If I lost my bikini bottoms at the beach or at a waterpark, would I get arrested? Even if it's totally accidental?
I lost my bottoms at a public beach once (by a massive wave), and as this happened in front of a crowd, I was embarrassed and appalled. So I covered myself (one hand on my crotch the other on my buttocks) and sprinted back to my chair and wrapped a towel around my waist. Maybe I dodged a bullet that day? I may have been mocked, but I guess the authorities weren't present...
Would the same happen if I went on one of those Florider things? If my bottoms got ripped off my body completely, would I get detained by security?
And these are just regular string bikinis (that I tied as tightly as I could), nothing too small or revealing.
Accidental it may be, but isn't it still considered indecent exposure?
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