Most Helpful Guys

  • It's true, but only true if you understand the terms.

    There are 3 classifications of guys: Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Nice guys. And most women are attracted to them in that order: Good Guys are the most desired, then Bad Guys, and Nice Guys are last. That sounds crazy, but it isn't. I'll explain.

    A Good Guy is a guy who is confident - with himself and with women - who isn't afraid to make decisions, isn't afraid to tell people "no", and takes no crap from anyone. He generally treats people well, but he doesn't go overboard about it, because he's not trying to make up for other deficiencies by trying to be "extra nice." He also is motivated, has goals, and works towards success without being unduly afraid of failures. Good Guys are much more rare than you'd imagine, but it's what most women want. Most women want to be with a man who leads, who makes decisions, and who is emotionally stable when she isn't, and frankly, who will keep her in line when her emotions cause her to act crazy.

    A Bad Guy is obviously bad - he has poor morals and values and is usually selfish and self-centered, BUT he is also usually confident and not afraid to make decisions, and to lead. And most women desire confident leaders such that they'll choose a Bad Guy over a Nice Guy almost every time. At the very least, a Bad Guy is exciting and interesting.

    A Nice Guy is a guy who lacks confidence - in himself and with women - who is afraid to make decisions and to fail, so he rarely takes a risk at all - and there is no chance of success if there isn't a risk. Nice Guys know that they lack confidence, but the think they can make up for it by being "extra nice". So, they defer everything to the woman - asking HER to make all the decisions (figuring: if she gets to choose where we go and what we do, she's going to be happy) and always prioritizing her and ultimately being a spineless doormat. The thing is: women don't WANT to make all the decisions, and they don't even want to get their way every time. Making decisions isn't something many women are good at, and they don't want that added pressure, plus they won't respect a guy who can't make decisions. She's happy to not always get her way as long as her guy makes the decisions and knows her tastes enough to SOMETIMES decide to do what she likes without complaint.

    Nice Guys usually don't realize the difference between Nice Guys and Good Guys, and often believe they're the same thing, and that the only alternative is to be a Bad Guy - and they are incredulous when women choose a Bad Guy over them (Nice Guys) - but the fact is, Nice Guys are NOT Good Guys, and you cannot make up for a lack of confidence and wise risk-taking and decision-making by being "extra nice." If you remain a Nice Guy, you WILL finish last. If you want to WIN, you need to become a Good Guy, and that means you have to make changes to yourself and your thinking. That's not easy to do if you're naturally a Nice Guy, but it's the only thing that's going to get you out of Last Place, so, you either resolve to do the work and make those changes, or you accept being single and focus on your hobbies instead.

    • I've been trying to explain these sorts of distinctions in very verbose ways. I think you nailed it succinctly here.

  • NO. Dumb guys finish last.
    Single males who aren't slaves to pussy succeed in life.

    When you stop giving pussy power, it stops controlling you.

    Guys who believe "nice guys finish last", revolve their life around pussy and getting pussy.
    Pussy is fun, but it's also poison. It will destroy you.

    Like all additive things, it makes you feel good and you crave it but it isn't good for you.
    It ruins more than it helps.

    Most guys become neutered house cats when they have a female in their life.
    That isn't productive, it isn't healthy. You lose your freedom, your sense of self, your friends, etc.
    There isn't a guy out there who hasn't had a female try and change him once she had him by the balls. The female magazines are filled with this "train you man" bullshit.
    It's part of who they are. Even if they say "Not ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!"

    "I don't like when you look at porn"
    "I should be enough for you"
    "I don't like when you talk to your female friends"
    "Why do you have to go hang with the guys, why can't we just stay in..."

    The ball and chain concept came from truth.

    Stop seeing pussy as a path to happiness, and see it for what it is... another fun activity.
    Only then will you stop feeling like your world doesn't matter unless some female justifies you.
    You are more than what a female allows you to be man.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Thats ridiculous. People who think that way are ridiculous, nice guys are wanted, but when girls search for them, they never appear. It is a problematic world, every individual is different. I dont believe nice guys finish last. Girls marry nice guys!

