Guys, rate your pull out game from 1 to 10?

10 being perfect and 1 being non-existent. Stories are welcome too! Girls can rate their man's pullout game.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I do it on time. Difficult sometimes when you are full of the moment. I get a single twitch before ejaculation starts and the spasm I get with it warns me a second or two before and out I go. I like to have something to press against while I ejaculate, so I land on and press against her thigh. Not as satisfying as a vagina gripping you like a hand, but the pressure improves the feeling of ejaculating.

    • I give it a 9.5 for when ejaculation starts fast without the twitch. Tense month.

  • 0/10, I never pull out.. Why would anyone actually pull out unless they're doing porn?

    • If the girl isn't on birth control lol

    • The pull out method isn't effective, that's something 12 year olds think. If you're not on birth control or using condoms then you shouldn't be having penatrative sex really

    • I never said I did lol some girls do believe it or not.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • There are people who trust that method? Jesus...

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 33
  • LOL 10 easy but I have some experience.

  • Never failed lol...
    Well once... surprise... opsy?

  • 8, but I sometimes pull out too early and not cum.

  • 10, because I know when I'm about to blow and can control it.

  • I would say 8 I've never failed at it but sometimes I pull out too early :/

    • Too early? Maybe thats good enough time for her to turn around

    • lol yeah but then like too early to the point that she needs to suck me to get my Cum xD

    • lol !