Girls, Have you ever by accident or purpose?

Have you ever by accident or purpose peed in your period pad?

Very curious as girls have said that it's a little bit like wearing a diaper, having to wear a pad.
So it makes me wonder... Has anyone tried it in a crazy moment in their youth? Do they hold any pee or do they not soak it up? :D
Girls, Have you ever by accident or purpose...........?

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What Girls Said

  • It's not exactly like a diaper, it's not all over your lower parts so it would 100% leak. You might as well just try to pee in your pants it would leak just as much.

  • Lmao no

  • No, I have not they aren't meant to take on that much liquid.

  • I have never, on accident or on purpose. It's gross to do it on purpose, especially because it would smell horrible and a pad just can't hold that much liquid, so it would be very obvious you peed. Yes, it does feel a bit like wearing a diaper, but that does not mean it is one

  • No lol. That thought never crossed my mind haha, like thinking a pad would be equally sufficiently as a diaper. I also don't believe pads can absorb so much,,

    My overnight pads usually get full on the first two days and it's barely the amount of someone's pee ( lmao hard to explain ). Interesting question lol

  • Never tried it, highly doubt it would hold, but never even crossed my mind to try.

  • um no, I don't even wear pads, I'm a tampon girl all the way. But pads are not meant for that much liquid so it would not be wise to try

  • never ever!!! they are ment for a different purpose they are not daipers😂

  • no, pads wouldn't be able to absorb pee effectively :D

  • No, I use tampons so it will be impossible to do it. Plus, it's already uncomfortable so I'm wandering how it can happen actually 😂 Well, in any case, it's a no for me.

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