Do you ever have a glow up after your days in high school?

I was teased by some boys not most boys because I had a high forehead, and I didn’t wear contact lenses. I was so insecure, but then as I grow up into an adult I developed full breasts and a bigger butt. I stopped shaving because I feel that I’m not doing it for myself, I’m doing it to impress random people. I’m confident I can attract a worthy guy who doesn’t give a shit whether I don’t shave, pluck my brows or wear contact lenses. I can wear tight t shirts to flaunt my breasts, butt and when I see those losers who used to make fun of me I can say. <it’s not towards all men but it’s meant to insult those losers who made fun of me for not being attractive enough> I wonder how sad they will feel if I have a loving boyfriend but they will be cursed to be single for life ahaha! If I sound like a mean girl please tell me don’t keep it to yourself.

How pathetic you wished to date me because I have boobs and a butt too bad your penis is short as fuck good luck you will never get a girlfriend. Bye

I don’t but I wish to have
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If my attempt at insulting those losers make me just as bad as them please tell me so, I apologise if I offend anyone.
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Superb Opinion

  • You stopped shaving because you realized you were doing it to impress or please other people. Now you "flaunt" your big boobs (there are many guys who actually prefer smaller boobs) and big butt (many guys prefer smaller butt) so you are obviously doing that to impress or please other people.

    The feeling I get out of your post is that you are still angry that guys did not give you attention in high school. I dont think anyone can control what attracts them in the opposite sex and if a guy isn't attracted, would you be happier for him to pretend to be attracted when he is not?

    It seems that you are still desperate for attention, but you also want to vent your accumulated anger (which I understand). But people who need to vent their storehouse of collected anger and hostility are not attractive partners regardless of the size of their boobs or butt.

    • I think I’m making of my glow up so I can use it to taunt and laugh at those guys who were jerks to me, I was thinking of insulting their dick sizes too to bring them down. I realised what I wanted to do was to get revenge on those guys so I can feel better while they be miserable it’s like I’m no better than them when I’m planning to do that.

    • *making use

    • So it's okay to fantasize about doing that stuff - that's one of the purposes of being able to fantasize. But obviously you understand that actually doing that stuff just brings you down to their level.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • I always thought only retards make fun of girls, and likely they do have micro-softs because they didn't act like real men, they probably didn't have the hormones that make peepees grow during puberty.
    You are not being too harsh on them by saying this. However unforgivingness may make you chronically stressed and ruin your life as well.
    I believe you can attract a good guy without shaving or plucking, I'd actually love to meet a natural unshaven girl. The idea is sexy to me and the hairs probably store pheromones, making me want to bury my nose into you...

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  • Okay... Good luck with all... THAT!

    Do you ever have a glow up after your days in high school?
  • They are loosers and your pasts is your past. It sounds like you have moved on... good for you.

  • You're giving them space in your head, just forget about them and live your life, they don't matter.

  • Just keep it to yourself. They don't matter and you should just move on.

    • I see but after thinking about it they’re not worth the time.

  • I sort of feel like that sometimes. I have been out of high school for over 30 years. I was a fat kid in high school but started working out in 9th grade and I have been a gym rat ever since. I see people I graduated with and most of them are fat and out of shape.

  • No, I was a wall flower.

  • It sounds like you have allowed these people to live rent free in your head for a while now? Do let what other say or do bother you, they do not define you, You Do... Letting others define you will only lead to insecurities and lack of confidence. Confidence when worn like a well fitted dress can be very sexy on a girl. Let you confidence and your actions speak for themselves and condemn those who speak bad of you...

  • It's unlikely that too many dudes are going to be going gaga over you and your hairy pits.

    • Well that may be true but there will be always be some men who don’t mind.

    • It’s fine if most guys don’t like it, since they don’t like it they’re not suitable for me. I would rather marry a guy who doesn’t care so much about how I look physically.

    • Even if the guy I’m dating doesn’t have a physical appearance that is appealing I will still marry him if he’s a good man and not someone who cares about looks as the most important thing.

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