And some men are just born with large penises. That does not mean that we're bad at sex, that we're all brutal penetrators in the bedroom, or that we don't know how to please a woman.
On the contrary, hung men have to work and study their whole lives to learn how to properly use their large penis correctly.
We're often better communicators, more attentive lovers, and sensually suave.

So whether you're hung like an elephant or a field mouse be happy with what you have, and stop trying to shame people that were born with something different.

And hey guys, the ones that think having a big dick means all you have to do is unzip your pants to get laid, trust me when I say it doesn't get any easier than you already have it. Women are human beings, not "dick contest" judges that reward every big guy with a complimentary BJ. FURTHERMORE: stop judging women on the size of their body parts of you don't want to be judged on the size of yours.

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