Can precum outside vagina get a girl pregnant?
pls help
It's doubtful but possible although very, very unlikely.
Here's the deal, precum contains no sperm naturally. It's a fluid the males body releases to lube up the urethra for orgasm so that sperm (which is a super low percentage of ejuclate) has some fluid to travel with into the vagina. However...
Here's the problem. Let's say hypothetically I rub one out today. Tomorrow I have sexual intercourse. I decided to use the "pull out method" (which is a 100% stupid thing to do for multiple reasons, especially what I'm about to mention) I can still get my partner pregnant. Why? Because even though precum contains no sperm there still could be a few sperm cells hanging out in my urethra from the load I rubbed out the day before. But what if I took a piss several times? It's still possible to have a random sperm cell or two in my urethra although very, very unlikely.
So bottom line, I stongly doubt your pregnant, but it can't hurt to get tested to confirm.
thank you. well.. his last ejaculation was almost a week ago. or days ago. more than three days. do you think the chance of getting pregnant will be greatly high if he was inside of me? but again.. he wasn't. he only rubbed me and humped but without penetration. only precum outside
pls enlighten me
I don't think the chances would be high in either case. Possible, yes, but highly, highly unlikely. Especially since he didn't even cum inside you. I'd bet everything I own if you're pregnant, it's not from him.
So I'd say if you're super worried about it, run down to the local drug store or supermarket and get one of those at home tests. That should provide you with all the peace of mind you need. If you were pregnant by him from this situation, I'd be flabbergasted.
thank you. but I've read some men's precum has sperms. is it true?
when is the best time to take it? because i have irregular period. yesterday... i took a pregnancy test and it says negative but i think it was too earky and i dont even know exactly when to have my bext period this period.
Not to mention, the cum wasn't inside you, yeah sperm cellls swim up the vagina to fertilize the egg, but unless you scooped up his ejuclate and shoved it as far into your vagina as possible or unless some leaked inside form whereever he did cum it's almost impossible, and even in the cases I just described its still nearly impossible anyway. I say relax, It would be like a one in a zillion, zillion, zillion if you got pregnant by him from this situation you described.
hmmm. thank you so much. honestly... how i feel is not at ease. im sooo soooo worried and in panic. I can't afford to get pregnant right now. so much at stake.
Yes, and no. Your going to have to forgive any spelling as some of these are medical terms. Also fact check it, but I'm 99.99% sure I'm right. So here it goes. Precum comes from the bulbouretheral gland. It cantains no sperm. It's simply the fluid to lubricate the uretheria for orgasm. Sperm cells are produced in the testes or in laymans terms... his balls. The bulbourethrial gland does not produce sperm cells. The Testies and the bulbourethrial gland DO NOT connect in any way. The only way for sperm cells to be in the precum is if they are hanging out in the urethra when the precum is released from the bulbourethrial gland and travels up the urethra. This is part one.
Part 2 Now let's say normal intercourse is occurring. So he gets an erection. Yeaaa. He gets very hard as he's getting very excited now. Yaaa. The bulbourethral gland says "hey, my mans gonna bust a nut, I need to release bulbourethral fluid (precut) to get him ready to bust a nut (ejuclate) so out come the precum. Now the thrusting and sucking and stroking continue which cause a very present little muscle cramp called an orgasm. When the orgasm occurs, seamen is released from the prostate gland which mixes with sperm cells which are released by the testes and travel up the vas differens which meet the seamen (not to be confused with sperm) in the urethra together. Then due to the most present little muscle contraction we call orgasm the sperm, semen, and the little bit of bulbourethral fluid (precum) already present all go shooting out the penis into your vagina, mouth, or god forbid your $500 dollar prom dress depending which sexual activity you were doing.
Part 3 So a recap bulbourethrial fluid, and semen which is manufactured in the prostate gland contain NO SPERM in and of themselves until they combine with sperm in the urethria with it. Sperm is produced in the testes and it is impossible for it to combine with precum or semen prior to orgasm baring Lone Ranger sperm cells hanging out in the urethra from a previous orgasm. The preppies of precum as I stated is to lubricate the urethra and the perpouse of seamen is a fluid for the sperm cells to be carried in. And there you have it. The annomy of a male orgasm, and I must say I even impressed myself on this one.
wow. thank you for the effort of telling me these. what best advise/s can you give me? coz I've been trying to relax for days... but i just can't.
