Okay it's simple
Latina's and Black's have huge butts, while less White girls have that. their posture is different, and accents the front more.
In any case, blacks and latinos are more dirty (not trying to be racist), but they'll go after the ass and eat the pussy & ass. something whites or asians will not do nearly as much (except maybe white-trash, etc).
So what's the point of going after a huge butt if you're not going to focus that much on it? Also, black guys often have huge penis, so they love to put em on a huge fluffy butt, while for a white guy or asian, a small, tight, butt works just fine.
Plus white/asians have less sex, than those crazy latinos and blacks. When you're having sex 5 times a day. the vagina gets boring, so you need an alternative.
If I was lucky enough to be with a latina girl (they bar-none the best for sex. maybe not personality or daily life. but sex. = #1) I would want the option of ass as well. While most white-girls and asians are stingy. They are teasers. They tease but don't deliver. They like to have sex like once a week or some bullshit like that. With those figures. you'll never get tired of the vagina. Sad but true
As for breasts, it's more of an aesthetic. and rich white/asian guys can show off their trophy-wives. while most latino or black guys are in jail, dead, or simply too busy working. to care about impressing some white-collar jerks at the office. you get me?
i'm just stereotyping here, but some of it is true.0 0 8 2I totally absolutely disagree with you> white men are known for eating pussy more than any other race and this is from my personal experience and what I hear white guys and black guys talk about. A lot of blk men eat pusyy but are reluctant on who they will do that too. Most white men usually have no problem going down on women period. y? don't really know. SO you were so wrong about that. And whites/asians have less sex? are you crazy? lol. they have just as much sex as any other race. omg, man.
Thank goodness u were not trying to be racist lol!
I can only speak for myself, I am a 21 year old white male from NY and i do indeed prefer tits over ass. That being said i would be happier if she had a bit of a butt too, I have dated the color spectrum in terms of the women i have been with. I have been with White, Hispanic and Black women. All had fairly large breasts (never been with smaller than a C cup, biggest was DD) Most of my white friends prefer tits as well and i cannot explain why per say. It's just our thing i guess lol. Some white males i know prefer a woman's butt however it is rare. Breast men are a dying breed lol what can i say.
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In my experience, white guys DO like big butts. I think it's more of the media telling you that white girls are supposed to be flat-assed and that's what white guys like. I've found that they like both, T & A. They may like boobs more, but they like butts too.
As for Pam Anderson, most guys know she's got fake tits and she's a major slut, and now she's getting old and ugly, so they probably don't care anymore :) (sorry I just had to throw that in there!)0 0 1 0I have smaller breasts and I've always gotten equal attention about my ass and legs from guys whether they're black, white, Hispanic, and surprisingly even Asian. Not saying I like it because it makes me blush and feel awkward. I'm shy as hell when it comes to that. Guys don't like Pam Anderson only for her tits lol they like her for what she's capable of! Gotta give the girl some props ok Tommy Lee is HUGE and she took him like a champ! lol
1 1 1 0"surprisingly even Asian" what is that suppose to mean? try to see asian as the lost race or something else, we are american too. no hard feeling sister
No. Y'all are the quieter race. That's what she means.
Yes I didn't mean anything bad by it but every Asian guy I've met is usually more reserved and shy and tend to only go for other Asian girls.
Black women are more likely to have big butts than white women so it makes sense that black guys would prefer it.
White guys probably don't care about butts b/c not too many white girls have big butts unless they're fat.2 0 0 0LOL
Thats funny, shino? ok
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0 8Not all white guys are like that. I'm an ass and leg man myself. I prefer a woman who has a nice shaped butt over huge breasts.
1 0 0 0IDK I'm white and I'm more into a girls butt than her boobs.
0 0 0 0IDK about big butts tight ones ya.. to stop misconceptions
I don't know why it is, but I do fit your stereotype because I am a white guy and I like big breasticles.
I like it when a girl has a small but curvy frame with firm D cups...that's kinda hard to find but if a girl has that then I'm so f***ing theirs. Like this: link0 0 0 0U like real skinny girls then? ok.
I like them all from skinny (bigger than a size 0 tho) and the thick and curvy women, just not obese women with fat flaps and back titties I think you got a hot body
Thx. I'm a model so gotta keep it up
I don't think there is you just gotta find out which a specific guy likes more I'm white and do like breasts more than butts but I don't like big breast I like small to medium size.
0 1 0 0I think that's just stereotypical generalizing. I don't really think those sayings are true.
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