How many rounds can you last?

Most guys just orgasm then fall asleep, at least in my experience. But I know there's certain guys who orgasm and can just keep going. So how many rounds can you go? Let me know
One Round
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Two Rounds
Vote B
3 or More Rounds
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Girl Guy
1 4

Most Helpful Guys

  • When I was in my early 20's, I once did it 7 times in one night. That was certainly the exceptional night as I usually only did it 2 or 3 times in a night. However, as I have gotten older, I usually do it once and then fall asleep, but wake me up in the morning and I a'm ready to go again.

    • Where would you shoot it? All over or same spot?

    • Inside of her. Always. I was in monogamous relationships, my partners used birth control, and we were both free of STDs.

  • I usually have quite a few rounds, it depends how much time we have. If it’s only 20minutes then 1 round and if we have all the time we want I usually go for 5-7 times

    • Heavily depends on the girl tho, if she isn’t interesting or fun to do it with then 1-2 rounds max

    • Where would you shoot it? All over or same spot?

    • My little guy usually wears a helmet, so most likely there 😄

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Hmm two rounds but the second round is much more longer then the first one.

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 35
  • Like in one session?
    I can do it twice in a row or even 3, 4 times in one day with breaks in between.
    I go for a long time before I can cum so by the time it's over my partner and I are sore and hyperventilating.
    That's why I usually only do it once.

  • Generally more than a couple of times because my girlfriend won't let me go with less, but it's very hard for me to come after the second time, I just keep the erection as long as she needs.

  • a few years ago (about 12 ish years ago) I was dating a woman who was a huge turn on and without any enhancers we would go from 7pm after the kids went to sleep and fall asleep an hour before we were due to wake up for the school run, where we'd get a bit of sleep before getting up...
    so this would be multiple sessions, since then I married a woman who couldn't handle the longer sessions or the intense sex so most the time I didn't orgasm, and a few times she simply got whatever she wanted from me then turned over and went to sleep...
    my last relationship, i was her first in both relationship meaning and sexual partner... and sex was amazing considering her lack of experience she was a fast learner... but she could only manage once sometimes twice

    however due to her being a bigger girl it was often much more tiring for me too due to my diminishing health...
    but average session time was 1-2 hours used to be 45 min for a quickie lol but we managed to get that down to 25-30 mins as we were in a rush one morning

  • Just one... and at my age it takes a little more time, a good diesel engine haha :D

  • I can usually get another erection in about 10 minutes after I cum the first time. Maybe even shorter than that if the girl starts touching my penis a few minutes after I came. And then, I always last longer the second time, so it's been rare that I've gone for a 3d time in one sex session.

    • An honest answer!