Why would a gay woman keep staring at my crotch?

Just wanted to throw this one out there because it's confusing the hell out of me. There's this girl at my work, she's openly gay, in a long term relationship, and she's always said she's definitely a lesbian, not bisexual. But whenever we talk she always stares at my crotch, she isn't even subtle about it, I can be halfway through a sentence and her eyes will just wonder down there, she'll even point out if my fly isn't all the way up and stuff, but usually just has a good stare, other people have noticed her doing it when she's talking to me too. She's a great girl and we get on well and I don't want to spoil that but it's got so blatant I'm seriously thinking about having a word with her about it, I know my wife would kick her ass if she knew. Was just wondering if you guys had any thoughts on why a girl who likes girls would appear to be so fascinated by my junk?
+1 y
Hmm, plain old curiosity was the best explanation I could come up with too. Still, she's been doing it a while, would have thought she'd had enough opportunities to have a good look and satisfy her curiosity by now!
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I think it's classic penis envy.

    It if bothers you, just point out it's damn rude.
    If you're on good terms and you get along, it shouldn't cause any problems.

  • maybe... just mybe she's LYING that she's only lesbian 2 avoid male creeps in yer job?

    • Perhaps, although inventing a fiancée, complete with Facebook profile, rings etc. would really be committing to the ruse...

Most Helpful Girl

  • She was either curious or considering on going straight.

    • Being straight or gay is not a conscious choice. You're either one or the other, or bisexual. You don't get to pick.

    • What he said. No matter how badly a lesbian might want to be straight, her wetness reflex is still only triggered by the female body.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 3
  • Gay is mostly a lifestyle choice, not some innate lack of interest in the opposite sex. Most 'gay' women are just as 'curious' as other girls, they've just decided to take a different, easier way in their social life.

  • Curious maybe

  • Curiosity maybe

  • Probably trying to express interest In you she looks at your Cotch is because she is curious.

  • Gay woman? Wtf Is that a new sexual tendency?

    • I don't even want to think about how obtuse you have to be not to be able to figure that one out...

    • ye yo 2015