Most Helpful Girls

  • I can get away with not wearing a bra. Most backless dresses are perfect. But before buying a dress I have to try a lot out because if they fit right on the bottom, they're usually too big on top. Or a lot of tailoring is necessary.

    I never have to try on shirts. If a shirt looks good on the hanger, it looks good on me. Shirt shopping is the best kind of shopping.

    Bikini shopping is horrible. I can only even buy bikinis sold as separates, because I never see the same size on the top and the bottom. If my top doesn't have enough padding, I look like a child. If the top has too much padding, I run the risk of that little boob would be falling out anyway.

    I can wear super low-cut tops and dresses without worrying about anything falling out.

    I can wear bras with no underwire. Way more comfortable.

    There is never any cleavage.

    I can wear workout tops with built-in bras. For most exercise classes, they provide enough coverage. And they're super cute!

    But sports bras are the ultimate flattener.
    Exercising is comfortable. They never get in the way or feel painful bouncing around, because they don't bounce around.

  • I'm a small B cup. You aren't all bouncy and jiggly when you go for a run. You have better variety of clothing, bras because almost anything you wear is going to look good on you! Cute tops look cute on you because your not too big to be wearing some of them! Chances are you're not going to flop out of your bikini bra at an embarassing moment, never happened to me but a couple of my well endowed friends have had it happen..

    • No Cons at all then?

    • I wish I had more than a B cup.

    • Thank You!!

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Small boobs often have more feeling than do large boobs, because they have the same number of nerve endings, over a smaller area. Thus, when he plays with your boobs, you probably get more feeling and more fun. Also, small boobs don't get in the way and get burned on the stove, or poked into what you are cooking, as easily. And when moving about with people around, small boobs don't keep hitting people or brushing up against them. And small boobs don't catch food that drops from your mouth, making a mess on your blouse. And you have just the right amount for a mouth full.

  • Pros of small boobs:
    - Guys pay more attention to the nipples
    - Reduced bra dependency
    - Little to no pain
    - Better balance
    - Makes you look younger
    - Won't sag when you get old
    - Less sweaty
    - Lighter
    - Don't hurt as much when hit

    Pros of big boobs:
    - Wider range of female-specific clothing available
    - More attention from guys
    - Ability to give boob jobs
    - Can hold a beer bottle at parties

    • No fungus under them when they sag as you get older

    • And the guys you find will be more into you than into your cup size.

    • @jacquesvol How can it be, the guys paying more attention on nipples is a pro... Care to explain please!

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What Girls & Guys Said

15 45
  • Pro: Jennifer Aniston, bralettes, you can go braless, running is fine
    Con: guys and pop culture always vocalize and emphasize wanting girls with big boobs, some clothing doesn’t fit (lots need to be hemmed bcs im tall but have small boobs)

    • I dont want a girlfriend with big breasts.

    • see that’s refreshing considering half the guys im friends with fantasize about big boobs not to mention i’ve grown up looking at posters and commercials where the bustier the better

    • Yeah, I always hate those posters with models that have large breasts. It makes people overthink their looks. People start to think they can't be a model, or do something they dream of due to their size. I prefer smaller breasts honestly. I am more attracted to them, but also because its better for the female. Smaller breasts seem to make things a lot easier for women to do.

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  • No cons at all. Boobs are good. Big one small ones. To most guys, boobs are like Pokemon, got to see them all. Men have there favorites. But no boob is bad. I have never in my life banana situation, where a woman has show me her boobs, and I was unappreciative. The only time I've ever heard any complaints about boobs is from women. And that's usually from women with really big boobs. They complain about back problems, and the fact that they can't find a bra in their size.

  • Well, a pro is not having to wear a bra if you are completely flat-chested.

  • I so often see women thinking their small boobs are a con when so many of us guys consider it a pro! Small boobs rock!

  • No need for a bra...

  • Why do girls think small boobs are a disadvantage? I mean maybe if the hottest guys only liked big boobs. But is that even true? I don’t think so. Do y’all think that? The best guys out there only like big boobs? I don’t think that’s true.

