Porn gives unrealistic expectations and it's usually men who don't know what they're doing that believe that's how sex really is. It leaves those men sexually unsatisfied throughout life when they can't find a woman to do what they have seen in those videos. Most women will not let a man cum on her face. If she does, it's usually because she wants to keep him around by doing things that she believes HE wants. She's compromising herself and what SHE wants. That's not the best situation to be in. Eventually, it will backfire. Finding a woman who will do specific things that you have seen in porn videos is like finding a needle in a haystack. Good luck with that.
4 0 0 0You're a 100% right! But not all women have the same perception as others. Some might see it as gross, others might see it a different way. But as always, thank you for your reply!😊
I agree. That's why I did not say "ALL women". I will say this, I do see it as gross, BUT I have done it before. I thought it was gross before doing it. I never liked it at all. I only did it because HE wanted to do it. HE was turned-on by it. It made HIM happy. I hated it. I did many things to keep HIM happy in and out of the bedroom, whether I wanted it or not. Eventually, I started to resent him for it. He had no clue how I really felt about most things. He didn't really care. He didn't ask most of the time. When he did, if I disagreed on a subject, he would beg, pout and then get pissed off. There are many men out there who just don't care what the woman really wants. After all, he can just dump her and move on to someone else. This is why women pretend. They want their guy to be pleased with them. They will do/say things that they doesn't really like/believe in order to keep him around. Many women would rather be silently unhappy so that HE is happy and sticks around. This also
applies to trying to gain a guy's eye from the beginning. There are women here who will say they do something or like something so that guys here will like them or approve of their answer.
If I was with a guy that liked that and I loved him, sure why not? The way I see it is that if he wants to cum on your face he is looking to see if you trust him. When he "spills his seed" or cums on you, it's a sign of utmost trust and respect. and it's a plus because he thinks you're sexy, he gets to see your beautiful face as he finishes.
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(16)Yeah I would. My boyfriend mentioned it a few times so I finally just asked for it. He didn't end up liking it (he said actually doing it was gross compared to watching it). That pissed me the fuck off (like I literally just let him cum on my face and he used the word to disgusting to describe me). But after we talked about it I told him that I actually do kinda like it and so we do it on occasion, but only if we are going to take a shower afterwords.
2 0 0 0-
This should answer your question :)2 1 0 0 I have before.
0 0 0 0Yes of course I would. Note, on my face, not in my face. And of course, NOT in my eyes. That's a no-no. However, I'd prefer he cums into my mouth for me to enjoy swallowing. I like that much better.
3 0 0 0HAHAHAHA!! ... No.
2 0 0 0You sure? Even if it came out pink strawberry flavored?😂😏
I don't care if it tastes like prime rib, keep that sticky ass baby juice off of my face - I have enough facial products.
Strawberry semen facial products. We have cleansers with microscopic sperm that wriggle around on your skin, leaving the skin feeling oh so tingly. Try our masks. They're absolutely life infusing.
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