I'm fine with it and actually actively encourage them to do so. I'm perfectly confident about my sexual 'skillset' but everyone has different prefferences. They can take on so many forms. There are some universal things that pretty much everyone likes, but there's a whole lot more that differs from one person to the next and you can't expect people to magically know just what you're into.
I suppose some guys might take offense to it (although they probably wouldn't say it) but if he's confident and you tell him without it sounding harsh, it should be just fine. Why waste time doing things you don't enjoy, when you can just change things by communicating instead of finding out after days/weeks/months. Communication trumps all.0 1 0 0Everybody is different, and constructive communication makes for a better experience for both partners. Were it me instructing my partner, though, I'd make sure to give obvious positive feedback too when she's doing something I like.
Think of a teacher in a classroom... how would you have wanted them to respond when you were doing a math problem on the board completely wrong? What about when you were doing it right? Don't just require your partner be a good student, take it upon yourself to be a good instructor too.0 0 0 0
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(11)I voted E. I would much, much rather she wait until we're not in bed to tell me. AT that point, I"m very receptive.
0 0 0 0Any mature guys knows that women are different and it is best to follow her lead. A man knows that pleasing his woman is key to getting pleasured himself more than once.
0 0 0 0It depends what I was trying to do.
There are actually two of us in bed things can 'work' for. If she's being more passive/submissive then i'm managing both our needs.
In any case unless it's uncomfortable, i'd focus on just asking for what you want, rather then informing them what they're doing wasn't good. because it might be really good for them, and what's really good for you might not be for them. in which case you want to incorporate both.1 0 0 0Overall I wouldn't have any negative feelings. If u know your body well and what makes it "tick" then show me. :)
0 0 0 0id be glad, i want her to enjoy the pleasure as much as i am, i asked a similar question ages ago saying if a guy wasn't sure what to do to pleasure his girl would the girl teach him and help her to reach their sweet spots.
you know what half the girls said, "no a guy should find out, why should us girls tell him" or "thats what googles for, why should i waste my time"
so yeah that what i got from that0 0 0 0Were these females (answering) younger or older? I'm curious because I have a hypothesis about this kind of expectation.
mid 20's - early 30's if i find the quesion i will post you the link
www.girlsaskguys.com/.../q1333834-the-film-chasing-amy-your-thoughts-girls-on-this-particular-scene so this is the question i posted, ok maybe it wasn't the best way to have described it but it did get me thinking to post the question
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