As for the pregnancy tests, you should have detectable hormonal changes immediately in your urine, however, I think if you waited 5 days just for good measure and still came up negative you can pretty much bank on that. That said I'm not nearly as knowldageable about at home pregnancy tests as I am about how a male orgasm occurs.
do you have thoughts on how soon can i noticw that im pregnant? if ever. regarding symptoms. it is actually good to hear from a guy because i know you know better than i am.
You're welcome my dear. I hope you were able to understand all that despite the auto spell corrects best efforts to make my narritative F'd up.
thank you so much. i will keep u updated. i hope u dont mind. thank you so much. for ur time abd efforts. it helps me.
My advice to you on relaxation is this. Hang on I have to switch from biology mode to psychology mode... ah that better. Now as I was saying. What you are experiencing is called obviously anxiety. You are worring about a preceved possible situation that has not occurred yet... that being a pregnancy diagnosis. If all the advice and info I just gave you wasn't enough to set your mind at ease, which I can just about gaurentee this guy in this specific incidence didn't impregnate you, then what you have to do stop worrying about what might be. Wait until it's a certainty, then worry about it. You cannot change the past. What's done is done. What's going to happen is going to happen regardless if you worry about it or not. You worrying won't change you being preggers or not and trust me, if you're preggers by this guy from this situation it would be the most insane thing I've ever heard of.
Now, its easy to say don't worry, it's hard not to do it, so any of the following should help if as a distraction if nothing else: Prayer, meditation, masturbation (does relax via hormones released after orgasm), perhaps a drink, controlled diaphragm breathing, or any activity requiring concentration so you can't worry. I'd call your man up, tell him you're freaking out and to come over and cuddle with you and run his fingers through your hair and rub your back until you feel better, or at least talk to him on the phone if that not an option.
So bottom line, I'd bet my nuts you're not pregnant by this guy from this incident and do whatever you need to to chill, and in the future to insure no unwanted pregnancies get on the pill, shot, or the other 25 methods of female birth control out there, and get some condoms and keep them around, and in the future... no dry humping... its so middle school, if you don't want intercourse, do the following instead, none of which will cause you to get knocked up: 1. Handjob 2. Blowjob 3. Titty fucking 4. Mutual madturbation 5. Anal sex 6. Foot job (I think it's gross, but whatever floats your boat) 7. And lastly use of whatever object (panties, stockings, or whatever to get him off. Again, ain't my thing but if you two like it, enjoy).
Your welcome. Please do update me so we can laugh together at this. FYI, physical signs of pregnancy won't show for weeks. You'll definetly know by then your preggers. Signs would include but not limited to breasts swelling, morning sickness, weight gain and water retention, and obviously multiple missed periods.
hey.. i took a test today.. it says negative but it is only 6 days from the day it happened. do you think it is reliable?
From what I know about at home pregnancy tests, which I must admit is very little, you want to do them in the morning and midstream. Morning because you haven't been drinking all night ant the hormones the test is supposed to pick up should be in greatest comcentration at that time because your urine will be the most undiluted at that time. What I also understand is to wait about a week after a missed period for optimum resulte. They're not 100% accurate, but relitively accurate. If your still super worried, go to your doctors. They're 100% accurate. You can also tell them what happened and they can also advise you on the possibility of pregnancy after the incident you describe. I still feel very confident your chances of being pregnnant are as close to 0 as they can possibly be, but if you really want to be super sure, going to the doctor is the way to go.
I've been so stressed and i bever been so stressed inmy entire life than now. I don't know what to do to make me feek better. i know i now have psychological stress. it is so stressful.
I promise, in a week or so, we'll share a good laugh about this. Sorry your so stressed.
i hope i ll be able to do that sooner or later. And for sure i will get back to you once im really not pregnant. i hope you are so right about me.
precum does not contain sperm unless it is after the guy has already ejaculated. After a guy has ejaculated, the only reason precum has sperm in it is because there may still be sperm inside his urethra (the tube) from the last time he ejaculated. As for it being around the outside of your vagina, chances are that even if it were actually semen, no sperm would have entered, so long as you don't push and of that semen inside you. All in all, you should most definitely be okay.
u mean pushed? like he is fully inside me? well. his last ejaculation was days ago and he peed many times before we did it.
