For the fellas: How many of y'all have measured your penis? Do all guys know their size? Is this myth or fact?

It seems that guys are always asking about penis size questions. And they'll give you all the details about their dick. How long, the girth, circumference, number of balls, etc.
One of my guy friends also said that it's "standard" for a guy to know his dick size.

So, how many of y'all have?
You don't need to lie/comment the actual size. But have you?

If so, where do you measure it from?
Do you measure it flaccid or erect? Or both?
Do you measure it often? Yearly? Weekly? Monthly?
Do you guys compare measurements?
Yes. I measure my penis.
Vote A
No, I have never measured my penis.
Vote B
I'm a girl/see results.
Vote C
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Girl Guy
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Most Helpful Guys

  • The last time i measured my penis was a few months ago. It was slightly over 7 in long (7.3 in i believe). I've been told that the average penis size is about 5 in. So I'm not really proud of it, nor am i insecure. Its just meh i guess. But as for the girth, i actually don't know, but the girth doesn't vary by much between men. All men have close to the same girth, so i imagine that mine isn't far from average in girth. My balls i have never really thought to measure, but there doesn't seem to be a point anyway. And to answer the questions:

    1. Most guys measure both, but i only know my erect penis size and don't care about my flaccid penis size because i am a 'grower'.
    2. I measure it every couple months (but only if it comes to mind).
    3. I have compared with only one of my friends because he randomly said "i bet my penis is bigger than yours" and i said "nu uh". Then i told him my exact penis size, and he didn't even fucking know his. So he came back the next day and i had him beat but just barely. He wasn't embassed though, because we were so close to the same size. Some people claim to have bigger penises than us (but there is no way to know if they are telling the truth), and some people don't know and don't care. But out of my friends who DO know their penis size, i also know.

  • Tbh I find it odd anyone hasn't.

    You can really only measure erect because there's no set flaccid length. Depends on temperature etc.

    I measured as a teen. Then a few years ago. Was surprised to find i was an inch bigger.

    • Really? I did not know that. I mean I know cold temperate can give temporary "shrinkage/shriveling" but I thought other than that, flaccid dicks are always the same. Huh. Are you happy with it? Are you gonna keep measuring?

    • Sure I'm pretty happy. I guess I should measure every couple years in case of change lol.

    • Seeing what you meant asking others when I measured as a teen it made me relaxed and the more recent made me pleased. So measuring has increased confidence for me.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I said A because I know my boyfriend has, I'm not sure how often but enough to know it's bigger sometimes than others. He also said it's hard to get the ruler to the base (idk why) to measure so I'm guessing he measured from base to tip

    • I was wondering why a female measured her penis lol It's cool. My exes did too.

    • " it's hard to get the ruler to the base" Most likely due to the curve

    • Curve? (Clearly I'm very inexperienced... we're waiting for marriage lol)

    • Show All
  • I selected that I've measured my penis even though I don't have a penis, I have a vulva... I tried to measure the distance between my clitoris and vagina because I heard that may be a source of my orgasm problems

    • Interesting. Can I ask how it'd help to know that info? Lol

    • Apparently if the distance between your clitoris and your vagina is longer than your thumb, it may contribute to orgasm issues.

    • Maybe during regular boring old intercourse but that's why oral/foreplay are the SHIT! Plus various positions can help stimulate the clitoris if it's not getting any sensation from penetration. And if all else fails, you can always "do it yourself " and stimulate your own clitoris during sex?

  • My bf said he has never measured his. I'm not sure I believe him.

    • Haha. My exes measured.

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  • Ok? (keeps scrolling down for other questions)

    • You got Xp :)

    • i wasn't really looking to score XP its just tjat your question really gave me a dafuq moment enough to post the previous comment although to respond to your question. I've only measured after one of my past GF kept obsesing over it everytime we talk about sex, bed or afrodisiacs.

  • No need to measure it. I know I have the means to please a woman. If she has any complaints then she can move on. I could have the smallest penis but I never seem to have problems so why even think about it?

    • That's a good mentality to have :)

    • Yep, the guys who measure or boast I can guarantee don't know how to use it, or how to please.. Or even how to be unselfish in bed. They don't realise that so little is about size.

  • I didn't measure him with a ruler or something. A girl however measured him with her hand. He was something like the width of her eight fingers. Then she brought an inch tape to measure it precisely. She was very curious lol.

    Am I satisfied? I think worrying about penis size is lame, 2 inches penis will work same as 8 inches for YOU. Indirectly, guys are insecure because they think they couldn't satisfy their girl but if you got 4.7+ inches penis with appropriate girth, all you need is to learn the 'art of motion'. If you are insecure, you'll surely underperform because you won't get proper errection. I'm happy with him and proud of it. I have full functioning penis, no girl criticised me, that's all.

    It also depends upon some factors like arousal, food and temperature.

    I know you're semi-trolling by stating that "Is this myth or fact?"
    Whatever, the thing is, we all (inc. girls) know our measurements.

  • Yes, mine is 36C. Ooops sorry. that is my wifes breast measuring tape. Now where did I put the fishermen's ruler?

  • I never actually grab a ruler and measure it. But the thought about how exactly long it is do come across my mind.

    • So you're contemplating the decision to measure it?

    • Nah. It more like : "I wonder how long it is hmmmmm whatever too lazy... It long enough.."