Girls Are Becoming Sluttier And Guys Are Encouraging It?

I know i'll get a flack for this but im speaking the truth. Look at Tinder an app created where its used primarily for hook ups and casual sex. I want girls to look to find the love of there life. A life partner one who can respect them and encourage them to value the more important things in life. Im almost 20 and i see girls parading themselves to horny guys. Guys are encouraging this behaviour. Would these guys encourage their mothers to act that way. Their daughters, their sisters to engage in casual sex? i know i wouldn't. Girls are sending nudes more now then ever before and i beg you to ask yourself that same question over again. Sending nudes to guys you flirt with how is that admirable, respectful or indicative of smart young woman. Guys are encouraging you for their own pleasure but would they marry you and raise a child? noo they wouldn't because thats not wifey material. I fear for my generation and i care about us and i want young girls to look up to girls as strong respectful role models. We need to look at our morals both men and woman because generation after generation we are losing them or were trying to rationlize our derogratery acts. We can do better. Young girls 12 to 13 are losing there virginity we hear it on here too. A 13 year old girl asked why her bf doesn't cuddle after they have sex. A 13 year old!! Lets stop turning a blind eye or saying who am i to judge. Where are our morals? these girls are obviously learning from somebody. Nudes are meant for your true loved one and so is sex can we even recognize that as a true statement. Lets encourage each other and instill good ethical and moral values. im 19 lets not degrade young women but show them whats right and wrong.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • This is one of the best things I've read in a long time. I just got out of a mildly abusive relationship because I am not one of those girls but he wanted me to be and I thought if I have in to his pressure he'd fall in love with or some shit but I am so glad that I never gave in to some of the things he wanted. I never actually had sex with him and I more proud of that than anything else I've ever accomplished. But i will always wish i had bever gotten involved with him. He was mentally abusive and if it hadn't been for this i-need-a-man-to-be-comfident-in-myself mentality that we encourage in young women today, i would never gave gotten into that situation in the first place. Girls need to stop being sluts and guys need to stop pressuring them. And parents need to stand up and teach their children some damn morals! I am not trying to blame anyone for what happened to me. I know it was my fault but I just wish we could stop it from happening to other girls. I want girls to have confidence in themselves without being sluts. Hopefully someday we will be able to cause this a phase or an era or whatever but as for now, I wish I could help put an end to this mutany.

  • All of this I totally agree. Most girls are posting nude to almost nude pictures trying to create a "woman body positive" vibe but what they are doing is the exact opposite. It's giving guys what they want. Sure they talk about slut shaming and everything but it's what most guys look at anyway and STILL have to open their mouth and shame the girl for it. Why are girls encouraging themselves and the younger generation below that posting naked photos is showing men that they are being "positive" about their body. Not saying all but the majority of the men are pervs and a guy like you who think this way is very rare and am honestly glad that their are guys who DONT encourage this type of behavior and thinking that this okay in becoming the norm. No such thing as modesty anymore and these generations are only getting worse. I'm 19 but I recently have a child. I know I'm young but being a mother of a GIRL I get offended by things quite more than I did before I found out I was pregnant. It's sickening

  • Welcome to the 21st century. I didn't know people took Tindr seriously and used it as a dating app. If you went on actual dating sites, you'd find nice, grown women who aren't slutty.
    Insecure, weak girls with no real guidance in life are the ones who send nudes to anyone and everyone. That's how they feel valued. We need more role models. We need men to dismiss nudes from young girls and tell them (politely) that it's the wrong thing to do, that they're worth more. Those young girls need to feel value and appreciation when they're dressed more sophisticatedly and when she achieves something big, not when she strips off. That'll never happen though because men are always in search for nudes/porn and there's a worrying number of men who are happy to take advantage of a young girl's naivety for sexual gains.

    • This is right here is a beautiful answer. im glad you can understand me. These other girls here find what im saying demeaning. I wouldn't be suprised if you got downvoted for speaking the truth too. But you do have my vote and respect may god bless you :)

    • Agreed

  • hm. i wouldn't say sluttier, but they are growing up MUCH quicker.
    i was just thinking about this today. i was looking at some of my friend's jade 10 formal pics and i just noticed that they were all SO much more dolled up than we were at that age. i didn't even dress up that much for my grade 12... [senior] graduation.
    heels so high... makeup just packed onto their faces and the dresses... just made them all look 5 years older.

    in terms of their behaviour, some only become sluttier if they allow themselves to be influenced by it. some just listen to the media and follow it religiously. others do their own thing. it really depends on her strength of character i reckon.

Most Helpful Guys

  • and i'll turn all that shit arround, and say "who told them it's ok? Who let them dress like that? Who let guys treat the girls like objects?" it's their parents. The PARENTS is the de facto most influential person when it comes to a person's uprising. If the parents had from a young age taught them what was proper behavior, and inforced it, then the kids would be ok. But what about media? Well, if something disagrees with what you have been taught, you either hate it, laugh at it, or ignore it, generally speaking. So as long as parents are teaching their kids BEFORE media does, then kids will largely ignore the media.
    But because so many people seemingly doesn't give a rat's ass, we got 14yo's dressing like the whores of the 70's, teens unable to find the father for their kids, boys treating girls like crap...

