Why is incest getting to be so normal?

I have just been wondering this. It is becoming a lot more common and popular now a days. For the longest time in high school we thought this kid and his sister were sleeping with each other and like three months ago the truth came out about it because she is pregnant with his kid. It was in the news and stuff. I found out like three other people I know have been doing it too. One is a really good friend of mine and the others were just people I knew through other people. My friends sister is really hot and I have always told him that since she was 12 and we were 14. He was always really over protective of her. He would say things that I found weird every once in a while like telling her she looks good and stuff and they would kiss but I never really thought into it past a brother sister relationship. Right about the time the kid from high school was in the news we were all drinking and partying at his house and his sister was really drunk. My friend went to go take her into her bed and it started to seem like he was up there too long. I went looking for him and walked in on them having sex. It was totally awkward and we really don't hang out much anymore. I just find it all weird. I could never have regular ex with my sister. We have messed around as kids and explored each other, and had sex one time but then we realized it was wrong. Why are so many people becoming ok with this now a days?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • AHAHHAA at the end. You are definitely trolling. If this is some fantasy of yours, you're one sick mofo.

    It is not becoming normal and it will never be normal. Apart from it being disgusting it's also highly risky considering child deformation and such... Anyway, that aside I do remember my best friend in highschool one time just started telling me that she was sleeping in her bed and that her brother got home really late and just threw himself on her bed but that she thought it was her dog.. so without looking she started petting her "dog" and that she thought it felt weird and when she looked she was petting her brothers dick. I don't even know why she told me that...

    • what are u talking about, incest fantasies are normal sometimes. honeslry, it's getting super disgusted by incest that's unhealthy

  • Incest is a complex issue and there are often deep roots assosciated with it. There has been and always will be incest, it is just something in our culture that we have to be accepting of. The only issue I have is the risk of genetic conditions being passed down if incest created a child, I don't think it's fair for that child to lead a sometimes less fulfilling life due to the actions of their parents.

    • One of the few down-to-earth answers. Thanks.

    • We DO NOT have to be accepting of incest. That is the biggest load of liberal bullshit I've heard in a long time. Do you agree that Female Genital Mutilation is acceptable if it is culturally normal?

    • @SeaBender Female genital mutilation is not the same level of issue. You have to accept that there will always be incest because it's out of our control, I'm not saying it's a good thing but in some cultures it is considered very normal.

  • you had sex with your sister? are you kidding me. you're just as twisted as the sickos who do that. this post actually made me feel sick. why are so many people becoming ok with it? no ones becoming more ok with it, you must be deluded, there are more people who clearly have issues but general society is not becoming more ok with it and will never be.

    • U have issues honestly if hearing about incest gets u this upset

    • U have serious issues if incest makes u this upset. people who have incest aren't always outright sickos although many are

    • @rrrrrrrrrr parissa doesn't have issues because it is disturbing to hear of someone sleeping with there own sibling what is up with the town no one can find s bf/gf

Most Helpful Guys

  • Why is incest getting to be so normal? It's not. Incest is not getting to be so normal.

    Why are so many people becoming ok with this now a days? It all depends on the place and the person's ethics, morals, background, how they were raised, etc. who believe it to be ok. Some towns or countries have a lot of incest while other towns or countries or not. What is normal in your place will always be something abnormal in another place. I believe it is not ok but to each his/her own. It's their life and it's their choice so I'm going to respect their choice (even though I'm against it) and not going to get myself involved or waste my thoughts on it.

    • Very thoughtful and reasonable response. I Di not agree with actual incest either but I will not shame them for it

  • Umm.. its not? you just happen to be one of those people who experience seeing it/experiencing it(?) when incest is clearly not a normal thing, nor is it close to it nor will it be..

    i guess it depends in the community/society you live in. like every town or village has its own "community" or reality of living things. and things like that tend to be more common in those towns, in your case... incest. effed up but hey, at least ur not a weirdo. they will always be known in their whole lives to be incestuous weirdos :/

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9 7
  • sadly, incest has _always_ been common, and it's always messed people up.

    for proof of how common incest has been in human history, read the Bible. Lot and his daughter, the rape of Tamar by her half-brother.

    • The bible is not an account of human history. its an account of christian history which I hate to break it you but is a minority in the world. I'm atheist if ur not sure

  • it is not 'getting to be normal' and it never will be. you just happen to be in the midst of it all.

  • The main sentence that stood out from what you said is "I could never have regular sex with my sister". So... you'd have on one off sex with her?

    Anyway, I didn't realise it was common. I guess people develop relationships with family members that others don't understand. I don't really care because it's not really hurting anyone.

  • I don't think it's more acceptable at all. With the internet making investigation easier, and DNA identification making genealogy easier, it's getting much more difficult to lie about or conceal one's true ancestry.

  • Yea that's pretty sick. I never knew it was so common.