Why do women feel so entitled just because they have a vagina?

i noticed many, many women have this strange sense of entitlement just for the fact that they have an opening between their legs as opposed to a penis.. the worse part is, society goes with it too and is fine with it.. what kind of sense does that even make?
+1 y
dear world, this is Table20
0 4

Most Helpful Girls

  • Ok dude…
    Are there SOME women who walk around acting entitled, just because they are women?
    Well, sure there are.

    But this is hardly a singular case. I mean, just go around interacting with people on an average day, and you’ll also encounter people who act…
    …entitled because they’re men
    …entitled because they’re white
    …entitled because they’re black
    …entitled because they’re [fill in race here]
    …entitled because they just happened to be born in the country they’re living in, rather than because they’re actively doing anything to make it a better country
    …. entitled because they typically take a certain kind of test well (= the people who think “high IQ” should be a golden ticket in life)
    …entitled because their parents happen to be rich (not because they’ve earned anything themselves)

    That last one is probably the most common, and definitely the most insufferable, kind of “entitlement”, by the way. It knocks what you’re talking about right out of the water.


    Anyway, there are 3 things to keep in mind here.

    As my 13-year-old says… “Don’t give free fucks.” You are entirely giving way too much of a fuck about things that probably don’t even concern you.

    Look, dude. If people have walked around all their lives with this kind of attitude, then, on some level, IT’S WORKING FOR THEM.

    The vast majority of people respond pretty much rationally to social incentives and disincentives. If this kind of attitude wasn’t working for these people — in SOME way or another, even as a defense mechanism to let them avoid coping with their own inferiority — then, eventually, they’d change it.

    You just have to accept that, perhaps shake yr head at it, and then MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE. Stay on yr grind boy.

    Last I checked, we could still choose our friends and associates more or less freely. When you meet people of poor character… just don’t associate with them. #problemsolved

    In my circle of friends, humility is pretty much a universal thing. We like ourselves — which SOME people mistake for “attitude” — but we also absolutely see where we fit into the larger scheme of things, and we acknowledge just how much everyone depends on everyone else to make life work well.

    And, well, I was born and raised in a place that lots of haters describe as the epicenter of

    • narcissism and entitlement (southern California), but I still have no trouble finding friends and associates who #keepitclassy. Anyone, anywhere, who says they just can’t find ANY such people … should probably start by looking in the mirror. 3) If you’re more of an opportunist… People with entitlement complexes are also SPECTACULARLY easy to take advantage of. I mean, it’s just … soooo easy. It’s like they’ve handed you the answer key to themselves: “Here are exactly the buttons you should push to give me cheap gratification.” They’re easy to exploit in business, they’re easy to exploit personally, and — depending on yr ethics — you don’t even have to feel bad about it. Lol… __

    • Oh, and, I saw yr comments about being suicidal, on other opinion threads. Dude, if you’re ever in the LA area, you can come over to the westside, and I’ll introduce you to a couple of my friends. One lost her teenage son to a drunk driver. The other had his leg, cock and balls blown off by an IED in Afghanistan. We’ll get some good food, we can sit down, and you can tell THEM how much you want to die because random women are acting like spoiled brats. How’s that? Perspective, friend. If you are ACTUALLY feeling suicidal about this, you should DEFINITELY go get some help… because that is NOT NORMAL, and is obviously way the fuck out of proportion to anything and everything. __ Seriously dude… Just go out there, and live. Make the world a BETTER place. Not a worse place. If you see a pile of shit on the ground, then either (1) ignore it, (2) help clean it up, or (3) call it fertilizer and put it to good use. Same for metaphorical piles of shit. Stay on yr fucking grind.

    • some uplifting stuff here.. haha

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  • You for got this one.


    A. Troll
    B. Misogynist
    C. Homosexual
    D. All of the Above


    I'll go with D.

