What is the best action an Adult can take if a minor comes on to them and they won’t accept no for an answer?

Imagine yourself as an adult and you are in regular contact with a minor at your job who is extremely attracted to you. Despite you refusing their advances several times and making it crystal clear that you are in no way attracted to them they will not accept “no” for an answer.

what in your opinion is the best course of action in this unfortunate hypothetical situation?
Quit the job
Vote A
Try to transfer somewhere else if that is at all possible
Vote B
Call the police
Vote C
Inform the minors parents (or legal guardians) about this situation
Vote D
Continue to work there and keep refusing their advances and hopefully one day they’ll stop or get it
Vote E
A combination of some of the above
Vote F
I would do something else (please say)
Vote G
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Record all interactions and keep all texts and call records.

    Contact his parents in person, recording the interaction with their knowledge, and show them copies of that proof, and inform them that you want their kid to leave them alone.

    If they do, great. If they don’t, go to the police and file charges of harassment.

    • Leave you alone* derp

  • Why not just go to the Human Resources department! What you are describing is sexual harassment! It doesn’t matter if they are not 18, you’re both obviously employees! One call to HR and your problem would be over!

    • I've many stories of HR not really doing anything meaningful about claims like this. Js

    • Well at least you are covered legally.

    • If it’s any consolation, I’ve fired people for less than sexual harassment. If anything, there’s a record of you trying to stop harassment from continuing, which if nothing is done, can put your boss in hot water.

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  • I am quite firm when I reject advances, especially in the work environment.
    If they kept that up, I would gather evidence that they are hitting on me and I would threaten them to leave me alone with said evidence. After that, I don't think they would continue that shit.
    In the current environment I work (?) - I am still in postponement due to lockdown here and it is still uncertain if I will keep working there or not-, I have only experienced that shit with clients, but after firmly rejecting them, they didn't continue.

    • you think this will work against a minor?

    • Look I am not suggesting you to inform the HR because... it would be hypocritical of me... since I don't do that - it was not needed so far and I don't like the act of it-. I have a... maybe it is a fault of mine, not to report people, but deal with such things on my own. But in your situation she could turn the tables and accuse you of hitting on her, so maybe the wise choice here would be to report her before she does it out of spite?

    • this is a hypothetical im raising here. But if it were me i think i would inform the parents first if i could, or f not yeah tell hr or management

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  • The first thing is you report it to the job. (To protect yourself from them later claiming it was you hitting on them) And it wouldn't hurt to try to get proof of their advances to prove your innocent..
    But also authorities (for same reason)
    Let the job or authorities deal with the parents

  • Wear a body cam and report them for sexual harassment. Body cams that aren't water/drop proof are cheap as hell, pop a 128 or 256 GB SD card in there, you have footage for a shift.

    Really you need to report it to your supervisor. If you're a guy reporting, get that video first. Then sue everyone. It isn't about money. It's about covering your ass and keeping your job. They can pay out millions and smear the name of the other person, or you'll settle out of court for the other party being fired, not being rehired by that company or their subsidiaries again, no retaliation for taking necessary measures, and a promotion with a lateral transfer to prevent discrimination based on your actions.

    I mean, more often then not people who legit report sexual harassment are given a job that isn't a job at all, so get ready for semi-retirement if you have that video.

  • Tell human resources and pray they dont turn the tables and make you look like a predator

  • I would contact HR and my manager, boss, or someone above me.

  • Inform the parents right away. See if y'all could come up with a solution together. Since Minors can't think or be responsible for themselves especially in the eyes of the law, dealing with them is moot. You have to deal with whoever is responsible for them. Because then it's the parents fault if it was not dealt with, if they were made aware of the situation. Just make sure to document it. So texting or emailing them about the issue would be best. Or you can even record the conversation, and they should understand why.

  • I would take it to HR. If you have said no and they continue than it is sexual harassment. Also, you need to get it stopped and addressed before they pull some rejection shit that gets the law involved.

    Oh, and never ever be alone with them.

