Boyfriend asks for a lot of sex?

My boyfriend (26M) and I (23F) have been together for quite some time now. We originally started as a long distance relationship until he moved to the same state as I. We were having A LOT of sex at the beginning of our relationship. We were excited to be together finally and had been long distance for 2 years. We had sex 2-4 times a day though only saw each other 0-3 times a week because of our schedules. So when we did see each other, there was sex all the time.
2 years later we decided to move in together and our sex life was healthy. We were having sex 2-3 times a week and maybe on special occasions twice a day ;) lol. I feel like we established a healthy regime for our sex life that allows us to be intimate and spend quality time together but also not interfere with our day to day chores.
We have now lived together for 5 years, and just moved to a new apartment. Since moving, his sex drive has shot up. Every morning, he asks me for sex and when I say no he still gropes me or tries to get me in the mood. Then I reply we have things to do and we don’t have time which results in him acting like a baby and complaining that it will be quick. OR I could just “help” him out with no sex involved. Then later he asks again if I want to have sex or do any favors for him, I say no. He then again throws a fit. Starts saying “I’m not attracted to him anymore” etc. In the evening, he will ask for sex and if I say No he gets very upset. He will ask me for sex or favors despite feeling sick or busy, which leads me to think he just wants to have sex with me and nothing else because if I’ve expressed “I have a headache” why would I want to give you a blow job right now while my head is throbbing (is my perception of what that means). He has an addictive personality so I thought maybe this could mean he has become addicted to sex.
Is this amount of sex normal? Am I just being a prude? Being harassed for sex all day everyday has affected me mentally. (I’m a sexual assault victim)
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  • it really depends on each individual

  • So, you were giving it to him whenever he wanted... until you got him committed to the relationship and moved in together... and now you hold out on him. And you pull the victim card for sympathy, when you were giving it up multiple times a day in the beginning.

    Sounds about right. Relationships are only give-and-take until the woman has leverage. As soon as breaking up becomes inconvenient or impossible (moved in together, married, baby on the way), she starts pulling back on the giving part and shames the man for wanting anything from her.

  • you're being a prude

  • It sounds like you just lost attraction to him. And no wonder, he sounds like a massive beta male. Who asks for sex? You initiate non-verbally unless you want to turn sex into a chore.

    If you where attracted to him, you would want sex with him every day at least. Don't try to claim otherwise.

    Bottom line, your having less sex than you used to, and he doesn't like that.

    • It's completely normal to want sex every day.

  • normal for me is at least once a day

    • Would you do once a day at least? Lol

    • @HighSexDrive9191 what?

    • Anyway, nm lol

  • Guys sometimes have a spike in their sec drive just like girls do
    You do need to have a convo with him since you don't like his behaviour

    • I never interpreted it this way. It has been strange and out of the blue that he is always and constantly in the mood. He’s always saying “I’ve ruined him” because at some point, I’ve caused him to be hyper sexually attracted to me. Which is why he always wants sex.

    • That must be tough I'm sorry to hear that I'm not sure what else to tell you other than having a convo with him

    • You’re right. Thank you for your time to reply. I will definitely have to sit down with myself and my boyfriend to discuss some boundaries.

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  • Sounds like he has a super high sex drive guys go through cycles of that

    • Thank you, since posting I’ve learned this about men that I didn’t know before. Definitely helps me see his actions and motives in a different light.

    • I know It's not okay that he doesn't respect your wishes tho

    • Of course. I will have to make some time and figure out exactly what I want. Thanks for your insight :)