Are you threatened by sex robots? Male or female?

It's evident that quite a few companies are planning on manufacturing the ultimate sex robot. They're quite a few sites that offer you the opportunity to order a robot of your choice. Call me what you'd like but its evident that this is a form of population control. If men, have their ideal women (physically) they'll be less men having sex with real women. It's also evident that although many companies are developing female sex robots, there hasn't been as much progression when it comes to the male robots. Is it because men are actually very insecure. The idea of replacing a women with a robot may not bother many men but those same men would hate to be replaced by a male robot. If say, both sides produce sex robots. Less people will have sex with eachother meaning less pregnancy which results in a smaller population. I am threatened by these sex robots.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Most men are not going to be intimidated by sexbots. Most women only want to have sex with the top 20% of guys anyway, so the other 80% have to find other ways to attract a woman. Such as providing her with money, security, status, or a commitment. Most men simply have to bring more to the table than sex, so women having yet another sexual option changes nothing for most men.

    As far as men being replaced by robots. Not only are men in the workforce already being replaced by automation, but the government has taken over the roles of protector and provider in many areas already. Men to a large degree have been replaced, and just now the same thing is about to happen to women. Within a few decades, I suspect most men and women will self segregate, and it won't be a big deal. Neither sex will need the other one anymore, and this war of the sex's can hopefully be over for good. For anyone wanting a relationship, that option will still be open, but a lot of people will simply find it easier to live for themselves.

    The only people that need to feel threatened by these sex robots, are people that don't bring anything to the relationship except for sex, but still expect the other person to bring more than sex. Otherwise they could either just go out and get a robot of their own, just like everyone else and lose nothing. Or better yet, have something to offer another person besides sex, so that they don't need to compete against a sexbot.

  • This is not about population control, it's about "Let's get rich by exploiting this new market!" Lower birthrate would simply be a fortunate side effect, since Earth is overpopulated as it is.

    There's been less progress on male robots because there is less demand for them. Most of that demand is coming from gay men, not women. If women were willing to pay $1000s for these robots, you'd see manufacturers lining up to cater to them.

    Men used to be the providers and protectors of women. But in modern societies with indoor plumbing, social safety nets, delivery services, and police protection a phone call away, women don't need men anymore. They will need them even less once self-driving cars arrive. Guys have watched their own usefulness diminish and have accepted it. So how come when the shoe is on the other foot, people start losing their minds?

Most Helpful Girls

  • Then men should feel threathed by dildoes that come in different sizes, cause women could replace them with those if the men start replacing us with sex dolls. But honestly, After a while, the sex doll will become tiresome. Getting it on with cold, lifeless, hunk of plastic that doesn't say anything or give any kind of feedback in and outside the bedroom well get extremely lonely. Men would be better off saving their money and just masturbating, cause all their doing is having sex by themselves. Plus their not going to want to have to clean that thing in and out every time they use it. So I don't see a reason to feel threathened... yet. Men are still approaching and dating real women, when the number of relationship/ human to human contact drastically declines due to sex robots, then that's when you can start panicking. But honestly, its really weird and kinda sad that people even buy these things. Just full on creepy to me, its like naphrophila but with a doll... just humping an souless object.

    • Hahaha... its fact...

    • See this story. It seems that cold lifeless hunk of plastic was more popular. I also heard there were protests from the real workers to have one Robot place shut down..

      A SEX doll on offer for punters at an Austrian brothel has proved a bigger hit than real-life prostitutes.

    • Hmm... why is a 1+ year old post showing like new in my feed!

  • I don't know if my reasoning about this question bears merit but here goes. Guys are definitely visually stimulated much more than girls... or at least depend on that form of stimulus more than women. Many men also prefer their lovers to be more on the submissive side... in other words they avoid conflict or women with a strong sense of self. Thus, a "robot" girlfriend is ideal for these men. On a charitable note these robot GF's are also great for guys who normally cannot attract or court a highly desirable female... like the disabled or infirm.

  • Many people have talked about "lifeless and non-responsive". I'm pretty sure they would manufacture the robots to talk and move. Maybe people would find in them the dates they can't get, in exactly the shape, size and "personality" tha they want.
    In any case, the people who would choose them are not those that I would want to be with anyway, so no threat there, personally. As a society though... that's a different question.

  • These sex robots would be for sex only. They wouldn't serve any other purpose in life therefore, they aren't really a threat, unless you believe that you are only for sex in another person's life. Sex robots wouldn't be able to cook or clean or talk, they wouldn't provide very good companionship. You can't settle down with a sex robot. I'm not threatened by it because I know I'm worth more than just sex to my partner.

    • A woman who could not talk would be a problem... how? 🤣

    • Lol OMG you're so funny!

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  • No. I am not.

    I have my committed girlfriend so i have no space for worries.
    Further; i don't think a large population would fall into them. But who knows. There are other reasons that can enhance the subject of course.

    Moreover; personally i don't like them. I don't like a Robotic world by any means. Doesn't matter what purpose they would serve. Nothing can replace human species as an actual person for me.

    Additionally, i would consider your perspective on this matter very poor. Even if large amount of men fall into it. This is not because they are insecure. This would be because they are tired. I can understand the other side of the story for men. Men are tired of dealing with fear of rejection. Tired of being judged for their looks; pockets; body types and getting objectified for their penis sizes or how long they can last in bed. When suddenly a realism robot comes on the line that would be under your command without putting pressure on you and be at your disposal all the time. For some men sounds like heaven at some point. But yet; we are not sure how it's gonna end. I don't really think a large portion of people would use them.

