Most Helpful Guys

  • It's because of the way we evolved. What I'm about to say will sound pretty dark and unsettling, but it's also true.

    In the past we lived in small tribes of up to 150 people. Tribal warfare was common.

    How successful a tribe would be depended on the strength of the men and their fighting ability - their ability to use violence. The stronger the men the more likely they were to be able to protect the women and children. Women evolved to select for this.

    What would also happen to women of the tribe who lost a war would be that they'd either be taken as wives by the men from the winning tribe. If they resisted they'd just be killed. The ones who were killed wouldn't pass on their DNA, the ones who willingly became wives of the more violent men did. That's the harsh reality of the way evolution works.

    Some might say that this doesn't apply today because we live in modern civilisation, but we still have the old programming. There are plenty of things which still point to this, and there are modern examples of it also.

    Women are more likely to suffer from Stockholm Syndrome precisely for that reason:

    People here often talk about height. Many women prefer taller men. Why? If you ask them they'll often say "it makes me feel safe". Even though it has little to do with fighting ability, it signals that to the woman subconsciously anyway.

    In every war there are war brides. The most famous example in recent history come from WW2 where French girls, who (wrongly) thought that the Nazis would win the war, paired up with them. They were punished for it afterwards by the Frenchmen but it was the same thing at play there.

    Of course this is all sub-conscious, they don't actually think about any of that stuff, but this is where it comes from.

  • I don’t think it’s “violence” perse but what being violent implies. For the most part I think heterosexual women seek men who are confident and capable of protecting themselves, which means they can also protect her.

    Violence requires aggression and in order to use that aggression successfully they need both the strength and confidence to use it. So when a man is violent he’s showing he’s fully capable of protecting.

    There are many healthy ways for men to show these qualities but it’s common for them to be shown in unhealthy ways like being abusive or violent, especially with someone who’s weaker and typically smaller.

    Women like men who are confident and strong enough to provide and protect, but society hasn’t taught women to distinguish the healthy men from the unhealthy men.

    • So true

Most Helpful Girls

  • A lot of the men are completely wrong, it has nothing to do with power and wanting to be the submissive one and knowing men are powerful or whatever. It has to do with the adrenaline rush you get and how it feels. It feels nice being treated rough but consensually and not in an assault scenario. I like to be treated rough sometimes because of the adrenaline it gives me. That’s why I used to like doing “risky” stuff like underage drinking and trespassing and other not-so-good stuff when I was more rebellious because of the adrenaline it gave me, it made me feel alive.

    • To me a lot of men are completely correct

  • Well not like outright violence, but having a rough attitude can be fun. It shows toughness and dominance and that he's in control and that's simply hot for me personally. I'm sure some would disagree with that, but again we all have our different preferences.

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  • Women want to feel like they are SO attractive that men can't help but ravish them like a wild animal. It all extends from there.

    • Oh this makes more sense

  • Cuz were evolved apes who got rough who evolved from animals were rape was the only answer...

    I mean you asked.

    It's a sexy thing we shouldn't think about too much...

    Eating cake is amazing until you think about the act of eating...

  • Probably many various reasons, wanting to feel dominated, feel violence while in a safe environment, it's a bit taboo thus hot and probably a shit ton of other reasons. As long as she enjoys and no one is hurt physically or mentally it is all good.

  • They do because violence is more fantasy for women than men. Men have to avoid getting asses kicked in a fight while women deep down expect to be protected. Women are wannabe violent because they really never dealt with stitches and broken bones from it generally. Violence is highly fantasized on shit media and they just soak it up like children.

  • It shows powerful men fighting