Why are men so obsessed with sex?

Why? The age old question. The obsession even transcends humanity and into nature. Male animals will fight each other over the right to mate. Every man has watched porn at least once. Most men are addicted to it.

I would think for the same reason women love it, but men absolutely crave it. More so than women. Guys, can you explain?
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  • Women literally use sex as a tool, weapon, and prize for good behaviour.
    Women don’t get dressed without considering the sexual attention they can get.
    Female sex toys sell 14 BILLION a year and porn only makes 4 Billion across all formats. (subtracting all the free things women use to get off and the free porn which negate each other)

    Women have sex toy parties.
    Women at male strippers are grotesque compared to men at female strippers.

    Women eat sleep and breath sex.
    you also pick and choose when and with who you fuck... generally having many more partners than men.

    Men simply think about it, because we don’t get it as often as you and have to deal with women exposing as much as possible for sexual attention.

    • You have mistaken this question for a competition between which gender fantasizes about sex more. Which isn’t the case at all. Don’t forget that men can use sex as a tool, weapon, and prize as well. Also, I’m pretty sure that women don’t dress to impress men.. they dress primarily for OTHER women because THAT is where you will find their most competition. Female sex toys are used by women as well as gay men. What is strictly considered “female” can be used by all sexes. Also, most porn viewers don’t pay for subscriptions to watch porn they could literally be watching for free on any corner of the internet so I’m not sure what sort of argument you’re posing here. I’ve never had a sex toy party and I don’t recall ever visiting a male stripper. I guess I never got the invite? We usually end up masturbating more than we actually get laid not only because of this recent covid19 sitch, but also because it’s not as easy to get a piece of ass as you may think.. From your perspective, it’s easy as 1-2-3 for us to walk out into the street and spread our legs into the air and attract endless cocks. It’s not. You have to be a certain “type” for whoever you want to screw.. you can’t just pick and choose any dick and it’s yours to screw.. and I really don’t think that needs any further explanation. A major male misconception there. As women, it’s our goal by process of elimination to seek out someone who has proven themselves the most loyal and attentive to our needs.. someone we know will stick around instead of whoring around with a younger, temporary fling because they don’t have any standards.

    • Men don’t think this way. Men attempt to attract as many women as possible to add to their record keeping. That’s all. Of course, later on they may change their mind and decide that the chase life isn’t for them and they may desire to build a family. Men are statistically more likely to cheat. Why? They look for sex elsewhere if they aren’t getting it in the relationship they’re currently in and don’t care enough to break it off before they get the idea to cheat. Men mistake certain signals made by women and interpret them as “dropping hints” or booty calls. This is what often gets them into trouble and then sexual allegations are made.. men are visual creatures, women aren’t. We have to learn that we don’t have the same mindsets because our brains are hardwired differently. The problem is that men think women think like them and that women think men think like them. Neither share the same thought process. Men express sexuality differently than women and it sometimes comes across as “creepy” or too straightforward because it often comes out of the blue, most likely whenever he immediately gets turned on. Every single day in high school, at least one male in the hallway would make a sexual remark about someone who walked past or usually joked about pornography. I’ve yet to hear this from a female in public. Either we are socially conditioned to hide our thoughts and feelings on sex in lieu of facing backlash or ridicule.. or we just simply don’t care enough to integrate it into our daily lives and conversation. It’s not really a topic that women feel comfortable in conversing with but more and more women are starting to do so. What’s the first thought that comes to a man whenever he sees a woman he finds attractive? “I wanna tap that”

    • Do you understand where I’m coming from now? I wanted to understand why that is the first thing that pops up instead of something along the lines of, “Wow, I bet she would be a nice person to hang out with.. what’s her name?” But then again, we don’t think alike. The question needed to be asked.

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  • It's literally just testosterone. It really makes us randy!

  • I have absolutely no idea but I really think men should chill a little and stop acting like it'd the most importent thing in the world.

  • Actly women too love it but aren't as expressive to show it

    • Yes, that is true. But I get the notion that it isn’t really so much of a “hunger” as it is for men. Women don’t have a drive and most won't be willing to pay for sex. Men, on the other hand, will pay for sex. If you consider paying for something, you’re more likely to love it enough to pay for it.

    • Actly not all men are going to pay for it and its probably only a handful. Women actually have a stronger drive than men sometimes

  • Actually it's more women that are

  • This isn't even a question. Science answered this years ago, both from a neurochemical perspective, and from an evo psych perspective.

    Men have 12x as much testosterone as women. Testosterone, among other things, makes you extremely horny.
    Female bodybuilders who start supplementing test also report heightened sex drive, and the amount of test women inject is miniscule compare to mens natural levels.

    As for evolution? Well that's pretty obvious. The men who where obsessed with sex did more to get sex. And as result, reproduced more, which meant their genes where spread on more than the less horny men.

  • LMFBO men are like big children. IF IT FEELS GOOD DO IT, AND DO WE.

  • Many women are just as “obsessed” with sex as men

  • I think some male animals can't masturbate but humans can so I think animals can't be compared to humans. I think it has lots to do with culture and how a culture views self restraint.

    I personally experience sex much more intensely if there is a certain degree of self restraint in the relationship.

    • I was referring to how men both compete with each other to win over a woman in hopes of it leading to sex in the same way that male animals do.

    • never seen that

    • It’s nature

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  • Both men and women love it and crave it by the wise as much sex as people are having in a world with consent of course wouldn't be going on so it's equal

    As for why some people love it or crave it more than others I don't know maybe it's the feeling of having an orgasm while you're inside pussy mouth or ass that your hand just can't give you

    For women maybe it's the feeling of getting your clit nipples licked sucked play with by another person instead of your own hands or toys or the feeling a having a dick inside your pussy your mouth or your ass

    (Also with all the sex toys that women have versus the ones that guys have it would make you believe that women crave sex or just orgasms more than guys do)

    • Women having sex toys just means it’s harder for us to orgasm lol it’s not about craving sex

    • I said that was a possibility for the most part orgasms are freely to sexual things so it really is no different at the end of the day

  • Even girls also same in my opinion, when it comes to sex gender doesn't matter... Both are obsessed in something or other way

  • The way you describe things is so boring.

    • Cool. I don’t care. It’s a question, not a descriptive storybook.

  • The animal type or normal way?

    • Um What

    • As u put

    • I don't know just in general

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  • we are not

  • Cause oh me so hornee...

  • Unfortunately I have no good answer for this question. All I know is that yes we do crave it. Just how are some able to control it better?

  • Men have a need to pass his seed.

  • Cos it's great?

  • Think it’s natural instinct

  • I think women are hornier.. they are better at hiding

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