    Good Luck.

    • I remember hearing this story where a company released one of these bots and it sold out so quickly, they couldn't even keep up with demand. It may have been in Japan though.

  • Love it. New toys are always good.

    Are you threatened by sex robots? Male or female?Are you threatened by sex robots? Male or female?
  • There are pros and cons to every situation. I personally think it'll be dull with a robot. I've had sex with women who just lay there and do nothing, which isn't fun, so why would a sex-bot be any different. However, I feel like less men and women would cheat because they have a sex-bot they could use if their significant other is giving them a hard time.

    However, as with any new kind of technology, the first generation of these things will be buggy and certainly expensive probably 1K or more. So the average Joe won't be able to afford one.

    Not to mention the political and religious problems this could cause. Regardless, we will have to cross this bridge when we get to it.

  • Not at all. Nothing can replace the real sex and passion with someone you love, or simply a human being.

  • Its actually great. By this way the men with genes that promote to see women as only bodies to fuck will have sex with robots and eliminate their genes out... leaving the men with genes that seek real women and companionship to progress forwards. Way to go.

    • There ARE also men who do want companionship, but are too anxious to actually confess their feelings and whatnot. I can do a mytake on this segment actually, but I don't have the time right now to do so. Some men are depressed but are fully intelligent and/or functional other than that. There are those who are probably more petrified at the thought confessing because of all of their failures. Other men who can easily get women would call these types of men, girls or women, pussies, etc. Yet these men with girlfriends are disgusting people, because they obviously treat women as objects by the way the use them as insults towards other men. Apparently being a woman is bad. I'm just saying, it works both ways. A man can be lonely and desperate but still understand that women are people (those would be the intelligent kind) while there are also pea-brainers who sleep with women left and right.

    • The ones who only see women as sex objects are out there having sex more but aren’t having children. This evolution is already taking place (unless you count the deadbeat dads who impregnate girls and leave)

  • If girls have problem with sex robot, then to be fair we have to ban dildo and vibrators.
    It purely simple as that.

    It is the way we choose it to be and make it happen.
    And the answer is that we as a society have outcasted a part of people and labelled them as nice guys and teaches people that they worth nothing when coming to dating and relationship and told them to fuck off. So they had gone them own way and find their alternative to fulfil their desire. That why it was created cuz these things cannot be created by women so called badguys cuz they have no intelligence to do so.

    Time to ask it is right or not cuz every action has an opposite equal reaction.
    In that case the reaction is sex robot invention. So find the action.

  • Of course it is for depopulation. Well seen.

  • Thats a pretty doll.

    At the end of the day, she or he isn't real.

    you're still single and lonely.

    Plus you have to take care of them lol, bathe them (pleeease bathe them,) clothe them, and keep an eye on them before they start keepin an eye on you...

    Doll Owner: "Im back my love..."

    Doll: "... I've... missed... you..."

    Are you threatened by sex robots? Male or female?
  • Why would I be threatened by a machine? If someone wants to choose a robot over a human being, go ahead. I don't think that really affects my chances of a relationship because that kind of person would't be in my dating pool anyway.

  • Not at all.
    Now robotics have to advance somehow, so far, the only ones willing to pay and fund the development of better AI, better robotics and better human-machine interactions are those who want to pay for the most lucrative business in the world: sex
    And if you don't believe me, just ask yourselves, where did the IT/SW companies made their real stress tests?
    Hint: not at schools, universities

  • Personally, I'm at most mildly curious about sex-robots, but not really interested until they start getting advanced and complex enough to make philosophical debates a real necessity.

    But I bought my girlfriend her first vibrator.

    I wouldn't be the sort of guy to stand in the way if my girlfriend really wanted a sex robot. To me, the current generation of sex robots are just really expensive and elaborate sex toys complete with advanced, 3D, tactile porn.

  • The guys I get with couldn't afford one anyways.

  • WE have them pretty much already, just look at the Trump girls.

  • No, I'm not

  • If someone prefers a sex partner who doesn't participate and just lays there like a dead fish, then it's no loss to me.

    • You just described a big proportion of women.

    • @cth96190 then maybe you’re bad at sex.

    • @Astoriana Bad at sex? Not according to the women who were not dead fish. Survey figures that show that half of marriages are sexless, overwhelmingly because the woman does not want it, suggest that about half the female population are frigid.

    • Show All
  • The only robots I'm afraid are those that can take 9mm to the face and keep coming at me. Not some overgrown dildo.

  • I feel like the only way sexbots would be a "threat" or rather, men and women using them in place of real human beings, are if the bots were like replicants from Blade Runner or some other android, with real flesh, AI, and so forth. By that time though I am guessing memory implants like Total Recall would be a thing, and that would be just as effective if sex is the only objective.

  • Nothing beats the real thing

    • True

  • I don't think they be any real threat any time soon
    I mean people said that video calls will replace phone calls, i don't know about most, but i don't see that happen much
    There too much lacking there that just can't be replaced by a robot yet

  • No. Those things cost like $6000 on the cheap end. Would I rather spend a few car payments or talk to a human? Hmm tough choice but I think I'll go with the living person

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