I'm jealous of vagina's?

Title sounds weird I know XD What I mean is do any other guys get a little jealous that a vagina has 8000 nerve endings and a penis only has 4000 nerve endings so we only experience half of what a girl experiences :/ Girls you're lucky
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14 19
  • And if you're circumcised, you only have half of that.

    • Males having 20,000 nerve endings on their foreskin was a false statement made that spread around and was proven false. The male foreskin has about 2-4000 nerve endings and it's sensory doesn't equate the same sensations that a clitoris receives

  • I think its natures gift for undergoing periods and pregnancy.

  • Yes we are :p

  • That's actually one fantasy I have that I'll obviously never experience... trading bodies with my girlfriend for a night or weekend so I can see how it feels to have the vagina during sex and have a female orgasm. I think it probably feels much more intense for them.

  • The foreskin has 20,000 nerves that you seemed to forget to mention. Both feel about the same but it's achieved in a different way. If somebody's circumcised then yes the women feels more.

    • Males having 20,000 nerve endings on their foreskin was a false statement made that spread around and was proven false. The male foreskin has about 2-4000 nerve endings and it's sensory doesn't equate the same sensations that a clitoris receives

  • Don't be. Guys orgasm more often than women in heterosexual relationships and most evidence suggests the orgasms themselves are very similar.

    • False. Even if a woman isn't mentally turned on, their physical sexual and biological abilities allows them to experience a much more longer and intense orgasms than a man can. Also, there are more men who have premature ejaculation. And that implies that a man ejaculates before he is even ready sexually. Meaning his body hasn't even fully and properly been aroused long enough to be experiencing a very intense orgasm. So he ejaculates in less than a minute or two and most of the time his orgasms are weak to nonexistent. And then you have many men who just simply ejaculates but are not orgasming at the same time. This happens because men have two components in their sexual reproductive system. Meaning a male uses his penis to ejaculate and urinate, and this lessons the effect of pleasure because it is a tool that has multiple uses whereas a female's clitoris is for the reason of pure intense pleasure. Females do not have to worry about ejaculating when she orgasms so most of the time when she orgasms it is pure orgasm and not interrupted by ejaculation or urination. And she will know that she has orgasmed while men when they ejaculate may sometimes have an orgasm that accompanies it or sometimes they don't.

  • Become a surgeon and a kidnapper, if you learn to tolerate pain maybe you can put extra vaginal nerves into your penis!

  • But you guys orgasm.
    Badam -- CHHHHH

    • Women's orgasms are far stronger.

    • @Anno_Domini if we ever get one...

    • @Anno_Domini Yes you're right as this is biological and scientifically proven to be true.