  • Inform your manager immediately explaining you've done nothing to encourage it.

  • Inform HR that they are sexually harassing you, and get them fired.

    They are the one that is in the wrong, and you shouldn't have to pay the price for that.

  • Depending where the employment is I would speak to HR , keep a coworker informed, seek out the persons parents if possible,& keep my family & friends informed. Also I would keep a daily journal just in case. This is just my opinion ✌️

  • I think the best thing you can do is inform the parents or the legal guardians. That way you can't be accused of pedophilia. If they don't believe you, then call the police.

  • While not with a minor but similar thing, pretty much all organisations have a policy covering this. Also as they would be working, they likely would be over 16, which removes one element from it ( you could just take them outside and nail them).

    you report it to their line manager
    you report it to your line manager
    you report it to HR

    Where they are minors under 18 then this also falls under Safe Guarding Children which is a mandated policy and this would cover actions to be taken.
    the key thing is reporting it ASAP.

    have seen where this has not been reported and the infatuated person reports the innocent party for being a ‘perv’.

  • Make a point of being near enough someone else that they can either witness it or help to prevent it. If the minor does it so the witness can see, report it to HR.

  • Physically remove yourself from the situation and then buy security cameras to record your every move. Video evidence of your innocence is your friend. But honestly if this gets serious, put your affairs in order and move out of town and if you can out of state. When I was 20 my neighbor's 12 year old daughter had a crush on me and I almost went to prison based on what the girl said in front of her mother when I had never even been alone with the girl let along laid a hand on her. Children say things unintentionally that can sound like they are implicating someone when they actually mean something else. Adults around them hear what they want to know what is actually being said or meant. Plus some children will get revenge when they are rejected. I got lucky that in my case it was a passing phase and she crushed on a 15 year old high school boy the following week. But for 36 hours her mom was panicking and calling the police and I had to answer a lot of uncomfortable questions before the investigation concluded it was a misunderstanding.

  • I just delay them with harmless but intentionally awkward flirting until they get bored. I've found their drive for older men is because they have a sort of cartoonish ideal in their mind. Shattering that image is easy: just show a lack of competence and confidence.

  • Keep your cool, unfazed. If the little horndog gets physical about it, do the very same by pushing them away hard, and make sure they don't do it ever again, unless they like the idea of banging against walls for a living.
    Fairly sure they'll understand, and you don't have, once more as I already told you, run from your problems but face them.

  • Well i had this happen but when a kid myself. Back then i just kinda hurt her by saying eww why would i love you.
    Admittlingly i could of handled it better but i was younger and just got freaked out. Been a weirdo already in school wouldn't be good idea to have any rumors of that.

    Now i would just be friendly with them, but explain i obviously couldn't and wouldn't do anything with them due to there age. Guess this is less likey depending on country since here 16 is legal. i guess it would be a lot more common in places with 18 since a lot of 16 and 17 look 18 and act so.

  • Call hr, that’s sexual harassment.

  • Dont lose your job over a minor. Dont let them have that power. Create a paper trail to protect yourself. Contact your boss. Make an accusation of sexual harassment. Men get sexually harassed too. But create a paper trail!

  • I'd definitely tell my manager and theirs, and require - not request - that their parents be informed by management that they are aware of the situation.

    It is actually sexual harassment. Unusual to be that way round, but it does happen. In my first job, aged 19, I worked in a school that had students aged 7 to 16. One of the 15 year old girls kept coming on to me. I only worked with the under 12 children but had to travel in by bus and she happened to use the same bus. The school was about 12 miles from my home and I didn't drive then. Eventually I stopped using the bus and started cycling to the job on a bicycle. It took 2 hours each way instead of 20 minutes but at 19 I was fit enough to be able to cope. I explained the situation to my boss, who informed her parents. After a few weeks I went back to the bus when I heard from a colleague the girl now had a boyfriend. First day back on the bus she came up and apologised.

    Her new "boyfriend" was older than me.

    Best thing is to keep everything in the open and make sure you're never EVER alone with them.

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