Have you ever pulled a "quick" on your finger?

Yep but not too long ago I was trying to cut something in half by hammering it and I was hitting too hard and fast that my hand went through the wood and ripped off a pretty decent chunk of skin that connects the finger to the nail smh
Many times it’s annoying and hurts like hell.
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What's Your Opinion? Sign Up Now!In my job (Audio/Video Integrator), I run a lot of cables, often in construction environments (new homes or remodels), mount TVs, and sometimes make or modify custom mounts and other things. I do a lot of work with both hand tools and power tools, and I crawl in attics and under houses. Of COURSE I've done that, among many other minor injuries, many times. LOL. It's rare that I don't have some fairly fresh cut, scrape, or bruise somewhere. That just comes with the territory.
You mean hang nail?
YES. And, it hurts like mad!
Is there a proper way to groom our nails so that we aren't tempted to pull on those annoying things?
I'm always doing that. Didn't know the name for it though. It's usually from fixing things around the house.
Yeah I have mild Dermatophagia (wolf bite) so I'm always making a mess of my fingers 😔
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