I HATE sex crazed perverts, do you?

The title says it all, so I hate sex crazed perverts, do you? Before you start bashing me, let me give you reasons to why I hate sex crazed perverts. It's ok if you're just a plain pervert (That is if you're a guy, girls being perverted is just too weird and uncomfortable. It's like the girl is a perverted guy in a girl's body, experimenting with the girl's body by doing slutty things and being perverted. And all girls who are perverted are basically sluts.) and that can be funny but if you're a "sex crazed pervert" than it's not ok, not funny, and bad. Sex crazed perverts LITERALLY ONLY" care about sex in life, they don't actually love people, they just have sex to get pleasure from it, not to "make love". They're sex addicts, they have an abnormal addiction to sex and perverted stuff. They need literally almost need sex and perverted stuff like they need to breathe. They're full of lust. To them, private part size and tongue size is ALL that matters and they completely write you off if they're slightly too small or too big or whatever. ALL they think about is perverted stuff and sex, they just wanna watch p*rn or hentai for a movie everyday. They're addicted to sex and perverted stuff and don't care about anything else. And they wanna have sex way too much, like every 30 minutes. Being a sex crazed pervert overall in a few words is just immature, shallow, and ridiculous as hell. A relationship with 1 would be the worst, your life would be 99.99% sex and perverted things, and only 0.1% other things. Your life would literally almost only be just sex and perverted stuff. And those other things would almost only be sleeping and eating. That's why I hate them, do you? Their the highest level on the sexuality chart, "too" high is terrible.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • 1) You're being extremely judgmental.
    2) You're being judgmental about something you apparently know almost nothing about - like you don't understand human sexuality and are just using your imagination about what you THINK is going on.
    3) Learn the meaning of "literally".
    4) Learn the meaning of "pervert". A high sex drive and pervert are not the same thing.
    5) Why should you care if somebody is really into sex?

    Seriously. Why this question? Why does it bother you so much? It's their life. It's behind closed doors. Why do you even care? If you just don't understand it, and wonder why people are like that, that's legit. There's nothing wrong with not understanding something. But to hate it?

    Yes, some people are sex addicts. But do you also hate food addicts? Do you hate smoking addicts? Do you hate alcohol addicts? Do you hate video game addicts? Do you hate workaholics? Do you hate popcorn addicts? Do you hate music addicts? Look, people have all kinds of addictions and obsessive behaviors. Do you hate all of them?

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    • I'm not gonna waste my time on you so I'm gonna make it short. Yes, I hate all the addicts, they only care about 1 thing. I know the meaning of perverted and literally. And sex crazed perverts have anything but a high sex drive. A high sex drive just literally is a lot of desire or a high desire to have sex, nothing else.

  • A couple of things. You should not hate anyone. It is just non-productive and more to the point, you are taking a highly moralistic position and then indulging in highly immoral responses to it.

    Second, if by "sex crazed pervert" you mean a man or woman who enjoys sex and the thought of sex, then you will be hating a lot of people. It matters less what a person is thinking about than how they act on what they are thinking. (If a guy thinks his penis is too small, how does that impact you - or anyone else - negatively?)

    If, by "sex crazed pervert," you mean someone who cannot control their impulses as a result of some psychological trauma or dysfunction, then you are hating someone who cannot help themselves. That is, itself, perverse.

    Physician, heal thyself.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Dude, just stop with your "sex-crazed pervert" bullshit. Get off of your asexual high horse and stop being such a prick. Everyone is entitled to be who they are, you have no right to pass judgment on those who are different from you just because you don't agree with their lifestyle.

    • Damn, why do you have to get so aggressive? I suppose that you ARE 1 of those sex crazed perverts to act so offended and aggressive. And what's wrong with calling lifestyles that nearly only do 1 thing, like this, "stupid"? Sex crazed perverts ARE stupid. And using the word "asexual" to offend me, really? It's just a sexual orientation that includes not being interested in sex and not liking it. I'm not an asexual, but really? Normal asexuals are in the middle between the sex crazed pervert and the prude point. Prude or sex crazed pervert would be a better offense.

    • I'm being aggressive because you're being an insensitive ass. And how is "asexual" an insult? The last guy that had the EXACT same hostile attitude as you and used the EXACT same phrasing to present the EXACT same viewpoint was indeed asexual. So it's not far fetched for me to be almost certain that you're the same asshole. Furthermore, by your logic, all females that like sex and think about sex are sluts. That's incorrect. Why do you feel the need to be such a jerk?

