Is anyone else tired of "big dick" shaming?

Look, everyone was born with whatever body they were born with. Some women have a beautiful facial structure, or great natural breasts or butts. Some men are built with naturally handsome genetics and good frames for athletics.

Is anyone else tired of

And some men are just born with large penises. That does not mean that we're bad at sex, that we're all brutal penetrators in the bedroom, or that we don't know how to please a woman.
On the contrary, hung men have to work and study their whole lives to learn how to properly use their large penis correctly.
We're often better communicators, more attentive lovers, and sensually suave.

Is anyone else tired of "big dick" shaming?

So whether you're hung like an elephant or a field mouse be happy with what you have, and stop trying to shame people that were born with something different.

Is anyone else tired of "big dick" shaming?

And hey guys, the ones that think having a big dick means all you have to do is unzip your pants to get laid, trust me when I say it doesn't get any easier than you already have it. Women are human beings, not "dick contest" judges that reward every big guy with a complimentary BJ. FURTHERMORE: stop judging women on the size of their body parts of you don't want to be judged on the size of yours.
Is anyone else tired of "big dick" shaming?

I agree to stop shaming men that were born blessed
Vote A
I am a whiny brat that hates when other people have things that i want
Vote B
I'm a girl that is tired of dick questions -or- a boy that hates guys with big dicks
Vote C
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Girl Guy
+1 y
If you don't believe in body positivity for ALL bodies, then what exactly do you believe in? If you want un-endowed and WELL endowed men to shut up, then prove to them that all bodies are great, just the way they are, by supporting their uniqueness. Stop making small guys feel undesirable, and stop making big guys feel unwanted.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I think the way you worded 'A' is a bit of a giveaway.

    I've been teased about it and I've read plenty of absoulte nonsese online but I've never been shamed. To be honest I'm in the top 1% in length and off the charts in girth and the overwhelming majority of my girlfriends didn't even seem to notice, that is they didn't mention it to me. They apparently told their friends but that didn't result in shaming, except in one case and that was a guy who teased me about it. I didn't feel ashamed or proud. I have a huge head too (size 7 7/8) I get teased about that more often.

  • Everyone's a f3cking victim nowadays. Within the last five minutes on this site, I have seen the following topics:

    Pretty girl shaming
    Fat shaming
    Thin shaming
    and now, the biggest joke of the lot, BIG DICK SHAMING.

    There is no such thing dude. You in fact are, "a whiny brat that hates when other people have things that I want."

    • Great attitude man! You exhibit no undesirable personality traits at all! 👍🏼😂👋🏽

    • Inability to put up with bull$hit is now an undesirable trait to have. If it is, I don't WANT to be desirable.

    • Then leave the site, if you dislike it and peoples opinions so strongly. You're not one of those people that sits at a party, and grumbles about the food, the music & the company, when you could just get up and leave, are you? Get on with it then!

    • Show All

Most Helpful Girls

  • ? i don't ever see big dick shaming?
    My boyfriend rams into my cervix every time we have sex and still don't complain.. he's good at what he does xD

    • Yeah, it's typically not directed at women, so you wouldn't see it. It does occasionally come from women, but usually from men, directed at men. Kind of like girls arguing back and forth over large or small breasts, both implying that there is something wrong with the other.

    • ass > titties anyways /: looool

    • Can't we all just have both?

    • Show All
  • Don't have a go at us for having tiny dicks, don't have a go at us for having massive dicks... just how am I supposed to ridicule you then?

    • You are trying to be sarcastic, I know, I hope... For the others who have unconscious thinking patterns that really go this way: how about enjoying life by enjoying what you like and at the *same* time letting others enjoy what they like?

  • I have dating too many guys with big dicks and they make it seem like it is a huge deal when to me it really isn't

    • Is that Alex Turner? O. O

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3 17
  • I'M THE WINY BRAT😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • Never felt any shaming, but I didn't know why in my youth all the girls in my circle of friends made offers "I could not refuse" sometimes without even wanting to date me until I rekindled a relationship with someone from that circle of friends and she informed me of the discussions they had without my knowledge. Then it all clicked.

    What is funny is that I didn't realize I had a big dick until she told me a year ago. Locker room boasting and porn had me thinking all guys were my size.

  • Huh?

  • I voted for C because my option wasn't included: I don't care about the size of anybody else's dick. I care about pleasing my woman and I know how to use what I've got, so I'm good!

  • I don't see what the big deal is

    • Then it's not all that big