How can this Asian guy bang a lot of hot white girls, but I can't?

Asian, but 6'1" and muscular. His face doesn't even matter anymore, any white girl would call him handsome just because his height and body and want to sleep with him. He sleep with hot white girls all the time according to his YouTube channel. I am just hoping that this guy is fake, otherwise I would be fuking depressed wanting to trade place with him when he's a man I can never be. But to be fair, he's most likely real. I wish I was his height so that I can make white girls feel small and feel big and strong myself which is ideal for sex.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • He can bang girls because he is attractive, living life to the fullest, is propably happy, isn't obsessed with races and not whiny and annoying like you.

    Race is irrelevant. No girl ( white or black or wharever) wants to have sex with you because you spend your life hoping you were someone else and complaining. Height is irrelevant too. Sure tall guys are popular but being short doesn't mean girls will not like you. If gurls don't like you it is about somehthing else

    • How is this guy attractive?

    • Are you blind?

    • His height makes up for his funny-looking face?

    • Show All
  • Maybe cuz he's out getting pussy and you're right here bitching about how lucky he's getting?

    I don't know. But oh great. Another guy putting white pussy on a pedestal and then wondering why said white girls reject him.

  • So you think he's not allowed to bang a lot of hot white girls just because he's Asian? That's lame.
    This link may be interesting to you:

    • No, the fact that just because he's tall, he can sleep with white girls, regardless of his face

Most Helpful Guys

  • I don't see what the problem is here. He presents himself well, says the right things, and dresses right. Asian men are typically seen as NOT being attractive at all, so most likely he had to go through a lot more hurdles than the general male population when it comes to dating.

    Why is it a problem that he's Asian?

  • Well go to the gym and work on your body and build a hot body... and then see the result... Maybe girls will sleep with you too... until that stop being a whiney bitch... 😈

    • What about height?

    • What's your height

    • 5'6"

    • Show All

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What Girls & Guys Said

8 4
  • If you wanna bang hot girls you have to be cool. So if you can't you're prob just not cool

    • I would bang 5/10 girls

  • What the hell is wrong with you man? you look so desperate

  • It's not healthy to focus and base your life by comparison to anyone else. Women have relationships with men because of the whole package. Height, looks and money mean nothing if he's an arrogant asshole who's mean spirited.

    • Did you read what I wrote? I don't know if height means nothing to you, but this guy had sex with a lot of hot white women because of it and he sleeps with different girl every week, not relationship

  • girls love tall guys so as long as they aren't hideous and are confident they can get many women easily.

  • you can post pictures without a link now bruh.

    • Just found out lol