I mean like if you got any on your fingers and then you rubbed your vagina or anything like that. From what you have told me, there is a 0% chance you are pregnant.
thank you so much. well.. he rubbed me after he ejaculated. but he already wiped it and washed his hands.
lol unless he has got some supermutant sperm, yeah, you're fine
lol. thank you. i appreciateciate ur quick response. I've been so paranoid for days... almost a week. im about to lose my mind. it is my first time and i dont think i would ever do this again.
lol you don't have to be so absolute about having sex and what not, just make sure to take the proper precautions. Whether it be using a condom, being on the pill (which if you do start to take the pill, make sure you take it at the same time every day), or any other for of contraception like an IUD or something.
alright. but in my situation... how likely will i not be pregnant? >.<
lol It is more likely that you will be hit by a car tomorrow.
and if that happens, then you probably wouldn't have to worry about being pregnant anyway xD
lol. i have thought about that in other way. just to clear it up... i won't be pregnant? like how sure?
lol so long as what you are telling me is accurate, I am about 100% sure. I would be willing to bet my life savings on you not being pregnant.
No, Sperm can't live long time outside human body, but precum can get you pregnant. You can check it here:
It's possible since Precum does have sperm just not as much as cum. It's 0.00000001 chance you might get pregnant. But it's possible but you don't have anything to worry about. Take birth control and play safe
why do u say so that i dint need to worry about it?
It's like your chances of winning the lottery
Most likely not but it isn't unheard of. Google dry sex pregnancies. If you're that worried go on birth control.
It's very possible you could be pregnant. I suggest that if you miss your period, take a pregnancy test.
i just took it yestersay. 10 days after. it says negative.
Then you're not pregnant, luckily
i also checked today. 13th day from the day it happened. says negative. so.. is it reliable?
Yes, very likely you're not pregnant. I'd suggest you do it again if you don't get your period on time, but you seem pretty safe to me
yes. Thank you. Im planning o check it tomorrow for the two weeks from now. then next week. i hope... i ll be okay.
Good luck, you will be okay.
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What's Your Opinion? Sign Up Now!Rare, but it can happen.
Only if sperm actually got inside.
If it leaks in.
How! How do you think? Sperm happens to be the best/finest swimmers in the world.
@Kaylyne It won't just swim in from the hair down there. It'll need to be around the opening, and drip in, like water sliding down into the drain of a sink.
@NeighbouringGoat Did you not read that the OP mentions "my guy rubbed me his penis with released precum over my vagina... near my opening." Now, there is some confliction here for she says "over her vagina" then she mentions "near my opening", so what's it to be then?
@Kaylyne okay. sorry about that. i meant outside my vagina. coz vagina is inside our body.. right? so... it is near or around my opening where he rubbed.
@Asker. Just remember all it takes is one very strong little "fish" who finds its way inside.
@Kaylyne Wasn't it mentioned that dead sperm could also fertilize the egg? O. o
It is possible under some circumstances for pre-ejaculate to contain low levels of sperm. However, sperm must enter the vaginal canal for pregnancy to occur. If you don't know the answers to these questions, you may not be ready to be engaging in sexual behaviors.
No you have nothing to be concerned about in this case.
thank you. how do you say so? or why do u think so?
There's little to no sperm in pre cum and there wasn't any penetration so you're in the clear here. Even unprotected penetration with some pre cum is fairly low risk though I would not recommend it of course.
thank you so much. is it true that my genitals or inside is so acidic that the small of of sperms for example (if he is one of the men who have sperms in precum consistently) won't survive especially precum so it really have to be inserted or penetrated?
Pre cum anywhere outside is fine. Any penetration is risky, even if there's not much pre cum. Always use a condom to be safe.
thank you so much. for making it clear to me. i hope im not. just waiting for my period.
It sounds like you have nothing to worry about. You're welcome.
thank you so much. will update u soon. thank u for making me calm.
very small chance. precum typically has no sperm in it... although of course there is a chance. it's very very small
thank you so much. im hoping for the best coz I've been paranoid for a week.
If you do get pregnant, make sure to try your luck in the lottery. It's possible, but if you can make the odds of pregnancy under those circumstances, I'm sure you'll win the lottery too.
u mean getting pregnant from my situation is like my winning in the lottery?
Pretty much. It's very unlikely.
About 0.5% chance of fertilisation
Refer to my comment on decentguys answer. I am a health and human sexuality teacher with bachelors in each. You don't have to take my word but go to a reputable medical website to check
Well sperm is mobile. They can get from A to B even though in this case its a very tiny chance. I would not expect anything from that but there is always someone that is unlucky.
If you have to ask a question like that on this board, lets seriously hope not.
anytime sperm get near, or in, the opening, it is possible
probably not
It's a possibility but rather small
thanks. how do u say so?
Pre cum has the same potential in terms of its sperm content, but the outer liquid of the vagina is actually a little toxic to them as far as I remember from bio... Plus if nothing went in specificly then you should be OK... I advice testing though if you are worried... The chances are low but definitely not impossible
i actually took a test today mirning and it is 6 days from the day it happened. it says negative.