    • definitely not trolling

    • and i never said anything about a skirt.. i say that if you go out dressed like a slut, you're asking for it.. there are skirts that are long enough to not look slutty

    • I stand corrected. You're just B and C.

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  • Damn you suck at looking in the right places for women.

    This question is just too stupid and must be a troll if not this is extremely sad.

    • this is FARRRR from being a trolling question.

    • You're dumb enough to listen to women like that and not just ignore them.

    • society kisses your ass just because you have a slit between your legs... doesn't have anything to do with me listening to somebody or not

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Because women are conditioned to believe that because they are the fairer sex they should be catered to and treated "Equally" even if there is no need for equality in certain situations. Even hardcore feminists want equality with men, except for situations where they get preferential treatment over men. And we reinforce the belief because men have become weak-minded, white knights who chase tail like it's the Holy Grail. It creates a false sense of self worth, when even ugly women have thirsty men contacting them continuously making sexual advances. So there you have it, progressiveness and desperation of men that have no balls.

    • very true

  • They are raised to believe that having a vagina makes them special and that guys should cater to them and give them free food.

    • do you think that is okay for them to believe that?

    • I think any form of sexism is detrimental. The view that your sex entitles you to free privilege is a form of sexism.

    • I think it is bad for social relations, and it keeps "gender relations" problematic because gender becomes more important than individuality.

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What Girls & Guys Said

11 15
  • That the P*ssy is all.
    Bow down and give it a kiss to show it/us your appreciation.

    lol, this is a troll, right?

    • ummm. its not a troll at all actually

    • In case of non-troll, honest answer: Find women who don't feel/act entitled. They exist, you've just had bad exp.

    • there's no such thing.. and the way you answered this question is part of the problem... women think pussy is like this valuable thing that is so powerful and can control everything... "bow down and kiss it/us"? REALLY? -__-

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  • Because they feel a brotherhood with their entitled gay friends.

    • if you go through all the comments, you'll see that im dead serious

    • Then you have a really sad life bro...

  • never met a woman who was entitled simply because of their vagina

    • how about the divorce laws that favor women? -or the fact that if a guy is abusing a girl publicly, people intervene almost immediately while if a woman is abusing a man, people whip out their phones and laugh while they record -or how a woman can abort a human being without the consent of the father even if he wants the child -or how women do not have to fight wars

    • none of that is entitlement because of having a vagina - Divorce laws were not designed by women but by our government and courts - the fact that people intervene when a woman is abused is not a woman's entitlement due to having a vagina - a woman having the ability to decide whether or not she wants to carry a child is not an entitlement of having a vagina but an entitlement and RIGHT of being the person who has to carry the child - Men don't have to fight wars either. everyone volunteers for military service (at least in the USA) and and again this not an entitlement women feel because they have a vagina nothing you listed here are examples of women feeling entitled because they have a vagina but rather the ways in which SOCIETY (most notably governments and courts) have given women rights and entitlements based on their gender

    • you just went through the list and said "this isn't true because it isn't true" great stuff

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  • If you hate women so much, then go away to the forest and mate with animals instead. See how that turns out.

    • i was never going to have kids anyway, even if i liked women.. so what exactly is your point?

    • get off your "I hate women" ride. Its not OUR fault that your life sucks.

    • oh. so after i came back with a completely knowledgeable answer about not wanting to have any kids, you couldnt think of anything to say except for this bs.. lol you're simple

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  • It from being put on a "pedestal" their whole life... from their family and society. Women have become accustom to it (being spoiled/special treatment) and sorry to say... they expect it and don't appreciate it.

    • its gross.. i fucking hate when men act like pussy is the greatest thing ever and put them up on pedestals like that

    • Just look how different little boys and little girls are treated. Girls are always given encouragement "you can do anything", I was watching the Olympics yesterday and the host just keep on bring up how many female athletes there are etc. They get spoiled with Proms, sweet 16's, engagement days, wedding days, mother's day, valentines day, when they give birth to a kid... what do guys get.. father's day.. that's it.

