Feminists are Dangerous Hypocrites?

Cardi B recently was named "Woman of the Year" by Billboard & feminists celebrate.

One day after Cardi B admitted to drugging and robbing men, a victim came forward and said he woke up after being drugged by her to find a used condom but he doesn't remember having sex with her. Imagine if a woman woke up to find sperm and no memory of having sex? After being drugged. Just imagine the outcry of feminists, demanding justice.

Apparently even if you're a woman who drugs, rapes & robs men you can be lifted up as a shining example of womanhood. But if you're a man and you punch a woman, even if she's a stranger who punched you first, the feminist will make sure you get arrested and lose your job. Remember, feminism is all about "equality", right?

Guys, never trust a feminist to pour you a drink. They are known to be thieves and rapists and the government will turn a blind eye.
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What Guys Said

  • Watch what they do... not what they say. :)

  • Yes, just an eensy, weensy li'l' ol' double standard.

    Very true. Great take. Thanks!

  • Last year a feminist had sex willingly with a man, then turned around and accused him of raping her. The poor guy committed suicide.

    I'd rather flirt with the coronavirus.

  • Men do that as well but usually rape the women they do...

    • She did rape the guy. He woke up to find a used condom & no memory of sex. The difference is that if a man admitted to drugging & robbing multiple women and the women said he raped them, he would be in prison for life. Not named as a role model.

  • Absolutely correct.

  • so, if trump was found guilty of rape, would you still like him?

    • I don't hold politicians up as role-models nor has Trump admitted to drugging/robbing women so it's not relevant, is it? My cynical side would say you are deflecting from Cardi B's actions to avoid holding her responsible for those actions and to avoid saying that she isn't a good role model.

  • and i can find 2 more examples.

  • I agree

  • I totally agree.