You should be fine then... If you are still feeling worried then try again in a week, but if it says negative now its probably negative but sperm can last up to 5days so the hormones might not have released yet... Like I said, you are probably fine, so no worries but I can't really talk as I think I'm pregnant even without sex occasionally...
sorry. but what do u mean in the last part?
The last part? I once thought I was showing signs of being pregnant as my period is werid dispite not doing anything which would lead that to happen
do u honestly think i have a great chance of being pregnant?
Honestly not really... If it said negative then I'm pretty sure you are perfectly fine... I'm almost certain you aren't pregnant All I'm saying is if you are still worrying, wait a week and tes. By then negative means negative so you'd know for sure
when is the perfect time or day to take the test that will show 100% reliable answer?
There isn't a perfect time or day... Sperm have about a 5day lifetime and your body starts releasing hormones between the time of fertilisation and a few days after (that's the science to it)... I always think a week and a half to 2 weeks will give you accurate results... You really shouldn't worry too much, if you stress yourself out more you might start feeling like you are showing symptoms as a result of psychological stress...
you are right. i think im starting to feek that way but im fighting it hard so i won't feel that i am pregnant. may mind is playing me and givinh me so much stress. thats why i need a peace of mind.
Just do something to take your mind off it and everything will be fine :) And loads of people freak out so don't feel bad or anything about it :)
thank you so much. i hope this is nothing. i want to be okay. it is my first time in my entire life to do this stuff and i dont want to feel this way evee again. so much stress!
It gets less stressful the second, third or maybe tenth...
lol. i dont think i will do this again any sooner. i just want to be okay and not pregnant for now. plssssss.
That's fair... I don't want to get knocked up anytime soon... 1) it would be bad as I'm trying to complete my degree and 2) a very awkward conversation with my bf's parents as they are under the impression that he's not going to have sex till marriage...
same thing here. thats why i need to clear this up and have a negative result badly.
I think you're alright
thank you. i hope so too
be careful next time :3 Maybe that was a hard way to understand that being completely safe is the best xD
i understand. I will take care and won't risk this again.
yushh I hope everything goes wellll
didn't we already talk about this? lol
lol. it is you again. hehe. im so sorry. im just so troubled and worried until today. :( i still haven't got my period.
and how long has it been since your last period?
38 days. apparently my doctor might have gave me a medication that balances hormonal imbalance. However, last month.. he doubled the intake. Last Sunday, i told him i still haven't gotten my period. he said it might have lowered such hormone or delayed my menstruation. But no one really knows. I don't know. I didn't tell him what happened coz i was with my mom. lol.
lol and have you thought about taking a pregnancy test?
yes. i did. yesterday. it says negative though.
I don't know. if thats reliable already
how long has it been since that incident occurred?
11 days now
and how long has it been since your missed period? in other words, how long ago should you have gotten your period?
based from the ovulation calculator thing here.. my usual cycle takes 34-35 days. from November to December. so... 2-3 days late.
hmmmm, well if you are that nervous about it, then I would recommend taking another pregnancy test in a week, but in general you should be fine. I still stand by what I said the last time we spoke lol
thank you so much. You are really nice for trying to help me win over this thing. some of here doesn't actually help and just scares me even more
lol don't worry about it. I've had a pregnancy scare before too. Granted it was under different circumstances, specifically the girl was trying to get me to get back together with her by telling me she was pregnant (she wasnt), so I know what you're feeling. When it happened to me, I got through it by just thinking about it logically.
so she isn't pregnant at all?
lol no, she wasn't.
im actually planning to take a pregnancy test this coming Saturday Coz that will be two weeks from the day it happened. when should I have a most reliable and accurate pregnancy test?
it would depend on the pregnancy test you take. there are some that tell you up to a week or so before your missed period, and some that tell you up to 10 days after
mine sait it can detect first day missed of period.
oh, well then there is your answer lol. You can take another one if you want, but that is pretty solid proof to me. It sounds like your doctor is right and your medication may just be fucking with your cycle
i hope so. u know. coz this freaks me out a lot. i just want a solid evidence. a reliable one. so i ll keep checking. im losing money.
lol you know you don't have to keep spending money. you could just wait a while. but if you have any more concerns or anything, shoot me a message
thank you so much. i ll remember that.
no problem, have a nice day, and don't stress too much
hey... i took a hpt this morning because i got paranoid. i found small amount of yellow stringy discharge last night. Im supposed to taje the test tomorrow morning but got so worried and paranoid. I ll buy another hpt for tomorrow and the week after. do u think brand of hpt matters?
