Have you ever had Sex in an Elevator?

I haven't personally but I've heard there's a lot of ups and downs involved.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Yes, during the Big Blackout of November, 1965. No, actually, I was on my Honeymoon cruise and missed that one, but there truly was a big baby boom 9 months later.

  • I would not mind but , The camer's there on record and I don't want my wife to know about it.. JK

Most Helpful Girls

  • In Orlando started having sex in an elevator, finished it in hallway outside of my room, then went inside and fucked most of the night.

    • True love!

    • @MarketData NO! At the time just a really good night of fucking.

  • No...
    People really can't wait till they get home?

    • You will learn in the that people are easily led around by their genitals. Individuals on the other hand tend to have self-agency and aren't, typically, clowns.

    • In time - fucking spell check.

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What Girls & Guys Said

10 12
  • No since they h ave cameras lol.

  • No i have not, but i had sex in a closet... does that count as an elevator? Lol.

    • How do u manage space in closet?

    • @Gramkabir very complicated but tricky! And amazing... just like if you were in the shower.

  • 🤣🤣 Ups and downs.

  • No. But I did pass gas once when wearing "elevator" shoes! ;-)

  • one of my very first experiences was with my hs boyfriend on a school trip in the hotel elevator.

    • You little [Fill in the blank] lol