Do you believe that smacking a stranger's butt (without their consent) is sexual assault?

One of my family members said that a random stranger smacked her in the ass. I said that's sexual assault, and people in my family laughed at the idea that it's sexual assault.

I think it's sexual assault because it's violating someone by touching someone's private parts without their consent.
Do you believe that smacking a strangers butt (without their consent) is sexual assault?
That's sexual assault
Vote A
Not sexual assault, but sexual harassment
Vote B
Neither sexual harassment nor sexual assault, but still criminal
Vote C
Not criminal, but immoral
Vote D
Neither criminal nor immoral
Vote E
No opinion
Vote F
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Girl Guy
+1 y
"What is sexual assault?
The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include[...]
****Fondling or unwanted sexual touching****"
There's no way you can tell me that a guy smacking a random female stranger's ass isn't doing it for sexual gratification
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39 102
  • Whether you refer to it as a sexual assault or sexual harrasment, it's still a violation and wrong. It's not your body to touch. Unless the stranger gives you consent, don't do it.

  • yes it is.
    Carry a knife under your shirt so you can get your revenge on their privates...

    I met a guy who got some jail time for doing that too much and probably more.

    p. s. I've been ASSaulted that way and it is bad. Odd how the words fit. no joke...

    • i am so sorry! but thank you!

  • I don't know what to say honestly. I've never done that shit myself but plenty of females have grabbed my dick, squeezed my ass, kiss me without even provocation (like just waiting for my wife outside a bathroom), and have even tried to start making love with me in front of my wife... and I never even talked to her before.

    It pisses my wife off but I tell her if I was fat and ugly... it wouldn't happen. I think people just don't control themselves sometimes.

    • Omg. If i was your wife, I would beat these bitches up

    • She wanted to... holy fuck did she. I'm loyal af and she knows it, but the problem is I'm just so fucking hawt... and she knows that too. Men and women need to learn to just keep their hands to themselves. I have no idea how to teach that, but I still think it'd be best.

    • All of that is indeed sexual assault

    • Show All
  • Can't say it's a crime, but it is wholly inappropriate. I'll say this: if your home state treats it as a crime, and you don't bother to take that into account first, you get what you get, and it's on you.

    Still, burden of proof needs to be on the accuser to show that it wasn't an accident or something.

    But to elevate it to the level of, say, forced vaginal penetration with a knife or gun to the head as a threat? No. Not equivalent. Preposterous to equate the two.

    • That last one is called rape. I didn't say this is rape

  • First of all it was wrong on any level, I just have some trepidation about the terms. To label everything sexual assault probably diminishes some crimes a bit. There needs to be a clear ranking for victims and punishment. In this case we have a smack/pat on the bottom in same area as rape. It is serious sexual harrassment bordering on a form of assault if it led to groping or touching up. I would have clearer terms to categorise the crimes but if I heard the story I would say serious sexual harrassment. Immoral and criminal, a caution , once more you will be charged and put on Sex Offenders list as a pervert and a pest.

  • This is just the definition, yes

    • And I sincerely hope anyone who didn't voted A somehow didn't read the "without consent" because that is just the definition really

  • Not a cop, or an attorney, but common sense says yes for me.

  • I would have fu... smacked him in his ugly face!!

  • assualt = physical pain being hit leaveing damage or seen by camar or witness of thing
    sexual means genital parts. or kissing is assult
    harrasment = harassing and that could be for example trolling people in video games. which could be name calling or stuff constintly and repeatably more then 3 times and persuing not of stalker nature. and makeing sexual remarks and persueing constintly is harassment. kiss slap or tap on butt or crotch grab or kiss is physical conduct which means assult based. but assult means to be threatining or in dangering person. thus if you tap a person on the butt or kiss them then thats not assult, it is assult if your repeat your self agin with butt taping or grabeing once they said no the first time. . to fair. sexual stuff needs to be very forgiveing, if not you end up with feminst nazi woke culture. if a woman walk up to me and wanted give me bj at work i be down , or if a woman grabed me. but i would graber her back. ... the world has become a toxic enverement that dose not allow sexual things to happen even tho wee all seek it thus being 100% hypocrits

    • by the way sorry if its hard to read. due to permenant shock and trama from being MGM and being put on riddlen i can not formulate proper grammer

    • @Zealashton Are you a lawyer? I watched a guy get convicted of assault for lightly pushing another man in the chest with his finger. And yes, the annus is considered to be a sexual organ under the law. This act as described is clearly sexual assault as defined under the law and you will be convicted if brought up on charges because liberal judges # 1 hate men, and if you are white, you are probably gonna do some time.

  • That's, by definition, sexual assault.

  • Yeah, it is.

  • It's assault, but not necissarily sexual.

  • For sure it is a sexual assault

    • Is your ass big

    • I think it is none of your business

  • Harassment is usaly done with words right? So it would be srxual assualt.

  • It is indeed and dude would have gotten a fist to his face if that was me 🤷‍♀️😂

  • yes that total volition all day and quick way for other charges to occur.

    like i would bitch slap and than bring attention to why i felt they needed to defend my space.

    If i can't get them on sexual assault i get their asses on something else.


  • I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know if it would be classified as "harassment" or "assault", but regardless, there should certainly be fairly serious legal consequences for it.

  • It is absolutely a form of sexual assault. It isn’t the 80s anymore. Any time it has ever happened to me by a stranger it has been responded to with a slap on the face.

    • How did they react after being slapped?

    • I received an apology after it once and the other time the guy hurled abuse at me.

  • Yes I'd say that's sexual assault but nothing major. Not like being raped or repeatedly groped or harassed.

  • It’s definitely sexual assault. And if any guy did that to my daughter or wife he’d mysteriously come up missing.

    • thank you very much!

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