I'm not sure. I would suggest to just read the boxes when you go there and pick the one you feel would be most accurate.
lol. the drug store nearest to me only sell one brand. thats why i asked
i got negative, by the way. thats why i also asked hmif it matters
lol well it's not like a pregnancy test brand would only sell tests that would come back negative. sounds like you're in the clear to me
well. i hope i will keep getting negative results. thank you so much.
no problem
hey. i feel cold right now. It is the 14th day sonce it happened. I took a test and says negative. however.. after few hours i felt wet and wiped my vagina. and saw a blood stain. I don't know if this is spotting or start of my period. what should i do? im worried. i took a test again.. making it twice for todays.. still negative. what do u think about it?
I'm not a doctor lol, if you feel sick and like something is wrong, I suggest you make an appointment with your doctor and see what he says
No very likely you'd be very unlucky if you did
i hope im not.
very very slim chance of getting pregnant from pretty cum. its a chance but not too big of a chance. even less of a chance since it was outside of your opening
No. All precum does for a guy is lube the path for sperm to travel smoothly. If lingering sperm is still in the pathway after ejaculating, then the next time he gets turned on and precum flows out that old sperm is going to be flushed out along with the precum. That's why you take a piss after ejaculation just to be sure you clear it all out. Sperm stays alive for a few days in the urethra orrrr up until your next piss.
re you saying i should not be worried?
Correct lol. You're fine girly.
omg. really? coz I've been so worried and reading all over the net. sometimes it make me feel worse instead. coz some said some men's precum originally has sperm and some got pregnant by it. been so paranoid for almost two weeks. it is the 11th day since it happened.
The common misunderstanding comes about because there have been guys that didn't clear out the old sperm so there are times a guy had precum with sperm in it. But precum doesn't come with sperm lol. That's the only flaw in the understanding. Further still the chance of that precum carrying sperm through two to 4 layers of clothing and make it inside of you is astronomically unlikely. You're fine.
we were naked.
pre cum does contain sperm. please do your research. but you have nothing to sorry about since it was on the outside of your opening
@curiousnessisreal95 i have researched a lot. many times. everyday. almost the whole day. my mind is so messed up. I don't know what will happen to me.
I can pretty much assure you that you won't get pregnant from what things sound like. you can officially calm your nerves
@curiousnessisreal95 omg. really? for real? coz i still haven't got my period. thats why im still paranoid.
nah you're good. if anything your period is just late. I've gone through this with my girlfriend plenty of times worrying about pretty cum. you're in the clear lol
@curiousnessisreal95 really? should i be okay? wilk i be alright?
you're totally fine. you can breath now lol
@curiousnessisreal95 lol. then what the hell is wrong with my period?
its just late. one cause of your period being late is you stressing out
about it
my girlfriend noticed whenever she worried about if her period was coming was when it took a little longer to start
@curiousnessisreal95 oh. i see. i understand. i hooe thats the reason why
Research done.
I'm correct. Lol
thank you for the research... it is recently updated.
ny mind is so messed up because of the other write ups.
What are you looking at that has you stressing? Also, I agree stress is pushing your period back. That does happen all the time. Stress can make you physically sick and just being made aware of that fact can make you feel a little better immediately.
I'm talking about the parr whether you can get prefnanr from pre cum with penetratiow. and the answer is yes. I wasn't saying you could you could get prenant from pre cum from grinding
and pretty sure she was stressing about if she could get pregnant or not lol
@curiousnessisreal95 I'm referring to what websites she was reading
i apprecite your help. both of you. pls enlighten me more.
More information isn't going to enlight you more, make you feel better or help at all. The fact of the matter is you're fine and have nothing to worry about. In the future I'd say just be more vigilant about using the bathroom of sex, masturbation or anytime you get the juices flowing. Because as the article I posted above said: " Further investigation revealed that the majority of pre-ejaculate fluid had dead or no sperm at all. It is possible for small amounts of sperm to exit your reproductive system and make its way into the precum or pre-ejaculate." Those rare cases of sperm being in the precum are like how I said before. If you don't wash out the tubes after ejaculation there is a chance you have sperm in the precum at all and even then the chance of pregnancy is low. So just be safe and take a piss after ejaculation. Easy
thank you so much. You are right. I've read tons of articles yet nothing makes me calmed or what. Im still scared and worried.
thank you for your time and for researchunga dn stressing it out to me.
lol I had a moment like this with my ex a few years ago so I get it. You seriously have nothing to worry about : ). Maybe go talk to him so you can comfort eachother. I know in my case she felt a lot better, just because I put so much care into making sure things were fine with the situation and that alleviated the stress she felt. If anything you probably just need to be comforted with your man right now more than anything else.
we have actually talked about it and he said it was nothing. but somehow... i still need a proof or solid basis or assurance that i won't really get pregnant.