  • Big boobs and small boobs all have their plusses and minuses.

    For instance:
    1. Big boobs are great for titty fucking and motor boating but are usually less sensitive and give the woman back problems which she will complain about.
    2. Small boobs are not great for titty fucking or motor boating but are usually more sensitive (so nipple play is better) and the woman will never have back problems from her boobs.

    As far as attractiveness is concerned, yeah, boobs can have an impact, but animal sexuality is much hotter.

    So, let's talk about small boobs more...

    "More than a handful is wasted." - Paul B.

    This is Pat Benatar circa 1980. As you can see, she's not going to win a wet t-shirt contest. However, she is screamingly hot and this is because of her femininity and animalistic sexuality.

    For more evidence, take a look at Joan Jett...

    So, girls with small boobs can definitely rock it...

    The hottest woman I know is an A-cup. Besides, for me, in my fantasies, A-cups are more than enough...

    By the way, B-cups are the actual normal. So why is the average around C now? Women getting fat.

    But I want you to think about something: If a man makes boobs a high priority, then he's not marriage material... Why? Women of all breast sizes get double mastectomies (like Angelina Jolie, Ann Jillian, and Christina Applegate). If a man can't appreciate a woman with small boobs, why should he appreciate a woman who has had a double mastectomy? "In sickness and in health" are more than just words. I told my wife (who has a nice rack and I like boobs too) that I'd still love her and stay with her even if "the girls left the party".

    ANYWAY, don't worry about your breast size. Believe it or not, who you are is actually more important to us than how you look. When young, we may be obsessed with looks but we grow out of that fast as we get experience with women's personalities.

  • Strapless clothing, backless clothing, you can run, jump, dance, affordable bras, perkiness I could go on and on...

    • Strapless clothing is both... some of them you can't wear coz they keep sliding off. They ain't got nothing to hold ok to.

    • @3Didnt7say You can go completely braless, we can’t do that!

    • Oh no I can't go braless. My comment was just from observation.

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  • Pros-extra sensual (small girls are wetter easier and some orgasm on nipples only), sexy as hell, gets me excited (why do I love those flat ones so?). Cons-none. It doesn't get any better than the woman in that picture.

  • I like small 😛😝

  • As someone who has big boobs. I see a lot more pros for girls with small boobs. They can wear what ever they like without looking all umpy and bumpy. They can go barless. Summer is more

    • *Comfortable for them when wearing a bra rather than a girl with big boobs. They can lay on their front, they don't have to worry about anything poping out or showing to much cleavage.

  • I think one big advantage is that oversized tops/jumpers look better & that they aren’t as annoying in sports, especially cardio that involve a lot of dynamics.
    I also read somewhere that there’s less risk of breast cancer but I’m not sure if it’s really true.
    I‘m a D-cup by the way so those are just ones I can come up with from an outside perspective ahah

  • So long as she is proportional, like Zoe Saldana or Keira Knightley, I see no cons at all.

  • I dont mind or say anything demeaning or hateful to anyone with small or large boobs but i personally like big boobs

  • No cons Pros are that they will not sag severely when you get older, in some cases they will remain in the same spot as they were when you were younger

  • All pro's

  • What's with this obsession over boob size? Small boobs have no disadvantages in my opinion. They look nicer, easier to manage, don't hurt the back etc.

  • Small are fine.

  • Your value as a person, a human being, a lover, pretty much anything, is simply not centered around nor wrapped up in your tits.
    And you can't do anything about it anyway, unless you buy fake ones. Or 'bolt-ons'. No, it's all a fail to worry about your tits.

    Just find a guy that loves YOU just the way YOU are. Ya got way more important things to worry about.

  • Pros:

    They’re cute.

    They don’t hurt your back.

    They’re (as long as they’re more than A-Cup) proportionate

    They’re a fetish!


    They’re seen as less sexy/less feminine.

    Big boobs are also a fetish.

    More pros than cons if you ask me :)

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