Is it true that women's breasts begin to stretch and sag as they get older?

... or is Ms BBB just pulling my leg?

She says something about a special method of mopping the floor, maybe she will explain that one to us? ... lol

But all serious aside... wait! ... no, I mean kidding! ... lol... like does it have anything to do with your boob size or if you have had children breast feeding, etc?

How can you keep them perky longer?
Is it true that womens breasts begin to stretch and sag as they get older?
Is it true that womens breasts begin to stretch and sag as they get older?
A. YES! It is totally true and begins to happen in your 30's
Vote A
Is it true that womens breasts begin to stretch and sag as they get older?
B. Yes, it is true but doesn't really start until your 40's
Vote B
Is it true that womens breasts begin to stretch and sag as they get older?
C. Yes, it is true but happens in your 50's
Vote C
Is it true that womens breasts begin to stretch and sag as they get older?
D. Yes, but it doesn't start until you're in your 60's or later
Vote D
Is it true that womens breasts begin to stretch and sag as they get older?
E. It happens if you have large breasts, like a D cup or larger but not with smaller breasts regardless of age
Vote E
Is it true that womens breasts begin to stretch and sag as they get older?
F. No, that is just an old Wive's Tale and does not happen, they stay perkie all your life
Vote F
Is it true that womens breasts begin to stretch and sag as they get older?
G. OTHER, see my comments below, or just open the "Saggy Boobs" survey
Vote G
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Yes, breast size is a factor. So is having children. Wearing bras actually make your boobs sag. No bra, they’re forced to hold themselves up. Pectoral exercises will keep them from sagging longer.

    • In case anyone wants a reference to bras increasing sagging.

    • Are you in the medical industry?

    • No, but my mom is. I used to work in a hospital too. Not as a nurse or anything. Just a receptionist. Lots of exposure. Plus learning about medicine and the way the body functions with illness and disease is interesting.

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  • Oh it's real and it's coming for you 😂


    Great question 🤣🤣🤣

    • So you're not kidding! ... lol

    • Give it some years... You'll find out 😱🤣

    • Hahaha! Oh my god xD Thanks for the laugh.

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11 31
  • Part of it's genetic, part of it's how well you take care of them, and part of it is how much money you're willing to spend to get them back should the need arise. I don't think one can really predict. Wearing good fitting bras and staying away from high shock sports like running help. If you want cardio, race walk better for you and easier on your boobs and joints.

  • From what I notice, it starts to happen in your 40s & 50s and having naturally big boobs makes it worse.

    My partner's close to that age, she's 49, but according to her she had implants put in about 20 years ago, so hers aren't sagging. Mine are natural D-cups, so they'll eventually sag as I get older, but I plan on getting implants as well to keep my girls perky when that starts to happen.

  • I think it has more to do with genetics and size... when they grow etc

  • I’m Sure your breasts Are diff now than when you were 14?

    so in 10 years they will be diff again

    and ten years from then diff again

    and so on and so forth

    but I don’t think they “get to the floor“ unless you started off huge or get huge as you get older

    little people don’t seem to change so much length wise, just perky wise.. that’s unavailable.

    • It begins slowly by late teens- once you stop growing your breasts start sagging -like the rest of you. Elasticity is lost over time. But it’s verrrrrrry slow.

    • It starts before your thirties.

  • It seem inevitable.

    Ligaments in your breasts, called Cooper's ligaments, lift and support your breasts. Over time, these ligaments can stretch out and cause the breasts to sag. Loose skin or the loss of skin's elasticity can also lead to droopy, deflated boobs.

    Exercises that target the chest muscles can help reduce the appearance of sagging, although maybe not in the way you’d expect. As Dr. Nathan explains, there’s no muscle in the breast, so you technically can’t beef up your bust. But you can strengthen and sculpt the nearby muscles—especially the pectoralis major—which can reduce the appearance of sagging.

    Breast can also deflate (pancake).

  • Oh gravity though art a heartless bitch

  • Yeah... I don't envy those with big boobs... back pain, gravity - can't fight it.
    A cup is the best :) stays in form with healthy diet.

  • Mine are still small😄. Maybe genetics and hormones..

  • I'm not an expert on breast sagging, but i would imagine that regularly massaging (especially with a vibrator) them can help.

    also it probably helps to use the same kind of creams and supplements that you would use for your face. Dr Hauschka makes really good stuff (it's a bit pricey tho).

    i bet it wouldn't hurt to do clay masks on your tits from time to time, as well.

    maybe some exercises too... (chin ups, pushups, etc.) or just do yoga all the time... you'll prolly be good

  • It's all about how old you are inside. And no that's not some cheap way to sound deep.

    See when you give up on youth and decide "I'm old" you'll automatically start to look it. You'll change into a more lazy routine and start to care less and less about how look and how well you take care of yourself.

    I've seen older women who sagged beyond fixing and others who still go jogging. And still do workouts and eat healthy and they're breasts are exactly where they used to be.
    It's no different from belly fat and messy gray hair.
    You can maintain it no matter your age you just have to be young on the inside.

    • 👏👏👏👌👍

  • I’m a DDD and I’m sagging already

  • I think in general the stretch look can be caused by exposure to the sun. The sun does have an effect on skin. With gravity weighing down on all of us, skin broken down by the sun is more easier which means it’s less elastic will stretch much easier.

    My ex girlfriend (Size B 32/34) would always sit in the sun on her bikini. If not the bikini, she wear shirts low enough to get sun on her cleavage. I would warn her and sure enough, years after breaking up when she was 28 years old had a very subtle wrinkled cleavage. The wrinkles were vertical lines going towards the breast. This indicates size B breast 32/34 can make the cleavage look wrinkled if you purposely expose your skin to the sun.

    I think there’s a size/mass constraint allowing breast to sag more. But this is a multi variable problem, so not one size fits all.

    But we can conclude that any skin damage will accelerate stretching or sagging of breast more than what it normally would have been.

    End of the day Gravity is a bitch.

  • I'm pretty sure they do. Think about sagging butts. Same type of thing. The face also sags. It's the skin losing its tightness that's what plastic surgery is for 😂 but I think they do have vitamins for though

  • For the most part yes As we get older are bodies start to sag , are skin gets weaker and energy dwindles , so best thing to do it exercise and eat healthy for the most part and they might prolong it , or getting surgery lol

  • Yeah.. They are loooose as f.

  • Mine have been sagging since they grew in 🤷🏾‍♀️

  • Google? Research papers would/might just tell you more than a random civilian would...

    • Ya, but a lot less fun :)

  • Yes it is true and I think a lot of has to do with how healthy and fit you are. it also depends on your boob weight and size.

  • Gravity is a cruel mistress

  • Yes its true, it happens when you gain or loss weight, have kids, breast feeding, there are lots of factors. But it will happen some faster then others.

    Heck I don't know if this helps, but it happens to men to. Specaily the big muscule guys with a huge chest

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