What is rape culture? To the extent that it does exist, where does it exist? Where does it exist the most?

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What is rape culture? To the extent that it does exist, where does it exist? Where does it exist the most?
What is rape culture? To the extent that it does exist, where does it exist? Where does it exist the most?
What is rape culture? To the extent that it does exist, where does it exist? Where does it exist the most?
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Superb Opinion

  • This following link is a good cover of it.


    There is a lot of press on UK schools over next 12 months regarding kids from primary age upwards being sexually assaulted, abused, bullied with sexual overtures.

    it’s not being helped by films such as A Fertile Heart: Receiving and Giving Creative Love, being shown to schools (religious) where it pushes the message of men were ‘created to initiate sexual relationships’ and women to be ‘receiver-responders’.

    The problem to me with the word is it’s like a blanket excuse ‘oh it’s because there is a rape culture’ that is then used to hide what’s going on and almost make things acceptable, because it exists.

    Social media shows a lot of what people think, some is scary, where people post saying guys should be allowed to rape, where if they (the guy) are drunk it should be legal to rape a girl.

    The entire thing of trivialising rape is worrying,

    when Reynhard Sinaga was arrested in the UK, it took a while for his victims to come forward, eventually he was found guilty of raping 136 men, however it’s reckoned to be 200 men who were raped.

    Which also highlights another aspect hidden by blanket statements boys, men are getting abused or raped in increasing numbers.

    Far to much is being normalised, trivialised, turned in to jokes, victims not taken seriously, under reporting is another scary thing, especially with the rape and abuse of boys and men

    the question is what do you call it when it’s normalised to expect a girl wearing a short skirt to be sexually assaulted and people blame her for how she is dressed, where it’s okay to make jokes about rape, where under reporting is ridiculously low for both genders due to how victims are perceived by society, imagine having to keep silent and hide being a victim of violent non sexual crime, of having your car stolen etc.

Most Helpful Guy

  • "Rape Culture" is a third-wave feminist strawman term that suggests the idea of rape happening all the time in society and that no one cares about it and that it's normalized. And it doesn't exist in the West regarding women (although rape culture is certain a thing in American prisons and no one bats an eye or gives a flying f*ck about it, especially feminists. Funny, that.) Even FALSE rape accusations in the West can ruin a man's life. However, in some parts of central and western Asia, one could argue there is a "rape culture."

    However, the nitwits who actually unironically use the term, NEVER refer to rape culture in regard to Islamic countries. Cause that's, you know, "wacist!!" and stuff. If rape culture is a thing, then the Middle East is where it would most heavily exist. Outside of the prison system, it doesn't exist whatsoever in the First World/Western world. Ignore all idiots who try to tell you otherwise.

    (And no, anecdotal evidence still isn't "evidence," even if you've had the misfortune to experience it yourself and for some reason, did not tell the police or they did not do anything to help you.)

Most Helpful Girls

  • People talk about a lot of things when it comes to rape culture.
    But it's fundamentally in my opinion this..
    There are people in society who think everyone and everything is beneath them.

    If they see it, they take it.

    They advocate for oppression in all senses.
    Taking only grants them more power!
    They believe.

    If you can fix that mentality you don't have to worry about the people talking about inappropriate clothing or because that person sleeps around or drinks too much was asking for it.

    This are excuses to justify their wring doings.
    They don't matter.

    The less focus we put on the excuses they make actively frees us to focus on their bullying domineering selfish behaviour.

    Do get side tracked!

    • *don't get side tracked!

  • People who blame women for posting sexy photos.
    People who say she wanted it because she was wearing sexy underwear.
    Supporting athletes and celebs who were charged with rape and dismissing their victims. Complaining that the victims ruined their career.
    Only 3% of rapists being jailed.
    Assuming false reporting is common when it's 2%-10% which is normal.
    Rape jokes
    The fact that we have to condition ourselves to not use offensive language.
    Victims not taken seriously or believed.
    Politicans stating that rape is something god intended to happen.
    Pop music that states "I know you want it" "blurred lines".

    • want to add confusion over what consent means. it seems a lot of people didn't know what or how to recognize consent or ask for it.

    • Yes! Consent is not a person saying yes after you nagged them repeatedly. A drunk person cannot consent. A drugged person cannot consent. You still need consent from your long term partner. Enthusiastic consent is the only consent you should be aiming for.

    • Alright these are great numbers

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7 19
  • It's not real. It's something invented by people that have a desire and need to feel offended but the world wasn't bad enough. So they made this up.

  • I know of five individuals including myself who had some sort of experience with rape and pedophiles. Most of which is from family or close family friends. I think only one of them has been reported and the others are quiet about it. One of whom didn't want to say anything as they were worried that the rest of the family won't believe her, as she said his dick was shot during the war and so wouldn't be able to rape her.

  • Victim blaming/Rape Jokes/Etc

    All things that are normalized in the media that are harmful for male and female victims of SA.

  • Sexual assaults are real but I suspect that they will always happen with some frequency. We can wear fancy clothes drive cars, and act all cosmopolitan but, at the end of the day we are still animals. A certain segment of the population does not value controlling their base instincts and urges but I don't think their behavior is encouraged or even tolerated by society.