No, too far for spermies
may i know.. have u tried this?
should i not worry? i feel like im about to lose my mind for real.
Really don't worry. Sperm are microscopic. So it's like you running the length of Britain twice to get anywhere near. They simply don't have the energy. That's if they even made it inside.
even in case it happened during my ovulation period?
You really should educate yourself about sex before trying it. Amazing in the modern world where you can find sites like this after the event but can't be bothered to check facts before the event! Sorry to sound harsh but I thought girls were past saying... But it was my first time or he came outside me or he only came near my vagina... Pre-cum can contain sperm!!! Pregnancy test again to be sure and you could always discuss with your doctor. And start reading about sex!
you are actually right. And i admit that it is a mistake that should never happen again ubless with proper knowledge.
but how you see it... what do u think about my situation?
You made a mistake and at least you recognise that you did make a mistake. Then again HE could have worn a condom even for a handjob to be safe. What did he do for you by the way?
just like what i stated here. thats all.
His last ejaculation being a week ago is both irrelevant and probably a lie too just so you know.
thanks for judging him right away.
Not judging him. But the one week is irrelevant. A man can cum ten times in a week and have sperm quite easily. So not cumming for a week is irrelevant. In your case it makes it worse as not cumming for some days will increase the volume and quantity of cum when he does cum. Also, the average guy will masterbate at least 3 or 4 to med a week, not everyone but most!
My advice if your periods late get a early pregnancy test.
i did. it says negative. mshoukd i take again?
Here some advice : What time do you get up in the morning? If it's 5:00 don't take the test than do it with the second time comes around you need pee like say 7 00 or 8:00 a. m. but them results with that type of testing gives true results.
really? why do u say so? i didn't know that
Yeah it gives true results. I'm being serious i heard this from a doctor.
It's got to do with the hormones and stuff
i was doing it first thing in the morning mostly at 5am.
Well, if you could wait to the second time you need pee , that would give you better results like wait to about 7:00 a. m. or 8:00 a. m.
okay. thank you. noted
You're welcome :) I hope my advice helps you !!!
There's a slim chance if anything that you could get pregnant. If you don't know what your doing my advice is not mess around to your on birth control. Yes pre-cum or pre-ejaculate can contain live sperm but a slim chance of that too.
from my sutuation and what happened. will i get pregnant?
Most likely not , he would need to do full penetration and pre-cum or pre-ejaculate in your vagina to get you pregnant really hard to say, my opinion if your period doesn't start than you want get early pregnant test just to be on the safe side but don't get all scared cause it might be nothing.
thank you. it is just that i have irregular periods but i do have it monthly. which makes me paranoid.
You're welcome :) I hope things are okay with you ;/
i hope so too. i still haven't had my period. I ll take the test on 28th. do u think that after that... I ll be able to hold on to whatever results it may show?
that eill be two weeks after the incident
I think you will be strong enough but seriously really hard to get pregnant now days with no penetration and just pre-cum near you i think stress and anxiety will make think your pregnant but your not.
If after 2 weeks and your periods late you want get test
It all depends if he penetrated you with sticking his penis inside your vagina than you need worry. Never let guys tell you the pull out method will prevent pregnancy cause that's not always true.
we would never try the pull out method. hell no. too much risk. he just humped and rubbed me outside. with probably his precum.
I think you'll be fine just have to wait and see.
thank you so much. i hope so.
You're welcome glad to be able to help you with positive advice :)
Unprotected ejaculation itself has a 7% chance of pregnancy. precum likely much less, if at all possible
very unlikely but not impossible.
Yes. That question is common on Google and the answer is always yes.
yes what?
yes you can get pregnant.
precum often doesn't have sperm or live sperm, and if he didn't penetrate it's pretty much impossible.
As far as i know.. Precum got no sperm man so it's safe chill out.
Hi,. Sorry to say you are wrong. I am not having a go at you, just want you to know so you take appropriate action yourself in future.
over half of pregnancies happen from precum just so you know
@captain92 it depends on the scenario. it is different from having or doing it inside.
You suddenly seem an expert?
hon no all precum has semen lol it ain't my first go round promise
@captain92 its because of what i read.
nah bro just got a background in medical thats all
@captain92 please!!! Then you should know precum can carry soefm... Maybe you skipped that day of training? What medical background?
