Guys, In your words, what is the difference between fake boobs and real boobs?

Guys, In your words, what is the difference between fake boobs and real boobs?

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What Guys Said

  • Personally, the before shot is infinitely better. fake boobs are easily spotted, leered over, then become amusing.
    Give me the real deal every-time.

  • fake = insecurity + vanity. Small and real is way better than big and fake.

  • I don't read it " before" and "after" result, I read it "non-fake" and "fake". The difference is more like, I can't really respect someone if I know they have implants in their bodys. Same with guys, some work out and get great gains and other insert silicone in their arms for them to look bigger. How can you ever compare the real thing to fake? Fake is just fake and will always be fake. If someone can't work out to look better if they wish or respect themselves for how they look and begin to insert silicone to get bigger breasts, butts, arms or even abs then how can I respect them? I'd much rather see a woman with her normal small breast than a woman with fake "sexy" breast. It disgusts me more than pleasures me to look at them.

  • 10,000$

  • Little more firm, lot more expensive
    I don't care either way, I just really love boobs

    • lol these are the two main things women ignore when getting implants. Natural is the way to go.

  • Real Boobs are just so much softer.

  • The difference is sometimes size, shape, cost, or even just the word fake (I can't stand that word in relation to breasts), but I like 'em all, real or enhanced

  • Her boobs are real, she just got real fat.

  • Beauty. i don't care about the size of a girls boobs. as long as they are real, i'm happy.

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