    "Rape culture" is simply a battle cry, a call or a demand for attention, and I suspect that no amount of attention will ever satisfy the history feminists.

    The above comments are not intended to trivialize this subject. I have had two girlfriends who had previously been the victims of sexual assaults and I have done appreciation for the trains caused by a rape.

  • Rape culture straight up does not exist.
    There are factors not in favor of women and are in favor of men with respect to the legal system. But other than that, pretty much ends there.

    Men face penalties due to accusations alone and many times it comes out the accusations were false to begin with. No one seeks to make it up to those false accused. No apology. They don't use equal levels of publicity to exonerate as they do to besmirch the man's name

    Do some women, who were actually raped, go to the police about it and are not believed? I'm sure it happens.

    That's not a rape culture. That can be a variety of factors like evidence or lack thereof, general believability I'm communication, circumstances of the event, other people being present, police in that particular area failing to do proper investigation and follow up.

  • You have poked the wasp nest with this one. 1 out of 5 women that you have around you at any moment has been raped, harassed, assaulted, stalked or shamed for expressing of who she is in any way. 1 out-of 20 men has been sexualy assaulted or harassed, shamed for expression. And it is getting more frequent. 1 out of 5 raped, abused women will report it. 1 out of 50 straight men that have been assaulted report it. 1 in 2 assault male victims were assaulted by their male friend. If you think just because you dont do it this won't happen to you, you are in for a surprise. Where is it? its everywhere, why is it? Because people are getting more entitled they want what they want when they want it and there are no consequences to their actions.

  • A culture in which people prefer to ignore rape victims because they don't know what can realistically be about it.

    Like if Abbott said he was going to deliver on his promise to end rape in Texas by teaching "don't rape" in schools, would that realistically satisfy the people who claim that that is the path to ending rape? I sure hope not.

    • *be done about it. Me and my typos..

  • Sounds like one of those terms they teach about on college campuses because if there was enough evidence for it's existence then it would be held as a self-evident truth and wouldn't need a college course to teach about it. Just another divisive feminist ideology and as many already stated, the woman in most cases is believed over the man without any supporting evidence. Of course, people are losing faith in women due to their tendency to exaggerate, leave out, or make up information but that has more to do with women than with men. If they really wanted people to believe women more, they would focus their attention on getting women to be totally honest and not be inconsistent about their story, which causes irreparable harm to women's credibility on the whole. They won't because feminism is about creating problems not fixing them.

    • About the second point of victim blaming. I've personally not seen people do that except for Arabs because in their culture, the woman covers herself from head to toe in public. It's true that you shouldn't walk down the street dressed like a prostitute and expect not to attract attention. Dave Chappelle has a joke about walking around in a police uniform and getting offended by people asking for help. Yes ladies you can dress however the fuck you like, but you can't control people's reactions.

  • Stuff for feminists to whine about. Rape is universally abhorred and most men would like to punish rapists more than feminists would let them.

    Rape jokes do not cause more rape to happen.

  • "culture"? No such thing.

  • Often the victim is not believed when a woman, or they victim blame. Say that it is her fault for (insert reason)

    Men have often been told they cannot be raped by women.

    It also happens in some cultures more than others.

    I even had a guy tell me once, rape is when the bad guys get some but the nice guys can't... and I thought WTF. Former co-worker that I've often wondered if he became a bad guy.

  • I don't think it exist honestly. This is something that is only heard in America, never heard about it outside America.

    • I did not expect you to answer this way.

    • I think it mostly comes from the militant feminists.

  • From what I'm hearing, as of last night, it sounds like it's mostly in China!

  • If it’s a proven fact and if she/he was under like 15 the rapist should have it burnt off. The rest of the rapist time for an injection and jail time.
    The victim should be able to testify privately.

  • These things happen I’m sure, but there’s no culture, no club, no plan, no agenda. men across the world didn’t unite one day and create Rape Inc. well… the middle easterners did, with that certain blood cult religion.

  • It exists in some prison cultures and among criminal organizations and sex traffickers. That’s about it.

  • It exists all over the world really, to different degrees... Anywhere that the victim is blamed, or where men are let off because "boys will be boys" or you don't want to "ruin a mans reputation over one small mistake" like umm yes you do.

  • Yes, it very much exists. The diagrams you posted explain it very well.

    WHERE does it exist? It exists within the men who ascribe to that philosophy and way of life. They are the perpetrators of rape culture. And it exists in and through the popular media that they produce (music, magazines, etc.) And it exists in the lives of the women whose lives intersect with those men. ... So, essentially everywhere (unfortunately).

  • Another feminist fantasy. There is no "Rape culture" in the US.

  • Even RAINN says that rape culture is bullshit.

    "In the last few years, there has been an unfortunate trend towards blaming “rape culture” for the extensive problem of sexual violence on campuses. While it is helpful to point out the systemic barriers to addressing the problem, it is important to not lose sight of a simple fact: Rape is caused not by cultural factors but by the conscious decisions, of a small percentage of the community, to commit a violent crime."

    It then goes on to say:

    "This trend has the paradoxical effect of making it harder to stop sexual violence, since it removes the focus from the individual at fault, and seemingly mitigates personal responsibility for his or her own actions. "

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