I feel non-binary but I don't know if I am?

I think I may be NB but I don't want to come out and then figure out that I'm not. I like to dress feminine and masculine but notice I'm way more comfortable dressing masculine.

I don't really care what pronouns people use for me, as gender should not define someone.

I don't feel as if I'm a girl or a boy, just a human. I hate how big my chest is (36DD) since I want to be able to hide it easier. If I want a more feminine look I can put a bra on, and for masculine put a binder on. I wear a binder now, but my chest is big already, so it looks like I still have boobs.
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Superb Opinion

  • If you don't know your sexuality by now and you're about 17 going on 18 you need to find out what you like without your parents knowing cuz they make it more difficult and they complicate things more than they probably should I would know since your female try some guy porn for you and see how that works for you usually a guy and a girl with music get the straight girl going or the guy on guy would get a girl going try out what works for you cuz I know in this day and age women and guys are sexually confused at the age of 17 still

Most Helpful Guy

  • How about you undress in front of a mirror, check what you have between your legs, acknowledge what you are, then dress however the fuck you want.

    Nothing will ever be able to change your chromosomes, which means you are very binary. Dressing masculinely will not change that, and do so if you please.

    • What I have between my legs doesn't matter. Yes, nothing can change my chromosomes, but I can get surgery and other stuff to look gender fluid.

    • You really don't want to do that. It will fuck you up eventually. You see, because you can't change your chromosomes - therefore your internal workings, any attempt at supressing your body will result in damage - and in time, your body will react to that damage with mental degradation (depression, etc.). So act as you wish, but don't try to go against nature, because you will lose. And again, there is no such thing as a gender fluid in realityland. You are either male, female or sick (extra chromosome, etc.). And sick is not a derogatory term in this case. You can dress and act as you like, you can even have surgery, but in the end, you will still be female and you can do nothing against this. I know that this day and age, it may be hard to accept the cold truths of life, but this is one of them.

    • Sorry but I'm neither. Also, being non-binary won't make me depressed. Why? One, I already am diagnosed with that shit. Two, if I said I was a girl, THAT makes me depressed. Being genderless makes me feel happy. So nice try, you idiot.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Stop putting labels on things you're just a girl who wears what she likes simple

    • But I don't feel like a girl. I don't feel like anything.

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 11
  • Check what's in your pants. You probably have a vagina. In which case you're a woman who likes sweatpants, as everybody else is saying.

    You can come up with some complicated mitwit reply about gender being separate from sex or maybe just "don't be mean", but you're a girl whose head has been filled with bullshit. This is insanity, and I can't respect these kinds of delusional beliefs.

    • What's in my pants has nothing to do with anything. If people who aren't CIS is a "delusional belief" then you're the one who needs their brain checked.

    • It has everything to do with it. I don't need my brain checked, I'm not wearing dresses and wondering whether I'm a man or a woman or neither when I'm clearly a man.

    • Having a dick doesn't make you a man fyi. Neither does having a vagina make you a women. Good for you, you know your gender identity. If you're not going to be helpful, shut up.

  • It’s possible, but i think it’s also possible you’re overestimating the extent to which most people feel defined by their gender, ESPECIALLY outside the context of an intimate relationship.

  • You sound pretty hot to me

  • "I don't feel as if I'm a girl or a boy"

    Pray tell, how is being a boy supposed to feel?

  • society is so fucked up nowadays that some people don't know what the fuck they are