    • But they don't date us first. We finish and get the girl, but the girl has already been with jerks.

    • @Twalli, who cares who she has "already been with"?

    • @Lliam it doesn't matte, pointbis, we don't get the girl first, jerks get girls first. Case in point I got my first girlfriend was at 27.

  • Not in my experience. Here's a helpful quote 💜

    Nice guys finish last... ?
    • YAY! Thanks for MHO! (◠‿◕)🌸💘

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What Girls & Guys Said

8 37
  • Nah.

  • Only for guys who can't find a girl and then use that excuse as a reason why.
    Maybe being a nice guy ain't the reason finish last. Maybe because really not a nice guy 🤔

  • I don't care if I finish last. Being a good person has got my balls sucked many times, and in the end, that's all that matters 🙃

  • Only the fake nice guys

  • Man! After reading the comments, there are a lot of really fucked up guys out there who resent and have no respect for women. They've obviously never been in a meaning relationship in their lives and then turn around and blame women.

    The girls got it right on this question.

  • The only way nice guys should be finishing last is in the sense of orgasms

  • Nice guys don’t finish last. “Nice guys” finish last.

  • There is a difference between Nice and good guys. Nice guys tell you what you want to hear good guys tell you what you need to hear

  • Not at all. All the nice guys I know are in happy relationships. But there are many guys who imagine themselves as nice but they are just passive-aggressive and need a life.

  • It's true, but life is not a race.

    It doesn't matter when you cross the finish line, it matters where you cross the finish line to get to.

    Lots of people who finish first end up wishing they hadn't. Lots of people who finish last end up glad they did.

  • 100% true

  • Yes, it's only polite to ensure the lady finishes first! ;)

  • No they don't, only those who think being nice entitles you to having someone, and if they say they are nice, that's red flag, we can't just decide what we are like, we have to be "judged" by others in some way to know who we are that's why being criticized by other people is good, in relationship even more, still we need to practice self love too. Everyone says they are nice until you say something they won't like, they will do a 360 and go from nice to awful and from lovely to hateful in 1 sec.

    • Exactly man when a guy tries to fake it with a girl she'll see right through his bullshit.. Still doesn't mean she doesn't want a good man with her I've seen a lot of guys who are like that make it happen (not myself included I'm more of the jerk to everyone still good to everyone kinda guy)

    • I wonder if they don't just hate women like why they don't just take it like "ah w/e not this one, than other one"

  • Being nice isn't about being polite and agreeable and get everything what you want, but to do what you think is the right thing to do even when it results you to finish last.

  • Have you seen simps before?

  • here

  • Yes because those who are 'nice' are usually those who are 'considerate' and because of that they are unlikely to ask the girl out and therefore the girl has doubts if they like them or are just a nice friend so are likely to go with the more straightforward guy who may not be so 'considerate' but makes it clear that he likes you

  • Does he act nice cause he's nice, or as trying (too) hard to win her over?

    Girls like to be pursued, but they also like to know you have options. That you choose her out of being your best option, not due to the lack of them.

    But, seriously, who has no options? If you are the average guy you attract girls, it's just they won't tell you that easy.

  • Suckers finish last, and by that I mean they go with a girl after she has been screwed by a bunch of other guys and probably has kids by them and then wants a sucker to come along and take care of her and her mistakes after. lol

    Just avoid the ones with kids, that have done hook ups, that only want jewelry for gifts, or that won't pay their own way on dates, especially at first. If you are a good guy and bring much to the relationship, don't settle for someone that is too much of a lesser person. Don't settle for leftover trash. It may take longer to actually find someone good and worthy, but you will be better off in the long run.

  • yeah cause they don't get laid till they realize that nice guys are boring and unattractive.

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