Which body type would you prefer?

I know this would be better with pictures but it's difficult to find exact matches online and I don't feel comfortable taking pictures of them. Just as a preface: Both women are in normal weight ranges and work at/have decent tone. Girl 1: Tall (5'11''), long thin legs, straight body shape (waist and hips about the same measurement), flat abs, A/B boobs, medium sized butt. --Is a straight/banana body shape. Girl 2: Short (5'2''), athletic/thicker legs, curvy body shape (enhanced difference between waist and hips), flat abs, B/C boobs, bubble butt. --Is a curvy body shape leaning toward pear due to wider hips **As mentioned above, both are in the normal weight range and work out. Girl 1 is likely on the lower end of her weight range and more athletic, with Girl 2 being in the middle of her weight range**
I prefer Girl 1
Vote A
I prefer Girl 2
Vote B
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Girl Guy
+1 y
There are not the girls but images similar to them**

Girl 1: www.mybodygallery.com/photos-37751-body-shape.htm --She may have a bit more meat/tone on her than this girl but the shape is the same
Girl 2: www.mybodygallery.com/photos-36437-body-shape.htm
+1 y
The picture for girl 1 isn't as filled out as the real girl is. She has more meat and muscle and doesn't look as lanky. So she has the longer legs but less curve. The picture for girl 2 is pretty accurate, with thick/shorter legs, but curvier.
0 1

Most Helpful Guys

  • I would find either girl attractive based on your description. Based on nothing else, I'd probably be a bit more attracted to #2, but that's mostly because I tend to like short/petite girls. Of course, personality is key, and if I clicked better with #1, there's nothing about her physical description that would keep me from being attracted to her.

    I don't think either girl would have any trouble finding guys who found them attractive.

  • Both could be equally appealing body types, it all depends on their face and personality. Maybe I should put it into a mathematical formula.
    "Mens basic algorithm of attraction"
    (Face+ body)/(personality -flaws)= attractive

    • So no preference? Fair enough

Most Helpful Girls

  • Honestly, I think a lot of guys are going to prefer Girl #2. That's based on my personal experience having a body pretty identical to Girl #1. I've been told that's unattractive 😔 😭

    • Okay, interesting. Most guys posting are saying they prefer Girl 1, but the poll is showing a very different result, lol.

    • Every in-shape body is attractive to someone. Promise. I'd say it's probably a 50/50 split with the majority of those men making their choice based on facial and personality traits. Even one guy above said he prefers 1 but is currently crushing on 2. As long as a body is normal and has a trait he finds hot (legs, boobs, ass) I think a guy will go for it regardless of his "preference."

    • I have practically no butt and no boobs, lol. I'm 6'1" and thin but fit and very strong. I do have nice legs though. And I know what you're saying. My SO thinks I am the most attractive woman on this planet even if I don't think so myself, haha. It just sort of reaffirmed my opinion that guys prefer short girls overall.

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  • From my experience (5'9" rectangle-shaped, relatively thin girl) short, curvy girls tend to be more in demand.

    • Well both are beautiful and outgoing so they get their fair share of guys. However, the taller girl (while less curvy) is more in proportion with those long legs. The shorter girl is curvy, but due to her height makes her look more bottom heavy with wide hips and curvy legs on a short frame. Would you say this is still true if this is the case?

    • Must be just my bitterness shining through, because I mostly like guys 1-2" shorter than me. Meh, I suppose any girl can have her share of boys if she's confident and beautiful to boot.

    • You're very beautiful yourself! Don't sell yourself short

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  • why don't you just ask the question you want to actually ask instead of this strange riddle type thing?

    • What question does she really want to ask? If her body is attractive?

    • yeah, she's obviously trying to describe her body and that of another girls, so why not spit it out and ask the eternally asked question: RATE ME?

    • True. She putting us through the ringer.

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 18
  • Body can only say so much. Facial features mean a lot to me personally when determining attractiveness. Then again i'm also 5'7", so I tend to lean towards girls shorter than me.

  • Gotta have that bubble butt. Of course, for me it's a lot more about compatible kinks and the ability to talk about stuff that matters.

    • Thanks for voting!

  • #2 by far.

  • I'm having a hard time deciding.

  • I would need to see pictures. Words don't help visual creatures (guys)

    • Posted pictures that look similar to the real girls.

    • I prefer girl 1 over 2. But 2 is fine

    • Thanks for voting!