Being naked with same-sex friend (s)?

Have any of your friends seen you naked? Have you seen any of your friends naked? In your experience, are guys or girls more likely to be naked with their same-sex friends?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Yes, all my friends have. I don't want to generalize but I feel like girls are just a bit more open in that way. I've talked to many of my guy friends about this and even the most open minded of them seem to have a hard time getting past the idea of it despite it not being weird unless you actually make it weird

  • I haven't seen any of my current friends naked. I've had childhood friends that I saw naked when we were like little kiddies but I've lost contact with most of them and it wasn't weird as we didn't know about sexuality back then the way we do now.

  • I don't have straight male friends offline... just men I date OR work with.

    Yes, many of my female acquaintances and work colleagues have seen me naked.

    I feel both sexes are equally comfortable being naked in front of each other.

  • i don't mind being in my underwear infront of my friends, but i would prefer to not be completely naked in front of them. I could do it, I wouldn't cover up if seen naked by friends, but it would be a little awkward.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Yes weve seen each other naked
    1) we have known each other for 21 of our 24 years of life
    2) I've been in football locker rooms and locker rooms at the gym of course weve seen each other naked
    But seriously me and my friends always end ip man wrestling in our boxers some how its weird

  • Yes, in locker rooms.

    I was also at a bathhouse in Germany where it was complete nudity for both sexes. Before you run out and buy an air ticket, it was mostly older men, and the youngest woman I saw was probably close to 40.

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What Girls & Guys Said

18 16
  • Yes, its normal when you shower at the gym. And even mixed if you go to a sauna.

  • I've seen all my friends naked and they've seen me too. I'm bisexual, but we all know the difference between changing clothes and taking off clothes before sex.

    • wtf :))

  • probably but purely by accident.

  • we have a nudist policy in my apartment... so yes

  • Girls are definitely more likely to be more comfortable with being naked with their same-sex friends