This guy send me a message saying he has video of my little sis sucking him off should I ask my sis about it or ignore the guy?

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Superb Opinion

  • Ignore and don't respond. You should tell your sis because he could put it on some website which she might not prefer to happen. It would probably be criminal if he did - depends on your jurisprudence. If it is criminal she should make it clear what will happen if he does. The text message to you would convict since it is no longer a he said/she said. Police can possibly advise or some legal service.

    Possibly if not criminal there could be civil remedies. I think she should know where she stands first before confronting him. Obviously he is not particularly an upright man since wants to play it. He might even want to experience both sisters. Get everything in text and make sure it is backed up securely.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Well, I think you should tell your sister if you feel you are able to as this is important information that she should have access to but it's not any of your business, you shouldn't be making any judgements about it etc.

    If she wants your help in some way then you should try to help her but there probably isn't anything which can be done, unless there is something illegal about it.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I think you should ask her. She needs to know that either there is some weird guy pretending, or even worse a guy who has got a video.

  • You say little sis I’d report him if she’s underage

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3 21
  • Ignore him and stay out of it.

  • If he sends you a link, don't click it. Just sayin

  • Ignore him.

    • okay thanks

  • Ask your sis in some subtle fashion if she was "with " him. But ignore him anyway.

  • You should ask her like in a friendly way thats for her own good.

    • okay thanks