Do you think its silly people deny this?

It's natural for underage teen girls to be attracted to much older men but people try to deny it when it happens everywhere.

It's just an attraction but for some reason people have a problem with it yet they accept boys being attracted to old woman.

0 1

Superb Opinion

  • It is silly, it's natural that girls are attracted to older men. Attraction is one thing, wanting to act on it is another. So while I'd get if they'd deny that they're attracted to a specific older guy, in order to just fantasise about it in peace. I don't get why so many deny it in general

Most Helpful Guy

  • Men and women both get sexually and emotionally attracted to older people for physical appearance sex appeal and intelligence and reliability it's not a bad thing and i don't judge anyone unless they are attracted by people who are their parents age which is weird

Most Helpful Girl

  • Not underage - as in under 18 - that's just gross

    • They are still attracted to thrm

    • As long as the men don't act on it it's fine

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 22
  • Respect VS Empathy; a tale as old as time- or at least as old as sexual dimorphism.

    Acting on it is, of course, another matter, but biology doesn't care about human laws and morals.

  • Because something come Natural to a fallen man/woman, who is willing to abort or blow-up Ukraine, does NOT make it okay to consider and do !!!

    • What are you talking about?

    • I am not saying its right, but it's how teenagers are

  • Nobody denies that guys find older women hot if they did Milf wouldn't have been a invented term nor mainstream porn category.

    • What does that have to do with this question?

    • Sorry I read it wrong thought you were saying people deny guys are into older girls. But you were saying girls are into older men is been denied. I have never seen that denied nor understand why it would be.

  • Each sex and age are attracted to the opposite:

    Young boys to older women

    Older men to young girls

    Young girls to older men

    Older women to young boys

    I think the older seek youth out of missing their own youth

    And youth look up to and admire the older

    • Good answer

  • Older guys are more trustworthy and stable. Younger guys are scavengers. Read their posts here. It's all about maneuvering themselves to hit the next vagina.

  • I've had at least 3 young girls attracted to me! One was 12, another was 7 and the other was 3! The 3 and 12 year old wanted to marry me!

    • @creepyguyasks Nope. The 3 years old was my new girlfriend's daughter and the 12 lived about a 15 hour drive from here and I don't drive. We only talked online for a few days. Mostly about The Beatles. Of the top of my head, I can't even recall who the 7 year old was. Anyway, the only people I ever had sex with were 18, 23 and 34, in that order.

  • There a video about this in sex ED in the 8th gr I saw it 3 time. Girls like more grown up men. I think they deny it cause she underage. people will deny that 11 have sex hormones but they do. It would be wrong if she act on it unless till she turns 18. I like it in the video when they testosterone it sound cool.

  • It happens but it' hasn't happened to me lol

  • I don't think it's wrong for a teen girl to have an attraction. People are hypocrites if they get mad about it.

  • it is not silly.

    • How whrn its denying facts?

    • it’s a socially dark thing, loving for being excited older men. so i don’t think it is silly. I see a teenage girl being a little intimidated at the prospect of liking or being attracted to a much older guy.

    • i date a much younger woman. i know when she’s feeling a certain way at times

    • Show All
  • I dont think it's wrong we were attracted to a teacher or friends parent, now nothing better happen between those to, the adult would be taking advantage of an under developed mind and body, that truly doesn't know there being taken advantage of

  • Those Silly SOBs

  • It's the underage, legally non-consensual aspects that cause problems and they aren't silly.

    • I am not talking about actions

    • You're focusing on the 'thinnest edge of the wedge' and its a very slippery slope.

    • No I don't

    • Show All
  • Double standards..

    • What do you mean

    • It's OK for one group to do something but not the other group. Instead of being equal. Or men are expected to be one way but women are expected to be another way.

    • So annoying

    • Show All
  • I understand the attraction, the idea of stability, experience, smooth talking ideals, but usually all shadow just to get what they wAnt that’s why they call them manipulaters and predators

  • People can't handle things that make them uncomfortable. I have had younger ladies flirt with me. Not as much lately but when I was younger than this. I was shocked a few times by it.

  • I don't see the problem with the age differences, but rather that someone is under age at the time of a potential relationship.

    • I am talking about attraction

    • Well attraction is also normal. But there needs to be an understanding that it should not be acted on.

  • It's definitely a thing, but the correct response is to be friendly but set a clear boundary about what's appropriate and what isn't.

    A little light flirting is the furthest it should go, because they're looking for a safe space to learn how to talk to men.

    It's an opportunity to be a good influence, but if you can't control yourself then just exit the situation.

    We're not animals, so act like you have some decency.

  • Very true

    Especially teens, the issue is when they are less than 18, it illegal.

    I always try not to do anything with them. But they can Lie about their😅 by the way it is very hot.

  • Most women I have talked to lost there virginity before 18 to someone over 20. So it isn't just attraction.

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