Damn spelling. Sperm!
sir thats what I was saying to begin with
did you think I was saying it couldn't?
It's possible but really and I mean really unlikely
Actually no but precum has also sperma cells to fertilizate ovums in the woman genitals. But pregnancy is not an easy incident, he must strongly cum into your vagina and you can get pregnant. Precum is not as effective as semen for pregnancy. Plus, it depends on your period and ovulation phase.
.. its really unlikely
if it goes inside then the chances are high
which one? the precum or him?
the pre cum
because i read before in a article of pre cum, that pre cum consists 50% of sperm
Precum is 0% sperm but as it comes from the same place as semen there is a chance of it picking up left over sperm from a previous ejaculate which is why you can get pregnant. The chance of the small amount surviving to the cervix is so low his urethra would almost need to be pressed against it for you to need to worry. 'decentguy' might be decent but he is not decently educated in reproductive health so please don't panic.
@cjmart lol i dont know much about that, im a dyslexic, im not much educated but i read that in a article
I apologize if that sounded rude I honestly meant no rudeness by it. I believe you are decent guy and I know that there is plenty of false information out there which is why I wanted to comment. I have studied both health and reproductive health at university and teach sexual education do high school and university students. I always try to double check anything I read online with a reputable medical journal and at very least make sure there's no conflicting papers as the problem with the Internet is that anyone can post anything
@cjmart oh its fine no worries
Decent guy is legit a decent guy! Faith in humanity restored
@cjmart hahahaha
@cjmart thank you so much. can you educate me more and tell me... will i be pregnant?
How long ago did this event take place?
@cjmart 6 days ago
You can't be positive until you get your period, if you finished period just before the encounter it's even less likely you will be pregnant. You're most fertile just before your flow. But as I said you can't be certain until you get your period. If you miss it go to the Dr
@cjmart i have been so paranoid and scared. i have never been like this. i have irregular period si im not quite sure what to do. pls help and educate me. i had my period last month dec. 19 but now it is 20th. i mostly have period every 3rd to 4th week of the month. will i most likely get pregnant?
I'm sorry but I can't give you any more information from here. You need to see your gp and have a proper test
@cjmart Precum is 0% sperm but as it comes from the same place as semen there is a chance of it picking up left over sperm from a previous ejaculate which is why you can get pregnant. The chance of the small amount surviving to the cervix is so low his urethra would almost need to be pressed against it for you to need to worry. 'decentguy' might be decent but he is not decently educated in reproductive health so please don't panic. then what is this?
That's saying it's unlikely to occur from the information you have provided in your question. It is very unlikely but 0.5% chance means 1/200 times it will occur. There is a chance that you are the 1 out of 200. I am only able to give you the general information, I can't diagnose you from here. You need a doctor to check especially if you are late for your period
congratulations. tell us if it's a boy or a girl after you get tested
u r not helping
what would you want me to do? to be a father? no tkx.
not someone like you.
you don't know me.
You can get pregnant from precum, but how you explained i very much doubt it.
how do you say so? pls tell me
lol no not possible
why do u say so?
Because it's like 99.9% chance that you can get pregnant the sperm is not fully mature to even fertilize the egg it's just a myth that you can get pregnant with Precum
Lol how old are you just asking? And are you a female
yes i am. i dont know anything about this stuff
How old are you
20. i would appreciate if u would educate or enlighten me
Lol we about the same age. An yea I don't mind helping you out if you have any questions just feel free to ask me any time give me a follow
it's not a myth that you can get pregnant from precum. it all depends. precum is not supposed to have sperm in it but as precum can occur at various points a sperm glands start producing once highly aroused and cause pre-ejaculation discharge there can at times be sperm in what appears to be precum not saying she's pregnant by any means. but the notion that precum can potentially have sperm in it is not a myth
@madhatters4 i do understand. but from the given scenario.. what do u think about the possibility?
i doubt your pregnant... i was just saying that it isn't myth that a person could potentially get pregnant from precum or without penetration. crazier stuff has happened but as the OP and i said they chances are very very very slim that you'd get pregnant
there's 0.09 chances out of 100
if it's in by any chance
what do u mean and why
pre cum is cum in less amount. it can make you pregnant
possibilities of getting pregnant by precum outside pussy 1 out of 100.
