A man paying for the first date is paying for pussy. Thoughts?

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10 19
  • Everything a man does is paying for pussy.

    • Lmao I'm not sure I would go that far. I feel like a lot of things are genuine but a lot of things are definitely a means to be in good favor with her

    • If you spend money on a female and she has sex with you, you are paying for sex. if you buy dinner, if you give her gifts, if you pay for a date or vacation... women withhold sex until a man “proves himself”... the way he does that is spending money on her to give her “experiences” and direct objects.

  • It’s not transactional like that. A man puts effort into the date to impress her and with the expectation that it might lead to a relationship and, yes, sex is a part of that. It’s not a matter of putting out just because he paid for the date.

    • Do you believe that most guys ask girls on dates with the intention of getting the girl in a relationship or to eventually have sex regardless of whether or not there is a relationship?

    • I think it depends on the person to be honest

    • @YES12 it was a general question about most men. It is fair to say one way or the other

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  • That was the expectation in the past.

    Today, women still expect men to pay for the first date but with no expectations or obligations.

    That is what women mean when they say "traditional gender roles must be abolished".

    • I think it's a bit more multi-faceted than that. I think a lot of girls tend to parrot feminist ideas, but the way they live their lives actually is more in line with how things were. Like I've been out with girls who were feminist who invited me out, paid for me, all types of things. Or I invited them out and they paid for themselves and it was all good. We made out, we had a good time. Each other's company was enough for her That same girl I heard talking about how whoever invites the other person out should pay and got on her soapbox basically to tell me why it matters that much. I was like... but we went out. I invited you. You paid for yourself and it was all good. But she said that's different because she liked me... Which is why I say. It really doesn't matter guys paying lol. If she likes you she won't care. Girls only care about you paying if they aren't that into you

  • No wtf that’s prostitution 😂😂 you just want a prostitute go get one if you wanna pay for sex so badly

    • If I invite my friend to eat I’m paying because I invited them. I’ve done that so many times. It’s the polite thing to do. But if you don’t wanna pay make that clear. Imagine I excepted my friend to give me her pussy for paying her dinner LMAO y'all ARE RIDICULOUS

    • Expected*. Man if there are men who actually think that I am disgusted deft

    • Lmaooo. What's a little friend to friend pussy licking 😂. And I feel you. I've been asked out by girls too who ended up paying for me because they invited me. I just know some girls who will invite a guy out and expect him to pay his way but she was on the other foot they expect the guy to pay. Like I had a girl invite me out for a drink at a bar that was two or three Towns over, with the promise of buying me a drink. She didn't cover any of my drinks, but there's a numerous times that she herself has said if you invite someone you should be paying. So she doesn't even buy into the bullshit lol I just think it's a cop-out in most cases and a lot of girls don't believe it, they just use it as an excuse because they know nine out of 10 times the guy will be the one asking

  • Yes, some men's brains are really that simplistic. Sad.

    • Don't act like your brains are any better.

    • lolol