My boyfriend said that he doesn't get aroused when seeing me naked?

We've been going out for about 6 months. He would get aroused when he saw me naked for the first few months, but now he's recently told me that he no longer gets aroused. Rather, he said that we can get each other off when we want to, but seeing me naked isn't enough to get him hard. I think my body is normalised to him now.

This is the longest relationship that I've ever been in. Is this behavior normal for guys, or is this a red flag?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I'd be really hurt if my husband told me that, so I understand that part.
    However, when you're together for awhile nudity isn't always sexual. If you're together often and see each other's body you can appreciate the beauty but not necessarily be aroused with just the visual every single time. As long as he has no problem being turned on when you start play time I don't really think this is a problem, but him wording it that wasn't needed.
    I'm naked all the time at home, as soon as I get home it's pants off. My husband would be brain dead if he was hard that often from lack of oxygen to the grey matter. But giving him a signal that it's on and we have no problems so I can feel the attraction when I need it.
    Hopefully you can have a chat to your partner and clear up anything so you don't dwell on any negativity that may not be there on his side xoxo

    • Thank you for understanding :) It helps a lot

    • I hope you can have a talk to him about it - it seems really strange to just say he isn't aroused by you but if he meant not getting an erection with a glance in everyday situations then I kind of understand, but I think it would help you to make sure. Good luck lovely girl 😊

  • Honestly once you've seen your partner naked enough it can become normal, but I've not gotten to the stage where my boyfriend isn't at least somewhat intrigued by my body - but that's because I still don't let him just see me stark nude whenever he pleases - for exactly this reason. And I'm a tease so there's that.

    It isn't all about how little you're wearing anyway - sometimes it's the mystery and the initiative that's sexier. Maybe try surprising him with lingerie or something a little more exciting than just getting nude.

  • I don't get aroused when I see my boyfriend naked and usually it takes a bit of foreplay to get me going. I don't think it should be a big deal as long as he still gets aroused when you're actually doing stuff. You could try to spice things up too by talking dirty to dressing sexy.

Most Helpful Guys

  • it sounds to me like his feelings may have changed. i don't think he would feel your body has become normalized. there are people who are with their partners for decades and still find their partner very attractive... so the fact that he doesn't find you sexually appealing suggests to me that his feeling regarding you may have changed

  • I would say that familiarity has this effect on guys, which is why I love a woman in lingerie. Sexier than nude.
    Also it could mean his attraction to you is no longer purely physical, that he's interested in a deeper, more mature relationship.

    • I'm going to try lingerie, sweet idea :) I sure hope so, he's asked me to move in with him recently :/

    • Glad for you! All the best.

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7 17
  • It's normal that he doesn't necessarily get an erection every time he catches a glimpse of you naked. But for him to totally lose excitement over your body, after just 6 months, seems a little odd to me. Maybe his feelings are dwindling. Either that or he just doesn't know what it feels like to get used to something.

  • Not good. Look at my age. I've been married for over 17 years now and my husband is still turned on by my body. Your boyfriend needs to wake up? Either that or you need to get down and get kinky? Sex is very mental. What you say and how you behave can have a dramatic effect.

  • Nudity doesn't always have to be sexual. Does he still get aroused easily when you come on to him? If so, i wouldn't worry.

    • He gets hard when I come on to him. I just thought it was odd that he had to tell me. I was a bit upset about it :(

    • Ohhh he told you that.. i misread that the first time. That is odd.

  • The only reason I get turned on by my husbands body these days is because he is only home a couple days every few months. A year and a half ago? Hell nah. Same with him. When it's an everyday thing there isn't as much to be so excited about.

    • Only home a couple days every few months? What does he DO? Jee whiz... Even the guys I know who deploy on nuclear subs are home more often than that...

    • @redeyemindtricks believe it or not, he cleans water lines. lots of time away but great money.

    • What kind of water lines? Does he not have... occasional periods where he gets a couple of weeks at home? I mean... I've known military people who deployed on nuclear subs (with little contact to home) for months at a time, but, after that, they'd get at least a couple months of leave to go home. I've also known some guys who worked in oil/gas on the North Slope of Alaska, and who lived in Seattle. They worked like 100+ hour weeks, but, their schedules were usually 2 weeks on / 2 weeks off, or something like that. Point being, everyone I know who's worked that kind of job... has at least SOME extended periods of time at home. There might even be federal regulations on that sort of thing, if you're in the States. He doesn't EVER get more than a couple days off to go home? Per few months? •_________________•

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  • this is where you both spice things up