Girls, How Do You Feel About Guys Masturbating to Your Instagram Pictures?

Awkward question yes, but I am curious. In case you were not aware, I love to masturbate. Sometimes as much as five or six times a day if work and school permit it. That said, I much prefer to utilize my imagination when I masturbate. That is, I think of my female friends and associates, and use their Instagram pictures to fuel my fantasies. There is just something a lot more pleasurable and satisfying to me about doing it that way, since I have a name and personality to go behind the girl I am fantasizing about. I can really get personal and imaginative in my fantasies when they involve girls that I know in real life opposed to girls that I do not like supermodels. Plus it is fun to imagine them naked lol. Would you find it odd or offensive if your male friends were using your Instagram photos as masturbation material and for that matter fantasizing about you in depth? How do you feel about it? @CheerGirl38139 @nalaa @Stacyzee @snowangle @Grace_Rdz @ElissaDido
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It is not like I would actually tell them that I am doing it, unless of course they asked and wanted an honest answer. Otherwise I keep it to myself.
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What Girls Said

  • Slightly disturbed. Don't want to know what they do

  • I would find it a tad bit weird but not offensive, I mean it your imagination you can do whatever you would like to do, however towards friends who are more sensitive I would suggest lying low about talking about it, but towards open girls, who knows maybe one would be flattered and you'd score ;) (I'm not saying that that all open girls would go for it, to be on the safe side, unless you know they're down, KEEP it a secret)

  • No guy masturbates to my Instagram photos I guarantee you. But if they did in the off chance, I would feel flattered and grossed out all at once XD

  • Id find it funny cause i know it means they want me.

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