Opinion on interracial sex?

personally I love it , I love how the black contrasts against my white skin , and black guys are just hot asf 😍
Whats your opinion on it?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • That depends. It is very rare to find couples who are truly in love, but just happen to be of different races. (Those couples have my respect by the way.)

    However, most interracial couples are a result of people fetishizing eachother's races. Your comment, "I love how the black contrasts against my white skin , and black guys are just hot asf", clearly shows that you only fetishize black men.

    If this was not a case of fetishizing, you would have been speaking about an *individual*, not generalizing a whole race (albeit a positive generalization). Also, if you loved the aforementioned *individual*, his skin color would not even be a noticeable factor for you. It would simply go over your head, and you would be treating him like a man of any other race.

    To dumb it down a bit: If you were genuine, you wouldn't be saying "I love sleeping with this hunky black dude", you would be saying something like "This man is my soul mate" and you wouldn't even mention his race unless explicitly asked about it.

  • I love interracial dating too. I'm a black male who happen to like white girls but love Asian girls. White girls are fun than a mug and is really good at other thing. If you know what I mean. 😉

    • I think I know what you mean 😏 X

    • I'm guilty, Haha!😂

    • Haha 😂 Message me x

Most Helpful Girls

  • I agree. I am darkskin and I date men who are caramel or lighter skin. I love the contrast of their skin on mine. I also like watching interrracial porn where its a black guy eating a white woman pussy. But i must say that be mindful that a lot of black guys may see you as a sex fetish and will only want sex. Not a relationship from you. I have seen this happen all to often.

    • can you take it deep?

  • I feel ya, I'm black, with caramel skin (?) we can say, and I love myself a dark skinned beast or a white prince, no in between, I love the contrast our skin color can created when we're entangled, it's fascinating 😍😍😍😍

    • In glad I'm not the only one👌🏼😋 its amazing isn't x

    • amazing, fantastic, marvelous, you name it, I love it💗

    • Black men have the highest testosterone. As such they have the most pronounced ''manly'' features which is why women of all races are attracted to them. Asian women have the most estrogen which is why they're the most desired by men

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  • I love them! I seem to only be into guys who are different races than I am. For the most part I date white guys, but that doesn't mean I don't like any other ethnicites. I have a thing for Hispanic men. They're fiiiiinnne.

    • which race are you then.. I hope we're not same

    • I'm mixed race so I identify as African American.

  • Tbh im not so into it due to personal traumatic reasons in the past.
    So i don't actually watch interracial (black-white) porn at all (i don't get turned on by it what so ever)

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What Girls & Guys Said

9 34
  • I don't think of it as interracial sex although I know what you mean, you needed to describe what you meant. To me it's just sex and I can't really understand how beauty could be contained within one skin colour or ethnicity. I mean, beautiful is beautiful. Sexy is sexy. I love variety in all things.

  • I usually get better sex from a black man... I love it!

  • go for black guys.. they have a steel body by nature..

  • Normal

  • Whatever floats your boat, I always get described as the "exotic" look because I'm half Panamanian and half German, I grew up in a community where everyone else was white, go figure I prefer white woman above all.