Even less than that
why do u say so? pls tell me.
just trying to give you comfort before we talk further.
should i be worried?
not worried but it didn't mean being careless. go for pregnancy test strip and get checked. get plan b pills if it's not yet 48 hours
it has been 5 days :(
oh.. are these your ovulation days
no. my last period was dec. 19. i think when it happened... it was my ovulation period or after my ovulation period. but really im not sure because i have jormonal imbalance and my period is irregular.
aww.. why don't you wait for your next period. and if it's late than regular just go for pregnancy check strip
i dont even know when is regular. well. i usually have my period 3rd or 4th week of the month. i already purchased pregnancy test. i did yesterday it was negative but i think it is too early. i still have two for the 21st exactly a week after it happened. and for 28th after two weeks. but i really can't be pregnant. not now.
you gonna buy one more n wait for your 4th week. it's it's later than that, do check again.
but how great is the chance to being pregnant?
there's just minor chance. there are just assuming but you really don't want to go for abortion right.
sorry. what do u mean
there's almost no chances of getting pregnant.
even though he humped me but without penetration?
yes. you want to get pregnant?
noooo. i dont want to.
you'll not get pregnant. just get tested after third week of this month.
okay. thank you so much for talking to me. i really appreciate it.
you're really sweet. don't worry.
It's possible.
precum can actually get you pregnant yes, but don't worry, you have like a 98% chance of not getting pregnant and like you said he didn't penetrate you so you is fine, don't worry
yes. he didn't. I've been paranoid for days. and i have irregular period. so im lost.
may i know how do u say so that i can't be pregnant? i want clear my mind and have a peace of mind for real.
Look hon, he didn't stick it inside you, he came outside and you said you washed your dress and all that so don't worry, I know the words you want are "You are not getting pregnant" and you aren't. there you have it 😊
oh. thank you so much. so i just have to wait for my period? since i have irregular period.
I honestly don't know, I mean Im a guy, so you should probably ask that question to a woman
and don't worry about it hon 😌
not really
You'll be okay lol. If you need reassurance take a pregnancy test.. It's been two weeks you can do that now.
thank you
This might sound complicated but,
The life of sperm is 48 hours.
and on the other side, there's the safe window period and the ovulating period.
safe window period is where it's extremely safe to do whatever you want with 98% risk free (because 2% for the chances of 48 hours of sperm life)
ovulating phase is where it's the highest risk zone.
without the facts of when the "act" happened in correlation to the period, it's really hard to say.
If you need someone to predict without facts you'll find many Google scholars but we need precise dates to say. If you understood every word I said then you don't have to post this question ever. Good luck buddy.
your question make me hard 😂😂😂 it's like a part of sex story
Don't worry! I've had that happen. No pregnancy. I've also had a guy cum inside me and forget my birth control for s few days and not pregnant! You should be fine. Don't worry. Worrying can delay periods and make you even more worried!
Not very. There's a tiny chance. But you'll be fine. That's happened to me a lot. I've also had guys finish in me and I forget my birth control for a few days and I haven't gotten pregnant yet
You're fine.
Precum generally doesn't have semen, unless he'd ejaculated right before.
Semen right on the outside of the vagina has a staggeringly low chance of reaching your cervix.
Most semen at your cervix doesn't actually get you pregnant.
You're not pregnant.
Here is a website for the info you need.
@Poppykate thank you. I had my period and took a test 29 days after the incident. got negative result. however, i seem can't brush it off my mind.
Lol. Give it time! Hormones always win the day!
You're probably getting closer to sex. Time to figure out birth control plans.
Agree! See your doctor!
Don't be ridiculous pre cum can not and will not get you Prego it's just a lube like how a pussy gets wet
And if you are so worried about it why didn't you take a plan B pill or better yet take birth control pills
Thanks for MHO
Definitely 100% you can, Precum has sperm in it and it only takes 1.
and honestly if you have to ask this kind of question...
you really shouldn't be having sex. Like driving a car while having absolutely zero basic knowledge of cars.
as i have checked... it is past my ovulation period but lit differs from each site.
it is possible even test says negative you must have blood tst to be sure
If some sperm got inside you, it is possible yes but not very likely. 2 reasons. 1) not enough sperm and 2) sperm dies very quickly outside the body. So I can't give you a guarantee or %, but very unlikely. Just take a pregnancy test or see a doctor if concerned (to ease your mind). You very likely have nothing to worry about though.
thank you so much
Maybe, but unlikely... Next time just milk him and ride his face
No need to take these risks
i know. why do you say unlikely? how high is the possibility?
Less than 10%
Very doubtful
Precum is even less likely to cause it and if it didn't enter your virgina then you're not getting pregnant
Yes you're pregnant.
u won't get pregnant, dw
pls tell me why
sperm needs to be really fast to reach the ovary just rubbing it on it won't get u pregnant
does it means that precum being outside my vagina nt get me pregnant?
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