls who were 7/10 in their 20s - well above average, so they certainly have an advantage to start with - and tell me what they look like at 35. Or, better yet. If we went to a shopping mall, and I got the first 20 women between the ages of 33 and 37 that we came across, and took their picture (and I would argue that at a mall, beauty is likely to skew a bit higher than average to begin with), and you had men rate those pictures, do you seriously think the average rating would be anywhere close to a 20 group of 23-27 year old girls picked the same way from the same mall? Exceptions do not disprove the rule.

    • @MrOracle Did you miss the part about her talking about 20 year olds? I'm trying to give her hope, and you just fucked that up. Good job.

    • Assuming her listed age is right, she's still in in the "zone of power" and has time to make some important decisions and do very well for herself. It's just that she doesn't have a ton of time to waste, and she needs to know what she's up against, so she takes it seriously. But there's no reason she shouldn't be very hopeful. It would be a very different story if she was 10 years older already and just learning this stuff.

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  • No I find late twenties early to even late 30s way more attractive and desirable

  • Not at all.