    • I NEVER said that females liking sex and thinking about it is slutty. That's just sexual, like everybody except asexuals. I said that girls being "perverted" is slutty, dumbass.

    • Show All
  • I don't hate anyone or care what they are doing in their private lives. It doesn't hurt me, as long as they aren't pushing their lifestyle & thoughts on me.

    • That makes sense, it's very hard for you to "hate".

  • Me too, I can't stand them.

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What Girls & Guys Said

8 11
  • "like every 30 minutes" That's not possible as the sex I have lasts at least 1 hour per session LOL.

    Yes hate me please, I love to be hated.. turns me on MUWAHAHAHAHAHA

  • I don't hate someone else unless they meant me harm :P
    If you take time in a day to hate on everyone you find offensive , you're gonna be topping up your hatred tank pretty damn quickly.

    • That makes sense, it's very hard for you to "hate".

  • Hate away. This the world goes round cuz they makin’da babies!

  • "your life would literally almost only be just sex" sign me the fuck up

    • You're weird, but sex crazed perverts are weird, and I assume you ARE one. They only like concentrate on 1 thing their entire life, and that is sex, with additional perverted things.

  • This post made me so fucking horny you have no idea.

    The hate sates me.

    • Well... I don't get being a sex crazed pervert and it's idiotic but live your own life, just stay away from others who aren't sex crazed perverts and don't do or say anything sexual to them.

    • That's so hot.

    • Here, have this Gatorade Frost Glacier Cherry. I mixed some of my cum with it.

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  • I don't know.. Just chill. Lol I think your hate stems from an incident or caused by a particular person who was a pervert.

  • Shut the fuck up no one cares. Go hug a tree or something.

    • I was just sharing my opinion and asking for answers, no need to be so rude.

    • I was just giving you my opinion on how I feel about how you feel.

    • Yeah but could've at least been a bit nicer.

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  • The angry middle age asexual strikes again.
    That crisis is really getting to you buddy :D

    • What's wrong with hating people who do stupid stuff? And I'm NOT asexual.

    • Yet you always come to their defense and insult sexuals. The hypocrisy is strong with you.

    • Excuse me? In this question I definitely didn't indult sexuals, I am sexual myself, I just insult the type of perverts who are sex crazed perverts. I don't know if someone Anonymous my age did that, but I swear that I didn't, I would NEVER do that. That wouldn't make any sense, that would be me insulting myself.

  • dude you're the pervert

    • I'm not but ok, I don't care.

  • Your are a total moron simpleton Buffon. Since you hate perverts I guess your not to fond of your perverted parents? Hmmmmm. Wonder how you got here? Hmmmm. You are a total douche bag, but then again you wouldn't know since your not a slut! Lol

  • I don't exactly hate them, but I find them very annoying. They take too many virginities away for sure. That is very annoying. Also, yeah, I think some of these sex crazed pervert need help. Brother of a good friend of mines is one that can be considered a sex crazed pervert. Believe me, he needs help. He is freaking addicted to sex where everything he does revolves around it. It also affected his family in a negative way in the process.

    • Yeah, I agree with all of that, it's true. I bet that you feel the same way about prudes too, I sure do. They're the exact opposite of sex crazed perverts, that's "too" opposite, that it's bad.

    • I like "prudes" to a degree. I like them when they are prudes in certain situations, but in other certain situations, they let their wild animal side out. Those men & women would be ideal.

  • I hate them too. They're the ones who usually rape, molest, abuse, and cheat on innocent people. I am surprised to see so many in the comments. I hope they die in agony.

  • What the people who to love to have sex all the time?

  • Maybe you're too old?

  • No i love their

  • Umm... I would like to be appreciated for more than that. I may have a high sex drive, but if I'm nagging it's just bc I'm trying to get closure and I don't feel satisfied just yet. I can see where girls think I am sex crazed because of this. But I will do all the small things, make a connection with her before even thinking about sex. But yeah, I have an addiction to finishing what was started sexually and emotionally.

  • I think the lady protests too much.
    my guess is you haven’t had very good sexual experiences.
    because if it’s really good it is addicting.
    sex is a human need nothing to be ashamed of.
    if you label sex as perverted then you have an excuse not to deal with it.
    my guess is you’re afraid of it.
    I’ve never had sex with anyone I didn’t care about.

  • No, I don't hate myself.


    • You ARE 1 so that makes sense...

    • Yeah, that was the joke... Thanks for the down vote, you're an uptight ass aren't you? :D

  • Fun drinking game: take a shot every time it says 'sex crazed pervert'

    (NOTE: Do not do this; it was a joke if it was unclear. I take no responsibility)