    Or to just sum it up. "parents, you suck. Teach your kids to act like proper persons, wether it means stopping them from looking at girls for just sex, or stopping your daughter from behaving like a whore. YOU are in fact responsible for not stopping them, because a child is a product of the generation before"

  • I completely agree with you brother. Amen. However, you're going about it the wrong way. As you will doubtlessly see, these people simpy don't see sex as degrading in the first place. Their mindset is "SEX... FUN... GOOD."

    • Thank you for seeing eye to eye with me. Your right, they dont see it as degrading because theyre encouraged to do it. If enough people tell you somethings right than its gonna conform and change your thoughts on a matter. such is the case here. Sex isn't degrading. What im saying to them is having sex with strangers/ guys they barely know/ guys they arenht in a loving relationship with is wrong. We need to be more responsible. Our social ethics is diminishing because it clashes with freedom. Look at the years progressing and you can see how immoral were becoming and how stubborn and ignorant we are to advice with a 'you can't tell me nothing' attitude. Just look at your down votes - they dont want to listen nor hear the truth. Maybe when they catch a STD or give birth to fatherless children they will hear and give thought to ourl message.

    • If only.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • Sex doesn't have to involve love. If you're referring children having sex, that's the responsibility of their parents. Expressing ones sexuality isn't being slutty, it's merely being human.

    • but there's your problem it should involve love. Prostitutes have sex and it isn't love to them. Express your sexuality with a loved one. Omg would you like your daughter to have sex with a bum on the street or would you like her to have morals?

    • Sex and love are different. Although they go well together, neither is truly necessary for the other. Trying to dictate what someone can do with their body, just because of your beliefs, is a problem.

    • That was a poor argument. Our beliefs state that if they DON'T treat their bodies the way we advise, then they will bring trouble on themseves! (I strongly advise looking at this deviantart user's other works, too.)

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  • I've never sent nudes, so yeah there's hope for the future :p.

    • Thank you and i can respect that. i hope you can encourage other young girls to do the same. i'm sure you'll make a great role model if you could.

    • I've counceled a few of my friends about it and how dangerous it is. One of them was honest, and said that she had sent some to this guy because he was cute. I slapped that bitch.

    • Good on you for counselling them. Judging from the other two comments here you need to give both of these girls a slap. Might do some good for them.

  • I must be a caveman because I don't use Tinder. It seems to be rather popular though... on here at least. Many people say it's something for hook ups or w/e, but ehh I don't know. I guess.

    I do think the world is becoming more sexual, but you that gets into my own personal beliefs.

    I'll just say while I am a open person who is into the polygamy stuff I think for one you need to understand that there are variable reasons as to why people are this way, and maybe that's to blame what the world itself is becoming more so than each individual.

    That said I still want a family one day. A "life partner" as you call it too.

    And a side note: The nudes stuff I don't really do. I mean if it's a online person then maybe, but I feel like if it's someone you know they can just see it in-person. Your argument there doesn't make much sense to me personally.

    • Yeah, I don't use Tinder or KiK or all that stuff. It just seems... weird. Never gotten or sent nudes either. Sometimes this site makes me feel like an old man when I'm freakin' 23. Whatever, you kids do weird shit all the time.

    • @JackKerouac77 I've sent dick pics before, but yeah if I know the person in-person then why send pics? They can see it live and in-person. Hahahaha. I didn't know you were that old. I'm 21.


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  • Most people are loose canons nowadays that's why STI's and bastard children are on the rise and let's not just pin this on women when Men are just as bad.

    • yes thank you and i know. But women in most cases are the gate keepers. They have the final decision. Men are encouraging women to let loose, its disgusting. Diseases are spreading vastly across communities because of this. Teenage pregnancy higher than ever before and bastard children are increasing. you're definetly right but girls & guys are stubborn to acknoweldge it. because were judging them and its wrong (sarcasm)

    • Listen pal - just focus on your own life and stay away from these heathens.

  • Not every girl wants to find the love of her life. I know I don't, at least not at this age. & why should we? Should we really feel pressured to only pursue relationships because people (like yourself) want us to? You're committing the same sin you speak ill of.

    • Okay let me reverse what I've said. 13 year old girls should have sex whenever they like and specially with strangers. Your daughter and my daughter should send nudes out to whoever wants them. Girls should have sex with any guy that wants them. Dont find love or hope of it ever happening. You should fuck girls and disregard them. Have no morals or ethics. Use tinder and snapchat to find sex with any guy and every guy. Dont worry about STD's they aren't nothingand won't harm you. Oh and if you do get pregnant you should throw your child away and its best to have fatherless children. now i have sined. When i speak to enlighten and encourage society for the better i get insulted or down votes.

    • Sweetie I'm a grown woman. It's obvious that I wasn't talking about children. I don't know if that's what you were referring to all along, but it sure is confusing. But honestly, you are way too concerned about other people's private bedroom business. Especially that of women who aren't even interested in you.