    • exactly... you hit it right on

  • This makes no sense. A penis is also a great organ and you should be proud of it.

    • "also"... that would imply that the vagina is great as well...

    • It is but the penis is just as good

    • how is the vagina good? lol.. its in a constantly dark, moist area that is barely ever exposed for air, it stinks EVEN when maintained, and it bleeds... that isn't attractive at all

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  • Women are taught that a woman is great just because she's a woman.

    • which is a huge problem!

    • Yeah, it is. People claim that men have bigger egos than women, but I don't really think that's true. Guys tend to have bigger egos in thinking they're experts on things, but women tend to think their greatness is simply because they're female, in more than one area.

    • exactly, you nailed it

  • Yea its the guys that ruin it for other guys. chasing her and putting the pussy on a pedastool. You gotta put the pussy on eye level

  • Found the troll

    • exactly

    • i guess you're not really good at identifying trolls because im dead serioius right now

    • why did you post anonimously? also people mught take you serious if you came with good arguments instead of blind bitterness.

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  • Wow. Bitter much.

    • or maybe im just stating facts? society caters to females so much just because of that slit between your legs

  • The bitterness is strong with you today OP.

  • Don't talk about that, the hounds of hell will be upon you in no time. It's true honestly. They manipulate you using their "pussy" as the tool. They get easier physical jobs for the same rate of pay get, months off during pregnancy, many scholarships for just women. Yada Yada

    • you're so right... i dont care.. let them bring it on

    • What? I don't agree with scholarships just for gender, race etc, but I also have never been handed a job because of my gender. I have to work for what I want to do. You get twelve weeks off after a baby is born in america, not during pregnancy which by the way is a hell of a lot on a persons body.

  • Hmm I think men are the ones who feel entitled to women's bodies and think they deserve to get laid just for being nice. Nice- that trait that people are supposed to be.

  • Know your place. Thats why we make a full dollar and you penis dwellers only make 78 cents

    • You tell em girl!

    • @scooogy she's lucky she has me blocked otherwise id drop some knowledge on her

  • You build a powerful argument. "U ever notice bitches be dumb? Y bitches be dumb?" How could we not have seen it before?

    ... A million times?

    ... On this very website?

    • i dont know if you're serious or just messing around

    • And that is why you fail.

  • Hanging with the wrong chicks dude

    • i dont hang with chicks, dude.. its an observation i made

    • Where did this observation come from? The girls I talk to don't come across that way.

    • it came from me observing society.. woman are think that they run shit just by virtue of having a vagina..

  • What exactly do we feel entitled to?

    • from what i observed, women feel entitled to chivalry, for special treatment, extra attention and all that bs just because they have a vagina... notice how when a bitch acts like a bitch on her period, she blames it on her vagina and hormones.. its just disgusting how women think they deserve some kind of special treatment because they are female

    • Well, I don't agree with chivalry as it's pretty sexist in my opinion. So I definitely don't feel entitled to that.

    • well thats good.. it makes me feel a tad better knowing that you dont like it either

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  • science has made it so that you can have such openings to you know. dont let your jealousy of the opposite sex stand in your way of a meaningful life OP.

    • how exactly am i jealous of females? i contemplate suicide every day because of this

    • You're telling me, that you CONTEMPLATE SUICIDE every damn day because of what? That you in your mind think because I am born with a vagina (Not a slit dude learn some anatomy) that i somehow think i am more entitled to everything around me? If i were to touch you in public, people wouldn't be entertained, they would be uncomfortable, probably get me off of you. I in no way expect you to pay for everything, a lot of times guys think that they should or that its manley, Never would force that on a guy ever. Your pathetic

    • @HousePanda i have nothing to do with this.

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  • It's the whole 'princess' mentality raised by their parents, especially with overprotective and spoiling fathers.

    • it disgusts me

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