Also when we get right down to it dating is in women's total control and benefits them all too often:
1. Men usually pay for most dates.
2. Women at any time can make you run down your money on dates then say "she just didn't feel any chemistry as a cop out" to go running and leave you with your wallet lighter and with 0 pussy to show for it. Or she may just go NC at any moment.
3. You often have to wait at a woman's descretion of when she feels she "ready" to have sex with you;this is if your foolish enough to play by traditional dating rules that is.
Also contrary to popular belief not only "loser" males who can't get laid use prostitutes. Rich guys and hollywood actors who are perfectly capable of getting laid if they want choose to use escorts because of confidentiality and it helps them save time.
Would you consider Chris Evans a loser?
Is this Roostah? Post more "Who'd you pick" questions.
Here's the thing though. See guys have power too. You know what that power is?
It's what girls want and we have the power to give it to them... or not. We can dangle it in their face (like they do with sex). We can give them what they want in exchange for what we want (friendship in exchange for sex). Or we can even charge. Some girls actually pay for cuddle buddies lol.
Now let us talk about your concerns on what women want in terms of attributes.
Extrovert: Hmmmm. Yeah maybe extroverts get little girls, but they don't always get women or even bitches for that matter.
Tall: Actually most women prefer a guy that's average height (for a male). Even then at my small height I haven't had much problem catching female eyes.
Confidence: Well for that I guess you can go back to my answer about extroverts.
Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
"Also when we get right down to it dating is in women's total control and benefits them all too often"
It benefits those who reach out and grab its benefits. Those who don't compromise in what they want. I don't mean confidence necessarily in terms of extroverted means. I mean confidence in ones self.
Let's get into the dating thing though shall we?
1. Yes, but plenty of men I've talked to prefer to do that (be it foolish or not). It's a choice. Not an obligation. I wouldn't pay for most dates.
2. If you're losing a shit ton of money over a female... then you sir might have a gold digging bitch with you. I'm a cheap scape. Sadly other guys might not be, but again it's your money. Not hers. You do with it what you want to do with it. It's not like she's literally robbing you. You rob yourself. She's just the tool to do it with. Doesn't mean she isn't wrong. Slap her hand from your wallet if you feel it's getting lighter because of her. Who cares if she'd ditch you. You still got your manly pride and your money. But again hey guys wanna spend money on pussy they can. I wouldn't.
3. Again why wear the collar when there's a buckle on it? Unbuckle it fool. Give her an ultimatum. Sex or she gotta go. She say no. Kick her ass out. You didn't get none? So. One less former overly stuck up girl broken down.
As far as celebs using prostitutes yeah like you said it's quicker for them. Are they losers? Yes. They are. If I was rich I wouldn't pay shit.
this is interesting
cause you reflect something that is true to a degree, now power women don't have that,, they have choice same like men, here's where you think they have power from at a young age I was told too approach the women, so that's what I did I was conditioned at a young age too do this and think this way now,, im older I barely approach women anymore, all there good for is sex at this point dont really care what they have too say, most of it is non-sense,
Much of society's older and historical beliefs have only recently been challenged within the last hundred years. So let me ask you, by society's standards the negative aspects of prostitution wrong with the scene of being naked and the belief that intercourse is only allowed for the procreation of species, to be all prevalent over the last 2 thousands of years. Where does that come from? It comes from the Bible so we have 2000 years of following the Bible and believing that God sees sex and nudity in a certain way versus 100 years of a slowly enlightened what different perspective. Do I need to explain any further?
@Mishii [1/2] Don't put it on the Bible. I am not even religious, but there were hookers and bordellos way before feminism and female empowerment. Hell, until the Victorian era, prostitution was perfectly acceptable. Let me tell you a little story. My mother and my sister are both "modern" women. They both have or want to have jobs, they are both educated, and my mother shares household duties with my father. Somehow the followign question came up: Is it better to be lonely if necessary, even knowing how hard it is sometimes to find a sexual partner - or to masturbate using porn. Me, being single for a long time, and not having any form of release, said what appears obvious to me - masturbation and porn is better. What shocked me was my mother's and sister's response. They obviously said the opposite - but even more. They said porn is worse, because it somehow destroys you, or sets you up with unrealistic expectations. [continued]
@Mishii [2/2] Now, there are actual scientific studies proving that a lack of sexual release is detrimental to the human psyche in many ways. So tell me again, how come this superstition came about that porn is bad? My entire family is non-religious, we have no ties with any church. People simply have standards, and it seems that women have unrealistic standards towards men. "Don't masturbate, don't lay with prostitutes, look for true love". "You don't have a lot of sexual experience? You are ugly? Poor? Unsuccessful? Sorry, but I like a real man". I don't even have to say that they absolutely denounced turning to prostitutes for sexual pleasure, while thoroughly supporting a woman's choice of being a prostitute. How's that for a double standard?
Im not against guys using prostitutes as long as they use a condom. Lets not condone the spreading of stds here.. im only against my boyfriend or if i had a husband using one.
I live in japan and my Japanese guy friends openly admit they use prostitutes like once a week
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What's Your Opinion? Sign Up Now!I'm in favor of prostitution but i still look down on girls who sell it and men who buy it xD
1. I go halfsies.
2. They can't make you pay a dime. You do that of your own volition. You are not entitled to sex no matter how much you spend.
3. It's not foolish, it's called consent. If you are too selfish and self entitled like you make it seem, then you are just as pathetic as you seem.
I presume because they're running for President. You have to appease the religious lobby.
I have had sex with legal prostitutes at legal brothels in Nevada. It is fun and I've done it quite a bit over the years actually. The ladies are tested for std's once a week, and of course, condoms are required. I can't wait to go again!
Can a 16-year-old come in too? Or do u have to be 18 to buy?
I think all of the Nevada ranches now require the client to be at least 18. I see you are in Finland. How is it there?
Well brothels are illegal but prostitution is legal. I hoped that it would be legal for 16 year olds to buy because i’m 16 soon.
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